Whimsy's Finally back to Hip Length!! And....

Thanks again ladies!!!! I'm cheezing over here :grin:

I am natural, to those who asked. I transitioned for almost 2 years. 2007-2009 and have been natural since.

@Whimsy , how often do you use heat on your hair? I've been trying to grow to HL (hopefully I'll get there one day lol), and any tips or advice you could give would be so appreciated :yep:.

In the winter when I'm going straight I use heat weekly. Just a flatiron (maxiglide) no blow drier, just air dried.

In the humid summer i don't use heat unless I straighten for some random event like this week's shoot.

AMAZING!!! Your hair is just gorgeous! Any reason why you get to this point and want to cut?

I've been growing it just to donate it.

@Whimsy, congrats on reaching hip length, but you are wasting your time if you want to donate your hair. Nine times out of ten most organizations, especially Locks of Love, do not use the hair that we donate, because most wig makers can't or won't work with our hair texture to make wigs, mainly because of the difficulty to batch, match and process our myriad of textures. It's easier for them to just take 1 or 2 type hair and process it to look like ours to get consistent uniformity in enough quantities to make it worth their while, even if they are really making wigs for the sick and needy. Most of the stuff we donate either gets thrown away because of heat or chemical damage, or it gets sold to labs for product testing. Once I found that out (from an acquaintance who works in such an organization), I figured I would let everyone I know, especially those of African American descent, just what they are going into when they donate their hair.

So if you want to cut it, great, but you won't be doing anybody any good with the hair you cut off. Just thought you should know. :ohwell:

womp womp
MileHighDiva you should've posted your PM in the thread after all! ;)

MileHighDiva said the same thing...kinda...and mentioned that the companies often sell the hair instead of using it.
Beautiful hair!! Kutgw and thanks for sharing!! But umm definitely do NOT donate. They often throw our hair away, whether it's natural or relaxed, for the reasons stated below...it's too difficult to match the textures...which is why u rarely see genuine human hair Afro wigs out there made from real African or African-American hair.
It's gorgeous!!!! Is it wrong of me to say don't donate it? You are making me want to try and grow my hair out longer.
Hey Chica! Great job on your hair!

I would donate money or sponsor a wig for a patient. I wouldn't cut my hair off. Sorry.....it won't be used and you will have done all that growing for nothing.
Your hair is so perfect. I'm so jealous in a loving way that I could cry. :crying3: I want that hip length life BAD
Your hair is beautiful whimsy. Congrats on making it back to hip length!

And like others have already said do not donate, it's a waste
I love how your regimen is so simple. Seems like the longer it gets the less we have to do. Congrats on reaching HL!!!
Congrats on Hip Length! Is this round at hip length different from last time would you say? There are plenty other ways to donate to charities and many times hair donations are pretty shady so I say don't. Did your new growth return to how it was pre-childbirth? How are you able to keep it from not reverting badly in this heat?
Thanks ladies, you've got me really rethinking my plans.

@Whimsy how often do you trim?

Not very often at all. I will only trim when I notice splits. I think my steadiness in routine/care makes splits less often.
And I also will do search and destroy sessions instead of full trims.
I'm due for a trim of my longest layer, so I just do it myself since it's long now and feel I can handle it.

Congrats on Hip Length! Is this round at hip length different from last time would you say? There are plenty other ways to donate to charities and many times hair donations are pretty shady so I say don't. Did your new growth return to how it was pre-childbirth? How are you able to keep it from not reverting badly in this heat?

Thanks. Yes it's different now, I feel like I was growing it to hip to cut it off and have my hair short for a while, but now I'm rethinking. Maybe I'll wait to cut until the beginning of next summer and see how long I can grow til then....or maybe I'll just maintain at this length or longer and just not straighten my hair often.
Last time at hip i was more impulsive.

Well, that's an issue I'm having. it seems the new growth is starting to come in curlier again thank goodness, but there's now a wack section of hair where it's straighter than the rest of the length.

I DONT keep it from reverting badly in this heat, which is why I don't straighten much in summer lol. That would be a battle I would never win!
Hey Whimsy. You growth rate and retention are off the chain. This is selfish but I'd love to see you go for classic and beyond. You're one of the posters that is still very active in the hair forum and who hasn't gone into hibernation at longer lengths. Give it another two years and see where you fall. Me thinks you'll be an amazing inspiration to new members :)