Whiny Arse Men Complaining That Women Don't Select Them Argh!


se ven las caras pero nunca el corazón
Some men just love to beaaaatchhh and moan about being the "good guy always single" but then can't see that women go through all kinds of men who turn out to be arseholes on the road to finding that one good man. I can't stand that type, being the effin martyr about not being selected and appreciated. UGH! Again, another case of them trying to maneuver their way and damned everybody else. You're mad cuz nobody wants you but you're the perfect guy. When women explain that they've been hurt too much and are very, VERY careful, they will beatchhhhh and moan cuz they want what they want...NOW. "Oh, woe to me, nobody selects me but I'm perfect." If you were so perfect, you'd have been picked ages ago. You would have been shining of goodness like a neon sign. But maybe women saw that you just ain't got it, punk! ***. No woman wants a whiny arse man who minimizes the concerns of the female sex, putting them last. Your candy a$$.
I give no effs about men's weak hearts. This conversation started off whining about not being selected as though all the blame is one women. When women chimed in that they aren't as trusting because of experiences, these whiny men pulled a "woe to me" punk move. In a world where women are being killed every day for various stupid reasons, no one curr about their delicate hearts. They just wanted to talk over women and put them to blame. smh I told them to become leaders who listen.
I tune them out, usually its because they themselves ignore most good women and go after a select few who fit their visual standard....in the end they're just as entitled as the arseholes the women they complain about not getting end up with....
I've never met a man that complained about "being the nice guy" that was actually a nice guy.

A good man doesn't have to announce it. He just embodies it and keeps it moving.
True. Whenever a guy says, "I'm a good guy and..." my eyebrow raises, the rest of their words are tuned out, and I am planning my exit out of the conversation (and any future interactions). It is never a good guy that announces it while lamenting his woes about finding the right girl. It's usually a guy who is shady as heck, a huge liar, a player, or some other type of b.s dude. This is up there with the guy who announces how much he loves his mom without prompt, and also the guy who loves to bake chocolate chip cookies :look:

Okay dude. Right out of the book of : What women want to hear. :lol:
True. Whenever a guy says, "I'm a good guy and..." my eyebrow raises, the rest of their words are tuned out, and I am planning my exit out of the conversation (and any future interactions). It is never a good guy that announces it while lamenting his woes about finding the right girl. It's usually a guy who is shady as heck, a huge liar, a player, or some other type of b.s dude. This is up there with the guy who announces how much he loves his mom without prompt, and also the guy who loves to bake chocolate chip cookies :look:

Okay dude. Right out of the book of : What women want to hear. :lol:

Thank you!!!