Which one is hardest on your hair? Winter or Summer?

Which season is worst for your hair?

  • Winter

    Votes: 218 68.6%
  • Summer

    Votes: 60 18.9%
  • Neither both are fine

    Votes: 40 12.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Strangely enough, my hair is stays extremely soft during the winter, even the harsh wind and blistering cold.
I live in Canada and I cannot begin to explain this deep freeze. There are some days when I don't even bother leaving the house...so you can imagine what the dry air does to my hair, making it dry and brittle. I am on the DC Challenge by Aggie until December so this will be my first winter where I will be taking extra special care for my hair.
Winter is more harsh on my hair for sure! My growth totally stalls and I my tresses and scalp get SUPER dry!
summer...Saudi Arabia is soooooooooooo DRY! My hair loves winter especially in San Diego and the mid west.
In the winter my poor hair just seemed to shut down. In the summer I get crazy growth spurts. But since I've discovered LHCF this winter I've figured out how to protect my hair from the cold.
I haven't really noticed any harsher seasons on my hair, I started really taking care of my hair in the late fall of 08, so I haven't had a chance to notice anything. Winter hasn't been that bad, but I voted neither.
I don't know yet, lol. Before LHCF, my hair was in bad shape all year round (really dry). This will be the first year I get to see what the weather does to my hair.
Hands down the Winter!!! Between the shedding and super dry and flaky scalp, I am an unhappy person. Can't wait for the humidity of summer..I feel my scalp breathing, even if it is gasping for air and has the best growth spurts.
Winter's hardest on my hair.
I get the summer growth spurt, (spring/summer) and my hair is just moisturized, naturally.

winter-with all the superheated air, and lots of times the toques and winter hats rubbing my hair... it's just a recipe for breakage....

I also get bored of my hair in the winter, and start trying new things... like more wash n gos in the middle of january...:nono: ...breakage....

Same here! Lots of growth in the summer ... lots of breakage in the winter. The only thing that I can do with my hair to save it from major damage in the winter is braid it up and wear weaves and wigs.
I would say summer, because it is hotter in the summer in the south than it is cold in the winter.
The cold wind is not a problem because it only lasts for a few weeks, but the sun is intense for a good 5-6 months.
I'm a beach bum in the summer so the salt water adds to the damage, frizz and dryness.
Even if I experience more damage in the summer, my hair grows faster during the hotter season..gotta take the bitter with the sweet.
Definitely winter, when i lived in warmer climate, my hair was longer and healthier. I can't wait till it gets warmer so I can use Coconut oil again
The winter, with all the dryness and breakage. I have learned since joining the board that during the winter, pre-poos and hot oil treatments are a MUST. During the summer I seem to have more dandruff so I really have to wash every 3 days to manage it.
Definetly winter. I live in NYC, so the winters here tend to be very cold and dry, which wreaks havoc on my ends. In winter 2009/2010, I bunned with a phony pony as a PS and I retained most of my growth. This winter, I've been bunning with my real hair and my ends have been dry and splitting, even when baggying under hats :sad:.
Absolutely the SUMMER!! I live in Arizona. The dry heat sucks the life out of my hair. I may as well be blow drying it daily! Really! It's bad :(. The winters are LOVELY though!! It doesn't get very cold and there's a bit (and I mean a tiny bit) more humidity in the air which my hair loves. For those of you who complain about humidity, TRUST ME when I say you don’t miss your water until your well runs dry... literally :/.

I’m from the Midwest and love trips home so my hair can have a break in the summers.
I voted summer. I live in the south, so the summers are really humid which means most styles don't hold well--EVEN textured styles like braidouts/twistouts. So I tend to have to "do" my hair more often, which = more manipulation, which I think is worse for my hair. I also tend to workout more, as well as go to the pool, etc.--so it just means I'm usually doing more to my hair during the summer season.
I voted winter because I co-wash much less than I do in the Summer and I wear hats a lot. The summers here in Southern CA are dry; but, I cowash at least twice a week and spritz much more often.
Both are fine for me - luckily I live in a fairly mild climate in SoCal - not in the desert, so our dew points are higher, and in winter the coldest it gets is around 50. Now the issue is when I visit home on the East Coast - winter = extreme cold, summer = too humid and the sun is too strong.
the summer. winters are really cold here but the right moisturizer can handle that. but in the summer my hair gets so dry and crunchy lol. i have to co wash pretty often in the summer for my hair not to be dry from the sun.

when i was relaxed winter was worse because of my ends. back then i knew nothing of moisturizer and wore my hair out and down everyday all day long.
Hmm...I'm really not sure. I live in the south, and the winters are still pretty cold, at least to me, with highs in the 30's, maybe 40, during the winter. The summers are very hot and humid though. Last year I was in a perpetual puff and the winter was harder on my hair, drying it out. I had also just BC'd, so I had to work very hard to gain and retain moisture. The cold dry air outside and the hot dry indoor air is very tough on my hair. I have yet to experience summer with longer hair, and I plan to PS in a bun or phony pony the entire summer, so the humidity should not have an impact on styles, but may help to keep my hair more moisturized. I will also cowash more in the summer, so right now I have to say winter.
Winters. My hair behaves very well on it's own in the summer - even conditioner is just a formality. Winter's otoh - not good for any part of me including the hair. I protect it by wearing hats, and/or scarves/headwraps pretty much non-stop while it's cold. This winter I also started wearing wigs and I like them too.
Summer. I can maintain moisture very well in the winter but in summer my hair is always dry no matter what I do. I've been given tips to try so I hope this summer would be better.
Winter is the worst for me. I have to really watch my ends more to ensure they don't get too dry. During the Summer I can moisturize once or twice a week and the humidity keeps my hair from drying out.