“Whites Only” Sign Bans Natural Hair from Pool


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. Article Courtesy of CNN

CNN — The Ohio Civil Rights Commission in Columbus will revisit next month a case it has already determined probably represents unlawful interference with housing rights on the basis of race.
The case was brought by Michael Gunn, a white man who had unrestricted access to the pool area for himself and his guests during the nearly two years he lived in a duplex in Cincinnati, he told CNN in a telephone interview.

Gunn said he and his girlfriend, who is also white, lived upstairs; their 31-year-old landlord lived downstairs. “It’s a very nice neighborhood, racially mixed,” said Gunn, a software engineer.

But it turned not-so-nice last Memorial Day, when he invited his 10-year-old biracial daughter to visit and swim in the pool, he said.
“Complainant states that the owner, Jamie Hein, accused his daughter of making the pool ‘cloudy’ because she used chemicals in her hair,” the commission said in its summary. “Days later, the owner posted a sign on the gate to the pool which read, ‘Public Swimming Pool, White Only.’”
Hein, who did not respond to a call from CNN, told the commission that she had received the sign from a friend and posted it in early May, the summary says. Several people interviewed by the commission staff confirmed that they had seen the sign, it added.
Gunn said he was “outraged” and made arrangements to find another place to live as soon as he could.

“We were extremely upset and moved out on June 21, 2011, in order to not expose my daughter to the sign and the humiliation of the message,” Gunn wrote in his complaint.
He said he never confronted Hein about the matter, but has no doubt that the sign was intended for his daughter. “She’s the only black person that I’ve ever known to swim in the pool,” he said.
Gunn said he sought to keep his daughter from finding out about it. “As white people, it’s kind of embarrassing,” he said.

But his ex-wife told their daughter, who became “quite upset,” said Gunn, who added that they live in a “nicer, more diverse” neighborhood now. “She can use the pool any time she wants, and there’s plenty of black kids that swim in the pool with her, too, and they’re not clouding it up.”
The commission’s initial investigation concluded that the posting of the sign “restricts the social contact between Caucasians and African Americans as well as reinforcing discrimination actions that are aimed at oppressing all ‘people of color.’”

But Hein has asked the commissioners to reconsider their original finding. The case, which was to have been heard Friday, was rescheduled for January 12 after Hein’s lawyer failed to show up, Gunn said.
“The one thing I hope to get out of this is that it wakes people up to realize that there are still people out there that feel this way,” Gunn said.
I'm glad it was a white man who had is daughter discriminated against in this instance, because it will be interesting to see how the racial dynamics play out in media handling. People tend to trust the perceptions of white men above anyone elses...

“We were extremely upset and moved out on June 21, 2011, in order to not expose my daughter to the sign and the humiliation of the message,” Gunn wrote in his complaint.
He said he never confronted Hein about the matter, but has no doubt that the sign was intended for his daughter. “She’s the only black person that I’ve ever known to swim in the pool,” he said.
Gunn said he sought to keep his daughter from finding out about it. “As white people, it’s kind of embarrassing,” he said.

I'm surprised at the bolded statement, you rarely hear white people acknowledge themselves as part of a group in the context of negative behavior.
Good that the woman is being prosecuted. Its apparent that she's pretty ignorant and not in the position be a landlord.

If I was him tho I would have personally had a word with her. That sign would have been stuck up her ***.
I tried to tell people there aint nothin in Ohio but snow and racism, smh. Very ashamed to be an Ohioan right about now...
So white people don't use products in their hair, on their skin, sunscreen even?

She also said:

“I’m not a bad person,” said Jamie Hein of Cincinnati. “I don’t have any problem with race at all. It’s a historical sign.”

The sign in question reads, “Public Swimming Pool, White Only.” It is dated 1931 and from Alabama.

“I’ve never said anything to that child,” Hein said. “If I have to stick up for my white rights, I have to stick up for my white rights. It goes both ways.”

Good that the woman is being prosecuted. Its apparent that she's pretty ignorant and not in the position be a landlord.

If I was him tho I would have personally had a word with her. That sign would have been stuck up her ***.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: I screamed Laughing!!!!
what a dummy, pools get cleaned daily so what difference does it make that people get in with stuff in their hair? this is so disrespectful and embarassing! i agree that since this girl had a white parent that spoke out is why its getting media coverage and will be resolved.
I Read This Article In Off Topic. I Did Not Know Ohio Is Races Like This.:perplexed

Ohio is a very racist state. Living here in Michigan, I have seen racism at its finest. People assume that because we are the midwest and Detroit is full of blacks, that racism doen't exist. That is completely opposite of the truth. Driving through Ohio is a black Michigander's worst nightmare because we know that Ohio racially profiles drivers due to high drug trafficking. Ohio is also a very conservative/red state and has very republican and conservative views. It is really sad that racism is still very rampant in today's society, but the belly of the beast is due to pure jealousy. They want to be us so bad; and they will do anything to try to tear down our self esteem to make themselve look better.
I tried to tell people there aint nothin in Ohio but snow and racism, smh. Very ashamed to be an Ohioan right about now...

Me too! I don't know how many times I was called a Nig-*** there

Growing up there, I had some pretty cruel things done and said to me by white children AND adults
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I tried to tell people there aint nothin in Ohio but snow and racism, smh. Very ashamed to be an Ohioan right about now...

My DH is from Ohio and White He warned me his family wouldn't be happy about my chocolate! It took 4 years and a major event but they got over it.

I was in Ohio for Thanksgiving and I went out and did a little shopping with his sister and her son. I noticed in every store we went in people assumed I was not with them even though we were walking and talking together in every store.

I don't why people think that just because it's 2012 racism just went poof. It will always be with us. SMH
So white people don't use products in their hair, on their skin, sunscreen even?

She also said:

“I’m not a bad person,” said Jamie Hein of Cincinnati. “I don’t have any problem with race at all. It’s a historical sign.”

The sign in question reads, “Public Swimming Pool, White Only.” It is dated 1931 and from Alabama.

“I’ve never said anything to that child,” Hein said. “If I have to stick up for my white rights, I have to stick up for my white rights. It goes both ways.”


She needs to GOOHWTFB. Historical sign my a**!!! That's her best agrument? And her lawyer didn't even show up. He probably doesn't want to defend that bs.
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W O W at the story and for those experiences you ladies have faced.
this is one of the many reasons Im happy to live in the Jamaica, (though we have our own ---isms)
I never experienced any racism in Ohio and I lived there for 22 years (Columbus and Toledo). There are racist people everywhere. As a whole, I don't think Ohio is anymore racist than any other state. Being a swing state did we not vote for Obama? Now my experiences in Georgia and Florida have been completely different, can't believe people still hang confederate flags, wtf!?

Living in DC now was probably my first encounter with racism when I was looking for an apartment in an upscale neighborhood. But i'm still now going to call DC racist. Anyways...sad story.
Ohio is a very racist state. Living here in Michigan, I have seen racism at its finest. People assume that because we are the midwest and Detroit is full of blacks, that racism doen't exist. That is completely opposite of the truth. Driving through Ohio is a black Michigander's worst nightmare because we know that Ohio racially profiles drivers due to high drug trafficking. Ohio is also a very conservative/red state and has very republican and conservative views. It is really sad that racism is still very rampant in today's society, but the belly of the beast is due to pure jealousy. They want to be us so bad; and they will do anything to try to tear down our self esteem to make themselve look better.

Ohio is actually a swing state with slightly more democrats than republicans.
@slaveforhair, I'm from cincy, the dems your talking about may primarily live in Cleveland, Dayton or Columbus. Make no mistake, my hometown is a red state. Ohio is a racist state..in fact the tri state is red, OH,Ky and Indiana.

The Klan would try and put a cross up on Foutain Square every year, you can drive down 71 and see a huge confederate flag painted on the roof of a farm..this story is not surprising at all...smh!!!
I'm surprised at the bolded statement, you rarely hear white people acknowledge themselves as part of a group in the context of negative behavior.

This was my first thought, too. Usually they trip all over themselves trying to convince everyone how utterly un-racist and progressive they are.

ya know...LHCF is the only place that I've seen this story. It's not getting much media attention.

Sadly, what else is new?
Ohio is a very racist state. Living here in Michigan, I have seen racism at its finest. People assume that because we are the midwest and Detroit is full of blacks, that racism doen't exist. That is completely opposite of the truth. Driving through Ohio is a black Michigander's worst nightmare because we know that Ohio racially profiles drivers due to high drug trafficking. Ohio is also a very conservative/red state and has very republican and conservative views. It is really sad that racism is still very rampant in today's society, but the belly of the beast is due to pure jealousy. They want to be us so bad; and they will do anything to try to tear down our self esteem to make themselve look better.

I tried to tell people there aint nothin in Ohio but snow and racism, smh. Very ashamed to be an Ohioan right about now...

Me too! I don't know how many times I was called a Nig-*** there

Growing up there, I had some pretty cruel things done and said to me by white children AND adults

I had no idea that Ohio had such racism. :nono:

ya know...LHCF is the only place that I've seen this story. It's not getting much media attention.

I'm posting it on FB right now.
I'm from Detroit.....racism is throughout the ENTIRE country as far as I'm concerned. North, south, midwest, east and west. Not quite sure why people would be surprised about Michigan or Ohio. I've YET to visit a city/state where I did not experience or witness some form of racism/prejudices.

The story only shocks me because of her dumb justification. It doesn't even make sense.
Okay... what kind of chemicals does this woman think is in this little girl's hair? And that's what chlorine is for.

It's funny because I squeal (half jokingly) all the time at the gym pool because some long scraggly white hair pocket is floating in the pool and invariably gets in between my fingers when I'm there. I scream, "APHOGEE, PEOPLE, APHOGEE. Keep your hair on your head!"

I swear one of these days I'm going to come home and find white people hair in my suit!
So white people don't use products in their hair, on their skin, sunscreen even?

She also said:

“I’m not a bad person,” said Jamie Hein of Cincinnati. “I don’t have any problem with race at all. It’s a historical sign.”

The sign in question reads, “Public Swimming Pool, White Only.” It is dated 1931 and from Alabama.

“I’ve never said anything to that child,” Hein said. “If I have to stick up for my white rights, I have to stick up for my white rights. It goes both ways.”


Dang... she should have shut up while she was ahead. She killed her whole case with that one line!
Yall know what sickens me the most, it's the fact that we, as people of color, cannot travel across the US especially, without coming across some form of racism. Whites can travel anywhere, and be welcomed with open arms. No matter what. Blacks on the other hand, not as much. If I were to travel alone to a desolate part of mississippi, south dakota, or rhode island, do you think they would find me suspicious? Absolutely! But what if a white girl visited these same places? Would they think anything of it? Would they be trying to call the cops or figure out her story? Probably not. We have NEVER had the problem, racism exists only through their eyes!