Which Would You Rather Have: A Silk Bonnet or A Silk Scarf?

Let's say that you lost your silk bonnet(s)/scarf(s) while moving.

A dear friend feels terrible about this and decides to buy you a new one as a gift.

Which would you prefer that she buys you:

A silk bonnet, such as this:



A silk scarf

And why?

i would get a silk bonnet with a drawstring
(there is a hair board member who sells them for cheaper...i think they are called ebonnets)

the drawstring helps to keep the silky textured bonnet on the head.since it is a drawstring it is adjustable and wont wear out over time. also i haven't found a decent silk textured bonnet at a price im willing to pay yet. if someone else paid i would gladly accept.

i dont like silk scarves they always slide off during my sleep. i prefer satin scarves with a matte texture. they are cheap and durable and stay on all day and night.
bonnet. they dont slide off as easily. scarves are a waste unless you never move in your sleep.
I have the ebonnette, satin pillow, and scrunchie from Ebonicurls' Etsy store. I love the ebonnette, it was worth the $45 investment.
I forgot to mention the "why" part. I saw a review on Mahogany Curls YT channel, then I looked at Eboni's video experiment with quality satin vs the cheap drugstore bonnets and I was sold.

I can tell the difference, since I've had it a couple of months.

I think I could have got a satin pillow case cheaper elsewhere, but I don't mind supporting Black owned businesses (BOBs). Especially, if they have good products and service!

I going to start giving the ebonnettes as gifts to friends who are also on a HHJ.
I use a GWrap which gives me the benefit of a scarf/bonnet. Bonnets work for me with some styles and I have a great one. However, they do slide against my edges if I am not careful. The Gwrap stays on and I am able to tie securely around my head without sliding off or sliding against my edges. And, I have my choice of 100% silk or satin for $10-$20 max.
satin wrap or a scarf. i don't see the point of a bonnet. my hair doesn't stay in place. even with rollers, i would still have to sleep pretty with a bonnet.
I use both...most of the time.........but if I had to choose id say bonnet because I like the cut colors......they stay on well if its a good one.....and they take but a second to put on....no tying required
I just ordered a "diva bonnet." I'm excited for it to arrive.
I use a GWrap which gives me the benefit of a scarf/bonnet. Bonnets work for me with some styles and I have a great one. However, they do slide against my edges if I am not careful. The Gwrap stays on and I am able to tie securely around my head without sliding off or sliding against my edges. And, I have my choice of 100% silk or satin for $10-$20 max.
I wish their website was working, this sounds good. Is it flat and long like a scarf or is it more of a bonnet?
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because i wear my hair in a textured state mostly ( twists, twistouts,etc.)... i would do the bonnet. i use a bonnet and scarf when i am flatironed and pincurl my hair.
I use a GWrap which gives me the benefit of a scarf/bonnet. Bonnets work for me with some styles and I have a great one. However, they do slide against my edges if I am not careful. The Gwrap stays on and I am able to tie securely around my head without sliding off or sliding against my edges. And, I have my choice of 100% silk or satin for $10-$20 max.


Never heard of this brand, thanks for mentioning...their prices are reasonable ...

but I have a question: I notice that they use that stretchy lace band in the front & in their FAQ's they mention that you need to make sure you tie it correctly so that the lace stays on your forehead & does not rub on your delicate edges...but is that realistic? Do you ever wake up in the morning with the lace rubbing your edges?
I would probably go with the bonnet, but only because I've never used one before, I usually use a silk scarf or a satin pillowcase, my scarves rarely come off in the night and the pillowcase is a good backup if it does. When I'm being lazy, I don't even bother with the scarf.

Never heard of this brand, thanks for mentioning...their prices are reasonable ...

but I have a question: I notice that they use that stretchy lace band in the front & in their FAQ's they mention that you need to make sure you tie it correctly so that the lace stays on your forehead & does not rub on your delicate edges...but is that realistic? Do you ever wake up in the morning with the lace rubbing your edges?

NappyRina, I have only had a couple of times where I slept so wild that the scarf moved out of place. Once it slipped further down on my face which woke me up and I fixed it and once I woke up and it was off. I am generally a wild sleeper anyway so I must have been doing something extra special :spinning: I have had more problems with the bonnets rubbing my edges than anything. I have a bonnet that I really love but can't wear it often.
I pineapple my hair to preserve all of my out styles. I normally use a bonnet for my twists or braids, but I could use a scarf on those too. I would probably lean more toward scarf, but I prefer satin over silk. It stays better on my head.
Satin scarf. That is what I wear 90% of the time, with my satin pillow as extraordinary insurance. I only use a bonnet when I have rollers in.

As an aside, Goody used to make a satin bonnet with good satin. I had mine for years until the elastic finally died. I haven't been able to find it again, but it was reasonably priced.
I like scarves. Mostly because I wear my hair in sleek styles.

When I am fully natural and wear curls more often, I will switch to bonnets.
If I was single may consider the drawstring bonnet but I'd go for scarf.

In reality I mainly use satin pillowcases and if I need to keep hair slicked back, satin scarf.
Hmmm, maybe someone can make a silk/satin bonnet in various sizes (not a one size fit all) with the string sewn around the edge to tighten and keep on the head while sleeping.

The various sizes would accommodate large heads and/or large rollers of course. Now something like this I would buy because I can't nor do I want to learn how to sew.

I suppose I could attach a string on the edges of my satin bonnets myself:scratchch.
I am a WILD sleeper and satin pillowcases break me out in the cheek areas, so I have to use both a satin wrap for my edges and a satin bonnet.