White Balls!!!

I search and destroy those bad boys...haven't used direct heat since the end of 06 or so...I sometimes DC under a hairdryer and do protective styles almost exclusively cuz I'm so lazy...I notice them a lot more in the front of my hair and have no idea what the back is like...then again, I don't straighten or leave my hair out unless it's a big ol' fluffed up twist-out....
Interesting...a lady on MUA had blogs on what she called "bubble hair" which is caused by boiling the hair from the inside out, i.e. blow drying wet hair with very high heat. I wonder if that's what this lady has.
Interesting...a lady on MUA had blogs on what she called "bubble hair" which is caused by boiling the hair from the inside out, i.e. blow drying wet hair with very high heat. I wonder if that's what this lady has.

OMG are you a member of MUA? I am too I didn't think anyone really knew about that :D
I had this in the front section of my hair not sure why it was mainly the right side. It wasn't from heat use it was from the little knots I was getting on each strand, when I unknotted them, there they were...weird. Keeping my hair in a straighter state thereby eliminating the single strand knots made these type of splits a thing of the past.
There was a guy on long hair community that complained about the white balls being on his strands, but one side mainly. Eventually they came up with the conclusion that he was getting them from him sleeping on that side of the hair/head.
So the white balls can come from damage of any kind I'm assuming...
Wow! I just read the articles linked in this thread and realized I have a few of these white dots near the front section of my hair. I'm attributing it to my use of heat, prior to LCHF, w/o a heat protectant. I normally S&D, but it's been a while since I've had a real trim. Setting up an appointment right now. Thank you!
it could be lint from her shirt, she could have lice, she could have a gang of shedding. Who knows. You should act like you are trying to help her out by saying" excuse me miss you have white stuff all in your hair." LOL
I read somewhere (still trying to find the article) that you get the white balls because of using metal heated appliances on your hair.

The hair steams inside the cuticle or something and the steam gets trapped and builds up at the bottom of the hair like a white bubble.

Using ceramic flat irons and heat protectant should stop this from happening.
Ok so I can't even finish reading this thread cause I am itching all over now w/ the heeby jeebies. :(

OMG Me too! I'm itching and getting goose bumbs. I'm never straightening my hair. If I saw hair like that I would beg her to let me just chop the ends off.
With mine, I couldn't even see the white nodes unless I was doing a S&D. Like someone would have to be really, really close to my ends and hold them up to the light to see anything. Anyone that close to my hair and face would kind of creep me out anyway. Lol.