Who does their own Yarn Braids?


New Member
Hi, ladies I was wondering who does their own yarn braids and if you do could you please give me some tips on how to get started. I am really interested in doing my own yarn braids. I have already bought the 100%acrylic yarn I just need to get started. So, if you could give me some pointers or pictures would be even better I would really appreciate it. TIA
I have done yarn twists on my hair.
Do you know how to braid your hair with extension hair? If so, you just do the same with the yarn. 100% acrylic yarn is the best to get. It is not as drying on the hair.
i love yarn braids! they are my favorite protective style. i also love the matte finish they have. the brand i use is red heart, black, 16 oz. giant roll. but honestly, it's whatever i can find at the department store on sale ...

i unravel the whole spool of yarn (usually wrapping it around the back hump of my couch.:lachen:) i then cut either end of the unraveled spool. this leaves me with yarn strands that are @ 66 in. in length. i then halve those strands and then cut again. this leaves me with strands that are @ 33 in. in length. these strands i then braid into my hair, two strands at a time -- the same process as synthetic hair. i end up with shoulder length layered braids that are @ 12-15 inches throughout. (this process yields enough yarn strands for 3-4 sets of braids) the braids last me about two months.

with yarn braids you'll find that they don't kink up like synthetic. if anything they look better, more like locs, as they age. i redo them about every 2 months because by then my newgrowth is out of control , and the braids are sitting on top of my head -- not hanging right:look: ... but self-braiding allows me to save money & to retain every inch that grows from my head. :grin::grin::grin:. I have pics in my hair journal:



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Hi, ladies I was wondering who does their own yarn braids and if you do could you please give me some tips on how to get started. I am really interested in doing my own yarn braids. I have already bought the 100%acrylic yarn I just need to get started. So, if you could give me some pointers or pictures would be even better I would really appreciate it. TIA

I think that Mkstar826 do her own yarn braids
tkj25, your yarn braids are super fierce. The problem I have is getting a tight hold with my roots and the yarn. Do you use three strands of yarn and then include your own hair in the middle strand? or do you divide the yarn in two sections and use your hair as the third piece? Thanks for all the replies, thought my thread might have gone unnoticed. thanks a lot again for all the help.
I am wearing yarn braids right now. I cut about 30 inches of yarn twice then folded it evenly, that makes two pieces on each side, then I braided that too my hair. I like the look alot and I make it a long length. I planning to keep them in for as while