Which type of protein should I do?


Active Member
I just did Aphogee 2 step a week ago.That really helped with my breakage.Now I'm seeing 5-10 broken hairs daily.I'm not sure if I should do a light or medium protein to help that.(Or is it even something to worry about?)What do you ladies think?Please include product suggestions.
I would try a light protein. Maybe Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor. And follow it up with a moisturizing DC.
If you just used protein and it's still breaking, you probably need moisture
If you just used protein and it's still breaking, you probably need moisture

I think youre right.After the protein treatment,it seemed to almost halt.Like 1-2 hairs per day still breaking.Then I washed w/ a shampoo bar Friday,forgot to DC.Since Friday 5-10 hairs daily.I guess my moisturizer and leave in was not enough