Which Hair Grease Did You Use As A Child? (nostalgic Photo Included)

Yessss! Good old TCB !I also remember Palmers coconut and African Pride


It smelled fruity and had like little herbal bits in it right? Or am I confusing that with something else?
Yessss! Good old TCB !I also remember Palmers coconut and African Pride


It smelled fruity and had like little herbal bits in it right? Or am I confusing that with something else?
Ooh I think I remember this from childhood too. I will be looking for this now on my next visit to the bss thanks. Gotta stay greasy.
Man I used to run from the hair grease as a kid. I hated how weighed down and stiff it made my hair look and feel. My mom always wanted to put it on my hair after blow drying. I absolutely hated it. I don't remember which brand she used, I think it might have been Ultra Sheen or Minoval. I did like Vitapointe and I let her use that on my hair without a fuss. Now as an adult I love grease for protective styling, but I only use it on damp hair and then braid or twist it up. Maybe I should try Vitapointe again, I wonder if I would still like it...
My PJ-ism ways started when I was around 10 y.o. so I have used aaaalllll the products above at some time or another and still keep a few around. :look:

Isoplus, white jar w/blue top, was good stuff especially for an itchy scalp. It was better than Sulphur 8, IMO.
What I hated about grease, especially blue magic and TCB (not that others didn't but these two especially) is that they would catch and hold scents! My Grandmother was a frying machine. She would have me at school smelling like fried chicken, fish grease and blue magic - STANKING IN THE HEAD!!
What I hated about grease, especially blue magic and TCB (not that others didn't but these two especially) is that they would catch and hold scents! My Grandmother was a frying machine. She would have me at school smelling like fried chicken, fish grease and blue magic - STANKING IN THE HEAD!!
Really? Wow then I can spray some perfume to my head and it will stick right?
I fry fish cakes at least twice a week and I don't smell like salmon yet, or at least I don't know about it lol.
Yessss! Good old TCB !I also remember Palmers coconut and African Pride


It smelled fruity and had like little herbal bits in it right? Or am I confusing that with something else?

I think you're right. I know there was a grease I used that had "stuff" in it and I'm almost positive it was this one.

I forgot to add that I used the BB Super Gro later on as well.