White Balls!!!


Well-Known Member
Okay so there’s this girl who works in the same building as i do. She has really long hair (bsl-mbl). I have always admired her hair from afar. The other day we were in the cafeteria and i just so happen to end up standing behind her in line to pay for food. I notice that her hair was really straight BUT she had like lil white balls on just about 90% of ALL her ends. I got those weird creepy goose bumps all over from just looking at them (gets the creeps NOW). What is that and what causes that? I remember when i was relaxed I found one or two and was like wtf is this and immediately cut them off!!! But i have never seen the ALL OVER the head like that. It was weird!
I'm confused. Are these balls on the hair or a part of the hair?

The only times I have seen white balls in my hair, they were the result of a conditioner I was using.
I'm confused. Are these balls on the hair or a part of the hair?

The only times I have seen white balls in my hair, they were the result of a conditioner I was using.

When I say lil balls. I mean like one on each individual strand, at the end of it is a white ball on the end tip. each strand was like that. it was bizzare and creepy there were so many.
Yeah I had the same problem. For me they appear when I use a lot of heat continuously. I'm natural, so I believe mine come from heat damage. The ends with the white balls are really fragile, and about 90% of the time they break by just touching. They do not go away on their own. You have to trim them. I've learned this the hard way. I don't know about white balls relaxed heads though...
When I say lil balls. I mean like one on each individual strand, at the end of it is a white ball on the end tip. each strand was like that. it was bizzare and creepy there were so many.

Oh, that's so weird. I've never seen that before. I would have been freaked out too!
Do they look like little white furballs or something? I guess it's just hard for me to imagine white balls on the ends of someone's hair.
I had white balls in my LF and my hair one time when I used SE MegaSilk. It wasnt just at my ends it was everywhere. I took it back to Sallys and got a new tub and everything is cool. Now if its just at her ends IDK.
No i don't think ya'll understand lol!! I wish i had a picture. you know how you have shed hair and theres a white bulb/ball hanging from the root when it falls out. well it looks like that. like those white bulbs/balls from shed hair but only at the end of the hair instead at the root of the hair. thats the best way i can describe it
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No i don't think ya'll understand lol!! I wish i had a picture. you how you have shed hair and theres a white bulb/ball hanging from the root when it falls out. well it looks like that. like those white bulbs/balls from shed hair but only at the end of the hair instead at the root of the hair. thats the best way i can describe it

I know exactly what you mean.:yep: I'm not completely sure, but I'm going to agree with Gym that she needs a trim.
Yep, it's heat damage.
I used to have loads of these when relaxed, and used to snap them apart. (weirdly satisying...)

Don't think I've had any as a natural though :yay: [SIZE=-2]... only those damn pixie knots....[/SIZE]

Thanks for that link...they call it Trichorrhexis Nodosa!


That looks sooooo painfull! My hair is crying right now just looking at that picture.
Wow im lucky. Thank goodness my sedu using self has never seen them. That would make me give up heat!
Thanks for that link...they call it Trichorrhexis Nodosa!


That looks sooooo painfull! My hair is crying right now just looking at that picture.

Yes that's what they call it, I read about in one of Sistaslick's articles I think. It said: Trichorrexis nodosa is a type of split end, small breaks in the hair shaft; areas where the actual hair cortex has swollen and exploded within the shaft (white dot or node at the very end of the hair shaft).
That's why it's important to use heat protectant if you're going to go the straight route. And some Sabino won't hurt if you live in humid climates.
Um, I aint even gonna say what I was thinking when I read the title to this thread :ban::cantlook::lachen: Anyway, that is strange. Now y'all got me looking at my individual strands and feeling cross-eyed!
Those little white balls are why I had to stop pressing my natural hair. My head was full of them, and like another poster said, they pop right off with minimal effort. Heat damage.
Hey BB, how's it going lady? You know Ladies, I recently started a new job. My location is mixed with all races. After like my second day, my boss walked me around on the floor and introduced me to everyone. I ran into this SISTAH who was wearing a blunt, bangs cut. Bangs straight accross the brow and ha hair was almost shoulder length.

Just line BB, I looked closely at her hair (and this was staning on the other side of her cubicle). While I was shacking her hand, I couldn't help but notice she too had a bunch of lil white balls on her ends. All I could do was think to myself....GIRLLLL LEAVE THAT BLOW DRYING AND FLAT IRON ALONE..:lachen: :look: Not to leave out that I wanted to introduce her to this forum, but you know some people get upset when you try to introduce them to new things..

(*WARNING: this message is not to offend anyone. It is listed as the blatent truth as I see it so don't hattttttttttttttttttte me! :lachen::lachen:)
I'm happy you all cracked that code. I would've thought they were lice nits! I have never seen those in person either, but i heard they are little white balls that attach to the hair shaft...

I saw the same thing on a woman but she had layers. Almost every hair at every layer was cover in nodes. It looked like dandruff.
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