Who does ALL haircare themself?


Well-Known Member
Do you relax, trim, style your own hair? If so how easy is the trimming and relaxing and what are the benefits of this?
I relax and color myself. I was slightly terrified last year when I started self relaxing, but after paying a stylist to "bald" me I knew I could do a whole lot better.

It gets easier the more you do it. Plus, you get to sit around in your underwear and save money:grin: :grin: :grin:
I do everything myself now. I did have a professional trim in july(resulted in 2 1/2 inches off) but usually I trim my own. ITs still trial and error of the relaxer because I still dont knw the texture I want to end up with but I wont let anyone else do it. I think trimming myself keeps me with some hair.lol I been using no heat so Ive been wearing buns and braidouts and I enjoy setting my hair for overnight. I do like to go to about once a month for a sleek flatiron,or rollerset and roots flatironed for a treat but I havent done this all summer.....but if I didnt make an appointment I could do it myself and look good. Do you self relax?
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I do, I find it really easy. Since I have always liked to wear my hair up, I don't have a lot of split end problems. I have some breakage on my bangs which I have grown out to below chin. I trim them a little at a time. I texturize my hair because the top is a different texture than the rest.

Many bad hairdresser experiences have made me decide never to go to them again. They over relax my hair, it is so soft that when they do it, it all breaks off. In 2003 I cut 7" off due to a hairdresser ruining it because "she was the professional, and knew better than me, that my hair DID need a relaxer." NEVER again.

I enjoy doing my home treatments and henna. It has a very relaxing, self pampering kind of feeling. I get a glass of wine, put on my jazz, and just get into me for a change.

I have definately seen an improvement to the condition of my hair. And I am growing it out without being hassled by hairdressers who want to try out new styles on me.

I do everything myself. I'm very comfortable with self-relaxing now. Trimming on the other hand---very new to me.

I called myself dusting the other day and got scissor happy! I trimmed about half an inch, but my hair really looks good now, so I guess it was for the best.:lol:

I will never go to a salon again if I can help it. I just don't trust anyone to do my hair now.

I think the benefits are saving money, knowing exactly how you want your hair and exactly what look/style you're going for, being more gentle with your hair than anyone else could ever be, and not being on anyone else's timetable. I love being able to do my hair at my leisure (and like tenderheaded said...in my underwear.:D )
I trim/cut my own hair and henna it myself too. I like being in control of how much I cut and I do a WAY better job of cutting than I ever got at a salon. I don't think that stylists are trained to deal with anything but straight/wavy hair, so when you come in with something else, they proceed to cut it as if it were straight... My hair is curlier in some areas than others, so I need a cut that takes that into consideration, or else I end up with uneven looking hair and a "tail" hanging down in the back where my hair is less curly. I've saved so much money (and frustration) doing this too (plus I get to sit around not only in my underwear, but naked!) hehe
KittenLongPaw said:
I trim/cut my own hair and henna it myself too. I like being in control of how much I cut and I do a WAY better job of cutting than I ever got at a salon. I don't think that stylists are trained to deal with anything but straight/wavy hair, so when you come in with something else, they proceed to cut it as if it were straight... My hair is curlier in some areas than others, so I need a cut that takes that into consideration, or else I end up with uneven looking hair and a "tail" hanging down in the back where my hair is less curly. I've saved so much money (and frustration) doing this too (plus I get to sit around not only in my underwear, but naked!) hehe

Your hair looks SO healthy! I love it!
I do it all myself.
Trimming with the ponytail method is super easy. I've been self relaxing for years and have it down to a science.
You'll save time, money, (length!!) and the aggravation salons bring.
I also do everything myself. Can't find anyone I trust in my area and besides, it all gets very expensive. I also like to experiment and that would break my pockets with as often as I color my hair :grin:
I'm a do-it-yourselfer. I occassionally have some else braid or rollerset my hair, but I'm never as happy with it as when I do it myself.
I do it all by myself, even when I was relaxed I did my own hair, I have never let anyone touch my hair except for one time I got it braided and I didn't like it. But I done my Own Big Chop and keep it nice healthy & growing.
I've been doing it all myself for the last 17 years. I've only gone to the hair dresser twice in that time. Once for a trim I was very happy with. I find I know my hair better than hairdressers do so there's no reason for me to go to one.
Shaniquah said:
I also do everything myself. Can't find anyone I trust in my area and besides, it all gets very expensive. I also like to experiment and that would break my pockets with as often as I color my hair :grin:

Girl, I was just about to tell the ladies about how you have such a wonderful head of healthy and long hair and how you do EVERYTHING yourself!
Wow, You ladies have some extremely beautiful hair. It is amazing to see such beautiful hair that is done at home and not by some Professional.

I'm getting ready to do my own grass. I'm afraid... don't see why though. I use to do my hair all of the time in college. But since it's been damaged three to four years ago it's grown back finer..... :( so i'm a lil nervous.
lonei said:
Do you relax, trim, style your own hair? If so how easy is the trimming and relaxing and what are the benefits of this?
Welllllllllllll....I'm not relaxed but I do all of the above things myself. Trimming is a breeeeze! The benefits: mad money in my pockets and the peace of mind that my hair will be taken care of w/o worring if the stylist had a bad day or if she/de is gonna rip my hair out ect...
I've been self caring for my hair for nearly 20 yrs.
When I was relaxed, I did my own touchups, trims, etc.

Now that I'm natural, I still do everything myself. I refuse to let anyone trim my hair. I have to be in total control of that!

Caring for my hair was always a breeze... I never had any difficulty.

Benefit? The greatest benefit is not having to depend on anyone else for the care & health of my hair.
I do it all myself; trim, color, shampoo, deep condition, press.
I'm the only one who truely cares about my hair, so everything that will be done is in my hairs best interest.
Plus, I can do it just as well, and in most cases better than the "pros".
And it's cheaper.
ME! I do everything myself..relaxer (since I was 14), color w/Bigen, stingy trims & styling..I just don't trust beauticians anymore..and also it's more cost effective, I wash my hair too much to go to a beautician each time.
I have a co-worker who's been going to the same beautician for at least a year..her goal is to grow her hair out but her hair is shorter than it was a year ago..the place she goes to only blow-dries, they never ever consider wrapping or setting..while my hair is flourishing & grown longer than hers (it used to be shorter)
I do it all myself, too. My hair is a lot better off when I am the one taking care of it. I don't have to worry about scissor happy stylists or stylists who don't know how to deal with curly hair. I don't have to wait in a salon or leave angry because my hair is not how I want it. Plus, I am the most experienced and qualified person to do the job. I've been working with my hair for years and years. :)
caribeandiva said:
i do everything myself except for the trimming. i'm too afraid to let anybody but a professional handle that.

Me too, I refuse to let a stylist touch my hair. I let my old schoolmate from Gary, IN trim my ends because I trust her
I used to do it all, until one day, while relaxing I overprocessed my hair and it broke off. Since then I do everything except trim and relax. Just recently, I've switched over to lye relaxers so now I'm even more squeamish about relaxing my own hair. I live in AZ and its sooo hard to find black stylist, let alone- quality haircare. Besides, a sista could always use that extra cash spent on salon services and all that.

I know this maybe a bit off topic but do you have any advice, suggestions or links to online resources for us ladies who are a lil uncomfortable with relaxing their own hair, but want to?

Much Appreciated...