“Whites Only” Sign Bans Natural Hair from Pool

^^^THIS is excactly what I have to explain to my husband sometimes when he questions why my son is having trouble finding a job and why I used to have trouble finding an apartment (and we live in so. cal). It didn't matter what kind of education or money I had, all they saw was a black face coming and "no sorry" would be on their lips before I could ask my question. People really have to understand that racism is so insidious today that often both sides are oblivious and so only when these blatant stories hit the fan, do people face up to the truth.
Yall know what sickens me the most, it's the fact that we, as people of color, cannot travel across the US especially, without coming across some form of racism. Whites can travel anywhere, and be welcomed with open arms. No matter what. Blacks on the other hand, not as much. If I were to travel alone to a desolate part of mississippi, south dakota, or rhode island, do you think they would find me suspicious? Absolutely! But what if a white girl visited these same places? Would they think anything of it? Would they be trying to call the cops or figure out her story? Probably not. We have NEVER had the problem, racism exists only through their eyes!

However, when mention racism..people want to mention Obama and it's 2012. I personally don't give a hot damn what year it is! The only reason why we aren't still called straight up "******","boy" and "girl", is because of the fear of getting sued for discrimination. I deal with Caucasians everyday..and I can pick up a racist for a mile away. It is in their eyes.
What I can't understand is, what did we do to them? Did we lynch them, whip them, put dogs on them..I can go on. Oh no..we just decided we wouldn't take it anymore. If they hate us so much they shouldn't brought my people over here. I guess since their plan to have us as slaves didn't work out, they can't take it. sorry for the rant..carry on.
I'm from Detroit.....racism is throughout the ENTIRE country as far as I'm concerned. North, south, midwest, east and west. Not quite sure why people would be surprised about Michigan or Ohio. I've YET to visit a city/state where I did not experience or witness some form of racism/prejudices.

The story only shocks me because of her dumb justification. It doesn't even make sense.

I agree with the bolded. I live in Ohio and never had any obvious racism toward myself, but I don't doubt it could occur here. Hell the country's attitude toward Obama is more than obvious to me that racism is still alive and well. Don't tell me it's isolated to a few states.

No doubt, as was previously mentioned, racism is all over this country, no state is immune to it; however, the Midwest does not have the abundance of educated, upwardly mobile, powerful African Americans like the DC metro area has. Not only is there strength in numbers, but it's a lot more difficult to get away with the blatant racism in Ohio in DC.

You have more black police officers, firefighters and African Americans in general represented broadly across DC, MD and northern VA.

When I go home to visit my family, I can walk into a number of resurants in Cincinnati, and we are the only black people in the entire resturant. And white people stare... I grew up in that environment and didn't realize how closed the Midwest in particular is for African Americans until I moved to the East Coast.

I agree, racism is everywhere, in and out of this country, but comparing DC and Cincinnati with regards to racism is like apples and rocks. Forget the oranges.

No doubt, as was previously mentioned, racism is all over this country, no state is immune to it; however, the Midwest does not have the abundance of educated, upwardly mobile, powerful African Americans like the DC metro area has. Not only is there strength in numbers, but it's a lot more difficult to get away with the blatant racism in Ohio in DC.

You have more black police officers, firefighters and African Americans in general represented broadly across DC, MD and northern VA.

When I go home to visit my family, I can walk into a number of resurants in Cincinnati, and we are the only black people in the entire resturant. And white people stare... I grew up in that environment and didn't realize how closed the Midwest in particular is for African Americans until I moved to the East Coast.

I agree, racism is everywhere, in and out of this country, but comparing DC and Cincinnati with regards to racism is like apples and rocks. Forget the oranges.

My point in mentioning my experience in DC was to point out that racism can happen ANYWHERE (such as city as culturally diverse as DC), not just Ohio, or any other state. You can go anywhere in the country and experience racism and it does not mean that the entire state (or district in this case) is racist. Southern Ohio is known to have a lot of rednecks and more racism than any other part of the state,yes, coincidently enough it's near Kentucky which is considered the south. Is Cincinnati (southern Ohio) racist? Possibly.Would I call the entire state of Ohio racist because of Cincinnati? No. I hear white people around the Detroit area complain all the time about how they would never step foot in the city, and they live RIGHT outside of it. Why? My guess would be due to the high population of blacks, not to mention how they left the city in record numbers to begin with. I'm not going to say I love (or like it for that matter) Ohio, I will call Ohio many things in fact but i really do not think Ohio is any more racist than Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Idaho, Utah, Washington, Georgia, Florida...you get me drift. And Ohio actually is a swing state I'm not making this up (not directed at you) but Ohio has slightly more dems than repubs, this can be found online. I'm wiping my hands clean of this thread because I actually don't care for Ohio either and I have studying to do :grin:.
I don't think anyone is saying only specific states are racist, but as far as I'm concerned Ohio is at the top of the list for being a blatantly racist area.
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I'm glad it was a white man who had is daughter discriminated against in this instance, because it will be interesting to see how the racial dynamics play out in media handling. People tend to trust the perceptions of white men above anyone elses...

I'm surprised at the bolded statement, you rarely hear white people acknowledge themselves as part of a group in the context of negative behavior.

I've actually heard it more than once. - mostly from men actually. But most of these guys were the ultra liberal, sometimes hippie, sometimes straight laced, grew up privileged, but realized the-world-is-a-nasty-place-full-of-racism-and-hatred, "guilty" type. The kind of people who's eyes were opened when you had to do the social privilege or the white privileged test in a class and all the white men were on the positive (+) side of the line and the black women was on the negative (-) side. Doesn't hurt they also have mad crushes on Black women.

Yall know what sickens me the most, it's the fact that we, as people of color, cannot travel across the US especially, without coming across some form of racism. Whites can travel anywhere, and be welcomed with open arms. No matter what. Blacks on the other hand, not as much. If I were to travel alone to a desolate part of mississippi, south dakota, or rhode island, do you think they would find me suspicious? Absolutely! But what if a white girl visited these same places? Would they think anything of it? Would they be trying to call the cops or figure out her story? Probably not. We have NEVER had the problem, racism exists only through their eyes!

It doesn't even have to be a southern state, it happens everywhere. Ill never forget a time when family friend moved to Castro Valley, CA (just a few miles from Oakland) and had a rock thrown through their window with a KKK flyer wrapped around it.

I was talking two three friends last night, 2 white 1 biracial (but can "pass") and they were shocked when I told them I've been called the "N" word more than the "B" word in my life, and I mean shocked with shame mouths opened and red as a beet.
I'm surprised at the bolded statement, you rarely hear white people acknowledge themselves as part of a group in the context of negative behavior.

You haven't been around the right people or on the right websites. I hear it all the time. Self-pitying whites just like self-pitying blacks. White people just sound a lot more ridiculous. If the majority can't get it together in a democratic government, that's their own fault.

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At least this white father knew exactly where his white landlord stood. She donned her hood and robe and took the hood off. None of the covert, passive crap for the landlord. She has white rights and that's it. Ok, much appreciated. I'd much rather know where you stand than guess where your feet are planted.
Don't let what Ms. Hein, the landlord, get to you. Racism (and most other isms) is rooted in fear and hatred. I've found that those who carry such emotions in their hearts are usually miserable people, despite their facade of superiority. If anything, I feel sad for such people and pray for them.
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