Which is less damaging???


New Member
Dominican Blowout or just regular blow dry and flat ironing?????

......don't do either on a frequent basis.................

I am stretching to at least 16 weeks again and want to be able to check my length at that time without possibly getting a touchup yet. If all is manageable, may go another 4 or 5 weeks. I have never had a Dominican blowout and to my understanding, they just rollerset you and then when they take the rollers out, they just blow dry the roots for each section of hair and not all the way to the end correct?

Or would it be less damaging to let my stylist blow dry my entire head and flat iron it? I just don't like the idea of all the yanking and pulling on my hair as he is blow drying and pulling the brush through it. My hair is very fine as it is and I just feel self conscious like it is coming out strand by strand with all the pulling, which is why I probably let someone use a blow dryer on my head no more than 2 or 3 times a year.....

I have a maxiglide but whenever I use it to flat iron my roots, I don't even bother to get the roots straight, straight, straight; just straight enough for me to manage them, but just wanted someone else to do it, cause I am probably not skilled enough to get it bone straight even if I tried real hard. :confused: (I am heat appliance challenged:lol: )

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

(I really want to know if the Dominican Blowout is as harsh as I have read some people say it is or if I should just stick with a regular blow dry and flat iron......just a one time thing to check my length)

No comments at all ya'll?
I feel that both can be okay depending on how the person is doing it. We all know the least amount of heat the better but if you do it at all it should be done with care. If your going to only let them blow your roots (I like them to use a small comb instead of the brush) then it's not so bad. I hate the level of heat the dominicans use with those powerful hand dryers. Getting them to turn it down is almost impossible. I noticed when I stopped letting the dominicans blow all my hair straight, my hair became fuller. The blow drying with that brush and all that heat seems to thin the hair to me. So many times I see regulars in the Dominican salon who always get it blown straight have the thinnest hair ever. It may be long but it just looks weak and thin. I like my hair to have body and fullness so I don't do the blow straight flat iron thing anymore. The first 2-3 washes after a fresh touch up I let them take out the rollers, put some oil on the hair wrap it and tie a scarf on (no pins) and but the next morning I have a nice doobie that will last. I probably didn't answer your question but I prefer Dominican root blow out and then wrap or wear loose curls.
I feel that both can be okay depending on how the person is doing it. We all know the least amount of heat the better but if you do it at all it should be done with care. If your going to only let them blow your roots (I like them to use a small comb instead of the brush) then it's not so bad. I hate the level of heat the dominicans use with those powerful hand dryers. Getting them to turn it down is almost impossible. I noticed when I stopped letting the dominicans blow all my hair straight, my hair became fuller. The blow drying with that brush and all that heat seems to thin the hair to me. So many times I see regulars in the Dominican salon who always get it blown straight have the thinnest hair ever. It may be long but it just looks weak and thin. I like my hair to have body and fullness so I don't do the blow straight flat iron thing anymore. The first 2-3 washes after a fresh touch up I let them take out the rollers, put some oil on the hair wrap it and tie a scarf on (no pins) and but the next morning I have a nice doobie that will last. I probably didn't answer your question but I prefer Dominican root blow out and then wrap or wear loose curls.
I don't know about everyone else but my stylist rollersets and then blowdries just the roots and then wraps and so far I have had no damage but I do this once or twice a month no more than that because I noticed when I was getting my head blowdried I had short pieces of hair :confused: so I cut down on the times I blowdried my hair and now my hair is fine. I also have fine hair. Just make sure they don't pull on your hair too much because you are one of my hair idols:D
I think blow drying and flat ironing is less damaging 'cause you can always put a heat protectant on and some products work better with heat anyway. But blow outs, with all that brushing, tugging and pulling... (sigh) :nono:!
I don't know from experience, but my theory is that the rollerset/blow roots out idea would be better. It's less heat for shorter time period. I roller set and flat iron the roots (not bone straight though--just how you described). Maybe you could ask for the stylist to flat iron the roots instead of blow dry. That might be less damaging. The only way to know is to try it once and see.
Preferably I would dry my hair under the dome dryer and they flat iron, those dominican blow-outs can be torture (and me with my fine hair anyway I wouldn't do it). Try it out once for each one, then see what you feel is better for your hair. Lots of luck to you.
Thanks for the responses ladies. I know the feeling I get when I get my whole entire head blown out and flat ironed and it just scares the crap out of me, but I was just seriously wondering in the dominican blowout was as damaging if they were just just blow drying the roots.

I didn't even think about the fact that I could do my own rollerset and then just go to them and let them flat iron or blow the roots out straight! I may go beforehand and ask them if they would do that.

Also, although in my mind I had rationalized that the flat ironing the NG wouldn't be as bad b/c the hair that hasn't been chemically treated is the strongest hair on your head and hasn't been weakened by chemicals yet, so that was my reasoning behind getting my NG flat ironed or blow dried (now to decide actually which one). But to have the blow dryer go the entire length of my hair, since it's colored and fine as well, just doesn't seem to be a good idea to me....

Kitten - I agree with the hair being thin because even the times when I just let my regular stylist (never been to a dominican) blow dry my hair and flat iron it, it just feels weak all over from all the heat from the blow dryer and I can't imagine the dominicans blow drying my whole head!!

Nyrican - didn't know I was one of your hair idols; thanks for the compliment...Don't worry, they won't be pulling on too much of nothing b/c they won't be doing the entire head. Made up my mind but can't figure if I will get the roots flat ironed or blow dried...but I will definitely be wrapping afterwards though....

nigeria - i think for my hair it may not be able to take the blow drying/flat ironing, but I thought the dominican blowout was only them blowdrying just the roots after they have rollerset it, right? Can it be that much tugging going on? I've never had one, so I really need to know what I'm getting into if I go this route. (I def. wasn't going to let them blowdry/flat iron my whole head; was going to let my regular stylist do this if i went this route)

tthreat - Hey hair twin!!! Did I tell you I like your new hair cut? Well I do!
Just trying to decide whether i want the roots blow dried or flat ironed....didn't think about the fact that the blow dryer could be less damaging b/c as hot as it is, probably 1 swoop would do it if they have a small tooth comb!

Cinnamocha - I think I may try the option of shampooing and drying under the dryer at home myself and then letting them flat iron or blow dry the roots...(just need to figure out which one)

Thanks for all the responses ladies....Now this just poses yet another problem. Do I let them blow dry the roots or flat iron the roots.....Either way may not be as bad b/c as I mentioned, NG has not been chemically treated and even though my hair is fine, the NG is going to be the strongest and will be able to withstand the heat. Just want the one that will allow me to maintain the body and bounce the best once I wrap it.(still hope to be able to check the length though)
The root blow-out is less damaging but the OP says she does this at home already..... I think this time she wants to check her length and have the hair bone straight.

I would like to know which is less damaging as well. I'm thinking flat-ironing due to the amount of tension used when blowing out your entire head. My stylist always puts me under the dryer with Keracare Foam in my hair combed down and flat to my head to dry 70-80%. Then she lightly blow dries it out w/a comb attachement (I think) to separate the hair and then she flat irons it.

But I think she uses a CHI (which I don't think has heat control) and sometimes a marcel iron to straighten my roots if needed and other stubborn parts of my hair. To me, that seems like A LOT of heat. Does anyone know what temps the Dominican blow-outs go up to?
blackbarbie said:
nigeria - i think for my hair it may not be able to take the blow drying/flat ironing, but I thought the dominican blowout was only them blowdrying just the roots after they have rollerset it, right? Can it be that much tugging going on? I've never had one, so I really need to know what I'm getting into if I go this route. (I def. wasn't going to let them blowdry/flat iron my whole head; was going to let my regular stylist do this if i went this route)

When I had my first and last blowout a few years ago, after my rollerset she did my entire head from root to tip, which made no sense to me. But anyway she was pulling my hair all over the place. It came out nice but I hate the process. It might be different in other places.
~Nigeria~ said:
When I had my first and last blowout a few years ago, after my rollerset she did my entire head from root to tip, which made no sense to me. But anyway she was pulling my hair all over the place. It came out nice but I hate the process. It might be different in other places.

Your whole head, from root to tip even after she rollerset it? That makes no sense at all! I thought they just did the roots. Oh my, i better go and ask for sure. As I mentioned, I never had it done and I have read some ladies here experience and from my understanding, though they were saying that they were getting just their roots blown out AFTER the rollerset, but if they are going to do all that, heck, I may as well let them just blow dry the whole head (which I won't do anyway). I didn't know it was different at different shops; thought they had a little universal thing going on.

Thanks for pointing this out, because I could have very well gone in thinking one thing and not knowing, they're all in my head doing something else.....