
Well-Known Member
I think its all a matter of the individual. For me natural hair is easier b/c I hated all the blow drying and flat ironing after every wash. With my natural hair I dont have to do that.

Hair grows at different rates according to the individual and not weather or not your hair is relaxed or natural. Now it may appear that relaxed hair grows faster b/c you can see the growth easier than with natural hair b/c of the shrinkage factor.
Both grow at the same rate.

Both have their pros of managing.

Relaxers: Reduce hair thickness making it easier to comb and detangle.

Natural: No harsh chemicals on hair so hair is stronger than relaxed hair and can resist breakage better.

Both have their cons of managing.

Relaxers: Chemical breaks down protein bonds making it more susceptible to breakage and drier (promoting breakage).

Natural: More prone to tangles and detangling can promote breakage.

I dont think one is better than the other.

The cons of each can be help with proper care, good products, and alot of hair wisdom.

I believe is about personal preference and tolerance.
Well growth is based on the individual, my hair grows at the same rate it did when relaxed. My hair is longer than it was relaxed because my hair didn't handle the chemicals well.

As far as managing it depends on what styles you want to wear and what you like as a person. I think if you want to wear your hair straight 100% of the time than being natural would be very hard to manage. I really don't like combing hair on a daily basis so natural is good for me now because I do a style and it will last me for 2-3 weeks even w/washing in between. When I don't feel like styling I can just wash and go and rock my puff w/little manipulation to the hair. I comb my hair 1-2 times a month and that works for me. I think I spend the same amount of time on my hair now as I did when I was relaxed except now it's in longer chunks.
For me relaxed hair was easier to manage. I think it's easier to retain length with my natural though, although that's never been a problem for me.
Thank you ladies. very helpful information. I am relaxed, but sometimes I wonder if my hair would do better if I was natural. When I was in high school, I went to a catholic school and we were not allowed to relax our hair so I was natural. I used to take such good care of my hair (even though I was in africa and hair products were limited) people used to think I was relaxed. They kept having to wash my hair at school just to prove that it was not relaxed. All I used to do was a rollerset once a week. I had really cheap shampoo, no conditioners and only vaseline to apply on the hair. My hair did really good. Now I have more access to good products, but I don't think I have the guts to go natural and just the thought of starting over is scary.
I am finding myself contemplating on natural hair more and more everyday, but I just don't know. My husband loves the african in me and he thinks being natural would bring that out even more (but what does he know about being a woman of color and caring for your hair) LOL............I don't know!!!!!!!!!!...........I am just confused.
Thank you ladies. very helpful information. I am relaxed, but sometimes I wonder if my hair would do better if I was natural. When I was in high school, I went to a catholic school and we were not allowed to relax our hair so I was natural. I used to take such good care of my hair (even though I was in africa and hair products were limited) people used to think I was relaxed. They kept having to wash my hair at school just to prove that it was not relaxed. All I used to do was a rollerset once a week. I had really cheap shampoo, no conditioners and only vaseline to apply on the hair. My hair did really good. Now I have more access to good products, but I don't think I have the guts to go natural and just the thought of starting over is scary.
I am finding myself contemplating on natural hair more and more everyday, but I just don't know. My husband loves the african in me and he thinks being natural would bring that out even more (but what does he know about being a woman of color and caring for your hair) LOL............I don't know!!!!!!!!!!...........I am just confused.

Wow! You weren't alllowed to perm? And you didn't have access to conditioners and you were still able to maintain healthy hair using only shampoo??? That is amazing. Why was it against the rules to perm? Was it a culture issue? Religion? Sorry so nosey but this is very interesting and new to me.
Wow! You weren't alllowed to perm? And you didn't have access to conditioners and you were still able to maintain healthy hair using only shampoo??? That is amazing. Why was it against the rules to perm? Was it a culture issue? Religion? Sorry so nosey but this is very interesting and new to me.
Well, like i said I went to a catholic school, it was run my nuns and it is in Africa. It's a girls only school and some girls came from really poor families. We were not allowed to perm and alot of other stuff because not everyone could afford to have all that stuff and they wanted everyone to be equal or as equal as possible. They believed that if we were allowed to do all this stuff some girls could have ended up getting in trouble just so that they can get what the other girls have. This is very common in my country of Origin, its very normal. They also do it to avoid conpetition between the teachers and the students. So no make up, no perm and all the students wear uniforms, black shoes white socks, thats just how the schools are run.
I think both can be easy to handle, as long as you know how to take care of it :yep:
Each one has its pros and cons. When I was relaxed, my hair was easier to care for (comb, wash, dry), but it was harder to keep on my head :lachen:. My natural hair is the exact opposite. Everything is a trade off, you've got to decide what the worth is for you.
You can only do what's good for you. I am natural now and my hair is in good shape, even though I can't do any styles other than a WNG. :ohwell: I miss the versatility of my relaxed hair, but it is because I am style challenged. There are others here who can do a lot of styles with their natural hair. You can always transition or go back to relaxing if you want.
Thank you ladies. very helpful information. I am relaxed, but sometimes I wonder if my hair would do better if I was natural. When I was in high school, I went to a catholic school and we were not allowed to relax our hair so I was natural. I used to take such good care of my hair (even though I was in africa and hair products were limited) people used to think I was relaxed. They kept having to wash my hair at school just to prove that it was not relaxed. All I used to do was a rollerset once a week. I had really cheap shampoo, no conditioners and only vaseline to apply on the hair. My hair did really good. Now I have more access to good products, but I don't think I have the guts to go natural and just the thought of starting over is scary.
I am finding myself contemplating on natural hair more and more everyday, but I just don't know. My husband loves the african in me and he thinks being natural would bring that out even more (but what does he know about being a woman of color and caring for your hair) LOL............I don't know!!!!!!!!!!...........I am just confused.

You have something now that is even more precious and that is that no matter what you decide with your hair there are ladies on this board, myself included who will help you with whatever way you choose to wear your hair. So I would say let go of the fear and just decide what you want to do because you have experts on both sides that will mentor you through it.

Don't let fear stop you from doing anything you want with regards to you hair, you have an army on this board and more information than ever before to help you with either journey. Either way the key is to have healthy and for most of us long hair.

So set your goal, make your plan and go for it, either way we are here for you.
You have something now that is even more precious and that is that no matter what you decide with your hair there are ladies on this board, myself included who will help you with whatever way you choose to wear your hair. So I would say let go of the fear and just decide what you want to do because you have experts on both sides that will mentor you through it.

Don't let fear stop you from doing anything you want with regards to you hair, you have an army on this board and more information than ever before to help you with either journey. Either way the key is to have healthy and for most of us long hair.

So set your goal, make your plan and go for it, either way we are here for you.
Oh, thank you so much. I really appreciate all the help from everyone on this site and thank you so much mscocoface for reminding me of how much support I have from all of you. I love this site.
I can easly manage my hair when it's relaxed but it's less healthy. When my hair was natural, it was hard to manage. I couldn't do anything with it myself. I only wore braids, and when I took them out I went to stylists for wash and press. I couldn't even wash it myself, yes seriously. Whith that natural hair, what I could always hear from different stylists was YOUR HAIR GROWS AND IT'S HEALTHY. Now that I got fancy with chemicals :wallbash:, where is that hair :cry3:. Don't get me wrong thought I am still relaxed and my hair is getting better, and yes I will get that growing healthy hair again as long as I don't relax twice/month again :lachen::lachen:. No more colors, and I stretch to 8 weeks or longer, that makes a difference.
I think it just depends on the person. Both natural and relaxed hair can be quite simple to take care of. They both need the same things: Moisturization and low-manipulation. As long as you supply them with both of those things, both natural and relaxed hair can be managed easily.
my natural hair was harder for me to manage. it was VERY coarse and dry. styling it was the hardest part. the only thing about my relaxed hair is managing the new growth. styling isn't so bad.
Everyone is different..for me- natural hair is easier to manage. When I was loose and nappy if I didn't feel like styling my hair in the morning I simply rinsed, used some cute accessories and had a nice wash n' go in 5 min. Relaxed hair took longer for me and I have to admit, I wasn't very good with it. The breakage, shedding and fretting drove me nuts. Yes, it was easier to comb but it was so difficult for me to make my hair goals. My relaxed hair was always thrown back in a ponytail because even though it was SL it was damaged w/ dry ends, etc. I loveddddddd how strong my natural coils were, and if pressed or straigtened it looked so much stronger and healthier.

Now that I have locs maintenance is virtually 0. Wake up - spritz + go

I think it really depends on whom you are talking to. I think there's people that have only had relaxer experience and couldn't even imagine having to deal with natural hair, and vice versa. For me natural is easier then relaxed. For me, I don't want to deal with over/under processed hair(which i went through before) breakage, curling iron/flat iron/blow dryer dmg,burning scalp from perms no thanks. I can speak to these things b/c I have gone through them. Now does it make a difference that I now know how to take care of relaxed hair better, NOPE!!!:lachen: I'll still choose natural every time! but that's just me.....:drunk::spinning::grin: