White tee shirt test - see thru hair...sad.


New Member
Ok, while I was out shopping yesterday, the cashier that checked us out had the bra strap length hair (although to MEEEEE, it is really only shoulder length because her hair was just so thin, and gawd awfully see through). :nono: And she had the NERVE to wear a white shirt on top of that! I mean, if your hair looks THAT BAD, at least wear a dark colored shirt so that it can camoflouge the "see through" hair somewhat if you don't want to cut it! :ohwell: Anyhoo, after seeing just how terrible this lady's "bra strap" length hair looked (and I mean bra strap in the most scarcastic way)...I am determined to do a "white tee shirt" check test.. This means, as I am growing my new hair cut out, I will occasionally throw on a white tee and check the back of my hair to make sure that it's growing out healthy and FULL!!! Would some of you be willing to do a "white tee" check for your ends and would be willing to cut your hair if its really bad? :look: I felt so bad for this girl, but at the same time, I figured that she's just trying to "hold on" to dead hair for the sake of length :rolleyes:, but is looking like a fool in the end. So, who's not scared to do this little test? :look:
^^^i've seen what you're talking about TOO many times. i mean it's her hair right, what can ya do...

but i like your idea. i will be checking my hair against a white T-shirt, especially since i'm trying to grow out my layers. :yep:
That's how my beautician cuts ends. I was shocked when she put the white towel on my back :blush: We ended up cutting 1.5 inches, but now I'm blunt! :grin:
^^^i've seen what you're talking about TOO many times. i mean it's her hair right, what can ya do...

but i like your idea. i will be checking my hair against a white T-shirt, especially since i'm trying to grow out my layers. :yep:
I know, its her hair...but I really felt embarassed for her, and a little upset that she would be so desperate to hold on to it. Earlier this week I cut off all of my bra strap length hair, just barely to my shoulders off of the strength that I KNEW my hair was damaged, but by looking at it no one could tell. I had long layers and my hair was still thick, but I just wanted to get rid of it. So, if any of you put on a white tee and part or majority of your hair is "see through", it may be time to trim it up. :look: Not trying to be mean, but it's tough "hair" love. :yep: Please don't do your hair and more importantly your SELF a disservice if your hair is uneven, see through, or long and coming to a tiny "V" at the end like this lady's hair. :nono: :sad: Not cute at all, no ma'am.
That's how my beautician cuts ends. I was shocked when she put the white towel on my back :blush: We ended up cutting 1.5 inches, but now I'm blunt! :grin:
I'm glad that you now have a blunt cut! This is my favorite look...it just looks so fresh and healthy. I belive that having a white towel or shirt on will truly help one see what kind of shape their hair is in. Even when looking at it against your skin, it's still not the same as having a white shirt/towel underneath to see what you're really working with. :yep: My hair is short now, but I still look good and I'm even happier knowing that my hair is HEALTHY! :) It will grow back over time, there's no rush.
I know exactly what you mean. I see this all the time and it looks terrible. I can't do the white shirt test w/ my neck length hair but I will keep this in mind as my hair continues to grow.
I know exactly what you mean. I see this all the time and it looks terrible. I can't do the white shirt test w/ my neck length hair but I will keep this in mind as my hair continues to grow.
Thank you for doing this! :) My hair is about your length now, and I will definitely be doing this as my hair grows out. I just don't understand why some women are so desperate to hold on to their hair when it gets to that point. I would be very embarassed! Even on this site, I see some women with beautifulllll sholder length hair and others who have long hair that is see through, thin, leaning to the side, a tippy "V" at the end and claims "this and that" length. :rolleyes: I don't say anything though because I don't want to put anyone on blast, and I will NOT do that. BUT, I do think "Are you serious? You really aren't counting that one strand as waist length are you?!" :nono: But oh well. :ohwell:
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I felt so bad for this girl, but at the same time, I figured that she's just trying to "hold on" to dead hair for the sake of length :rolleyes:, but is looking like a fool in the end. So, who's not scared to do this little test? :look:

All hair is dead :grin:

I see your point but I think people shouldn't be pressured to cut their hair unless they want to do it. With the extra length she may have more styling options. It probably doesnt look as bad in a cute bun, twist or other type of up-do.
So, who's not scared to do this little test? :look:[/quote]

Not scared, but I don't need to do the test.:look: I keep my ends healthy and when they need to go they go. Just had a trim recently and the ends are still clean. My hair is naturally thick, so any possible "damage" will be gotten rid of before I let my hair become "see through" and thin. Too bad the lady probably maybe doesn't know about LHCF because there is definitely a way for her to remedy the situation. I can think of one member( can't remember her name) in particular who thickened up her ends by cowashing/damp bunning and she is midback with nice thickened up ends.
All hair is dead :grin:

I see your point but I think people shouldn't be pressured to cut their hair unless they want to do it. With the extra length she may have more styling options. It probably doesnt look as bad in a cute bun, twist or other type of up-do.
I understand that all hair is dead...it's dead once it grows out of the scalp. However, I believe that the hair should be made presentable in the best way possible. This lady's hair was a mess.
So, who's not scared to do this little test? :look:

Not scared, but I don't need to do the test.:look: I keep my ends healthy and when they need to go they go. Just had a trim recently and the ends are still clean. My hair is naturally thick, so any possible "damage" will be gotten rid of before I let my hair become "see through" and thin. Too bad the lady probably maybe doesn't know about LHCF because there is definitely a way for her to remedy the situation. I can think of one member( can't remember her name) in particular who thickened up her ends by cowashing/damp bunning and she is midback with nice thickened up ends.[/QUOTE] Myabe she doesn't know about this site. With the shape that her hair is in, I wonder if she's even taken the time to take a mirror to look at the back of her hair. I dunno...:look:
I wear white tops when I want to check the condition of my ends. I have a white top that also shows my light-colored brastraps through the fabric, so it doubles as a length-checker, as well :yep:
I don't understand what is so bad about people having their hair how they want it. :ohwell:
You're right, by all means people can do what they want with their hair. But you've got to admit that some "long" hair looks bad and unhealthy and can use a good trim...some of at least six inches or more. This lady's hair was thick at her shoulders, then got thinner gradually on down to her teeny tiny "V" at the end...and it was all see through. She can. and others can keep their hair like that if they want.
Oh I know what your talking about! It's really sad to see. Some people are well aware that their ends are jacked but they want to claim that lenght, I see it all the time. I see it here and I especially see it on that "other" site.:nono: In fact someone made a post about this exact thing, holding on to scraggely ends just to claim a certain lenght and you'd think alot of them want to cyber-beat her a$$:lachen:. The truth hurts I guess:perplexed, but it's time some people faced reality, it just look plain nasty. A lot of people reason that because their hair have never been that long in their life and they want to see how far they can go...FINE. Now that you've seen how far you can go cut off those ends and start again! Your hair will grow back to that lenght and then some and your hair will look healthier. I like your idea of the white tee-shirt test, I'll be trying it time to time to make sure I don't walk around look HAM.
You're right, by all means people can do what they want with their hair. But you've got to admit that some "long" hair looks bad and unhealthy and can use a good trim...some of at least six inches or more. This lady's hair was thick at her shoulders, then got thinner gradually on down to her teeny tiny "V" at the end...and it was all see through. She can. and others can keep their hair like that if they want.

I don't share your opinion/the popular opinion. I'll exit the thread. :) Good luck with everyone else.
Now that you've seen how far you can go cut off those ends and start again! Your hair will grow back to that lenght and then some and your hair will look healthier. I like your idea of the white tee-shirt test, I'll be trying it time to time to make sure I don't walk around look HAM.

@the bolded, I'm guilty of this and I am soo glad I cut my hair (from past apl to shoulder) in January. My hair looks and feels soo much better and growing in thicker and healthier.

I also like the idea of the white-tshirt test and plan to use it when I trim. Anyhow Blasian, I feel you except I love :love: the 'V' look. Thick hair from root to tip with the 'v' shape is ideal for me and what I want for myself. Nonetheless, I agree with most of what you said :up:.
@the bolded, I'm guilty of this and I am soo glad I cut my hair (from past apl to shoulder) in January. My hair looks and feels soo much better and growing in thicker and healthier.

I also like the idea of the white-tshirt test and plan to use it when I trim. Anyhow Blasian, I feel you except I love :love: the 'V' look. Thick hair from root to tip with the 'v' shape is ideal for me and what I want for myself. Nonetheless, I agree with most of what you said :up:.

I know it must have been a hard step to take but I'm glad it worked out for you. I was very emotional about losing my growth but now I'm much happier than I was before. I don't mind if it takes me longer to get to my goal lenght I want the journey to be a healthy and enjoyable one. I like the "V" look on some people too, I think it's really cute. There's a member here with beautiful BSL hair to grows into a cute "V" but her ends are healthy and smooth. THere's a difference when someone has a natural "V" to their ends than someone who's hair is obviously damaged and trying to hold on to the "dream" of having long hair.
Great thread!!!!

That is why when I was relaxed (and before LHCF) I was always cutting my hair because I would constantly have see-through ends. Mostly from going to the Dominican salons. After joining LHCF I learned about the Baggie Method and I stopped wrapping and it really made a difference.

Now I am natural...but if I decide to straighten (once a year) I will make sure to get a tim so that I don't end op with see-through ends.
I totally agree!!! i really hate to see that... but i don't no if she would necessarily have to chop it all off... there are other ways to thicken hair and make it healthy without compromising length... just trimming little by little and nursing it back to health... but do us a favor (and your hair) and do some protective styling during the process!:lachen:

ETA: on that note... if it were me i wud just chop and start over... i'm to lazy
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This is exactly why I've cut 3 inches this year and I will continue to trim until it looks the way it should. If someones hair is just thin or fine throughout , that is one thing but my hair is really thick until the last few inches and that white just screams.....HELP. People can do what they want but I think sometimes people ignore the reality of the situation.
This is exactly why I've cut 3 inches this year and I will continue to trim until it looks the way it should. If someones hair is just thin or fine throughout , that is one thing but my hair is really thick until the last few inches and that white just screams.....HELP. People can do what they want but I think sometimes people ignore the reality of the situation.

ITA, but I guess everyone has their own version of nice ends and healthy hair.:look:
She also has the option of trimming slowly if she wants to hang on to the length and those ends and getting to thicker ends, same premise as transitioning, he hair is still growing. plus like another poster said with the length comes more styling options. It may be frustrating to see, but she may not even be able to see what her hair looks like to others, she may see it as just fine-if thats all she knows, it may not even be a case of she is holding on to something horrible looking to others just for the claim of length, she may be just happy with how it is without knowing that it can even be any better

how do we know any woman's story just by looking at their hair, could be illness, meds, who knows

I say speak up while in the situation if your that bold, give her helpful advice, but whats the point in posting it here......she still doesnt get help

next time write down the site url for her and slip it to her, or your number and have her call

thats what I would do
However, I believe that the hair should be made presentable in the best way possible. This lady's hair was a mess.

Some tend to focus on health over "presentation."

Was it actually damaged or just sparse at the end? I wish you could have snuck a picture with your camera phone or something so we can see exactly how it looked.:lachen:

I've seen a lot of fokti's with v-shaped ends that looked similar to what you described but the hair was very healthy. If your hair is growing at the same rate all over your head, you will end up with this look naturally because of the shape of your head.
I know it must have been a hard step to take but I'm glad it worked out for you. I was very emotional about losing my growth but now I'm much happier than I was before. I don't mind if it takes me longer to get to my goal lenght I want the journey to be a healthy and enjoyable one. I like the "V" look on some people too, I think it's really cute. There's a member here with beautiful BSL hair to grows into a cute "V" but her ends are healthy and smooth. THere's a difference when someone has a natural "V" to their ends than someone who's hair is obviously damaged and trying to hold on to the "dream" of having long hair.

@the bolded, that is very true.

I knew I was going to cut and was looking forward to the cut so it wasn't that hard for me to do; surprisingly. I knew it would take me longer to get to my goals but at least I know that my hair looks much better and I'm not afraid to wear it out. A small part of me wanted to hold on but for the most part, I know I had to be done. It was inspiring to see folks on here with thick ends at varying lengths. I was very happy after I cut:yep:.

BTW, your hair looks fantastic :)! It looks sooo thick and healthy!
All hair is dead :grin:

I see your point but I think people shouldn't be pressured to cut their hair unless they want to do it. With the extra length she may have more styling options. It probably doesnt look as bad in a cute bun, twist or other type of up-do.

totally agree..and sometimes hair can look see through if it is weigheddown by grease and oils..
:lachen:This reminds me of something that happened a few years ago. My cousin was growing her hair out sorta using her own version of crown and glory. After a year of braids she took her hair down and got a relaxer. Her ends were thin and wispy and uneven. Most of her hair was at BSL while the scragglies were hanging down to her mid back. By scragglies I mean about 30-40 freakishly long hairs. She did not want to cut them so her sister snuck up on her and cut them :lachen:She cried! It was TOO funny! They had been chasing her for like a week trying to get her to cut those ugly ends off. She had to admit defeat and admit it looked better.

Raggedy, uneven, thin ends are NOT cute on anyone. And yes I know some hair grows in different shapes. If your hair grows in any shape with acute angles... NOT a good look.