Which way did your hair grow the fastest?


New Member
Did your hair grow faster when your were relaxed or as a natural? I ask because my daughters and I are having some hair issues. My oldest daughter's hair (I ruined her hair at an early age), has been the same length for years! I relaxed her hair too soon and it has been ruined ever since. My youngest daughter is transiitioning and her hair is almost back to normal. I just re-touched my hair last night and am regretting it.

I just wanted to see which version of your hair produced the greatest amount of length, in the shortest amount of time. BTW, I know time is the essential factor but I have been looking at a lot of progress pics and it seems as though the ladies who transitioned back to natural hair, are really progressing (not to say the relaxed ladies aren't but, the length seems more drastic as a natural).

Help a sista out.
Well, I used the Crown and Glory Method and my hair thrived except for the last 3 months which I kind of slacked off. You can't not slack off with the moisturizing/sponging thing because it is like your hair not being moisturized if you didn't have the braids. It's going to become dry.
chica_canella said:
Well, I used the Crown and Glory Method and my hair thrived except for the last 3 months which I kind of slacked off. You can't not slack off with the moisturizing/sponging thing because it is like your hair not being moisturized if you didn't have the braids. It's going to become dry.

That is soooo true!! Not taking "proper" care of my braids led to my first major setback in my journey to healthy long hair. :wallbash:
for me personally chemical do not agree with my hair ... so i found that now my hair is natural it grows much better.and i think you already know the answer your just looking for confirmation, right?????
eve777 said:
for me personally chemical do not agree with my hair ... so i found that now my hair is natural it grows much better.and i think you already know the answer your just looking for confirmation, right?????

I found that too. I know people are gonna come in this thread and say hair grows at the same rate natural and relaxed, but my hair does grow faster now that I'm natural. I truly believe the chemical was stunting my growth. When I'm in weaves and braids they grow out a lot quicker than they did when I was relaxed and even transitioning. I'm not taking any vits or using growth aids either.
I've retained more of my length as a natural than I ever did when I relaxed simply because my hair breaks less. When I relaxed, I did everything I was supposed to do and my hair would still break off. It was always in a section in the back about the size of two quarters. Because my hair is so thick, by the time I caught what was happening I'd lost inches of length in that spot. My hair grows at the same rate either way though.
My hair does 100% better without chemicals. I will say that even though I've been natural for a long time, I was not taking care of it and did not "retain" length (and it could be that this is my terminal length too). My hair is now MUCH thicker without chemicals.

I think for children, they should not get the chemcals until 12 or older. I do understand that for some moms it is just very hard to maintain it natural if they haven't been dealing with their own natural hair for a long time or they just can't style hair at all. And the children want straight hair like their friends. I have watched my neice (now 12) get a relaxer at 7 and it all broke off and was so damaged. She wears braids now and it is finally coming back with deep conditioning and moisture treatments.

Chemical relaxers have those warnings on the label for a reason. They can be maintained, but it is not for everyone. Sometimes it takes losing a few sets of hair to get that lesson. I was a stubborn one for years...until I the dermatologist said "no more relaxers".
I guess I am the odd ball. When I was natural, I for the most part wore my hair straight. I would blowdry it and flat iron it faithfully every two weeks. I believe this caused my ends to be very raggedy so I would trim my hair once a month, thus keeping my hair around the same length all the time. Now that I am relaxed, I rarely use any heat on my hair, and I haven't had a trim in about 5 months, so now I am seeing growth. But I will say that although my ends were raggedy, overall, I had a healthier head of natural hair versus relaxed.
My hair does much better being natural with minimal heat usage.

When I had relaxers and texturizers, my hair would break easily and become thin. When I was pressing weekly, my hair became very dry and would break off.
Thanks ladies! I figured that natural was the way to go. I needed the "confirmation." Well, I'm on the transitioning journey. I will be on it for a while because my relaxed hair is a little past my shoulders and I probably won't wear my natural hair out, until it is this length.

As for my oldest daughter, I don't know how well she'll take to transitioning. She will be 18 on Monday and she's actin' all stank about it, like we will suddenly become equals *rolling my eyes*.

Hopefully, she will see my hair and my youngest daughter's hair thrive, and jump on board.

Thanks to everyone who responded, so far.
I really do have the worlds slowest growing hair, so my growth rate is the same, but I have found that I retained my length better when I was relaxed. I do the same things, but my relaxed hair seems to break much less than my natural hair.