Which area grows faster for you?

which part grows faster

  • nape/back

    Votes: 82 56.9%
  • crown

    Votes: 44 30.6%
  • sides

    Votes: 22 15.3%
  • bang area

    Votes: 10 6.9%

  • Total voters
I'm going to start paying more attention to see....I believe it's the top middle portion (is that the crown)? It's drier and frizzier and usually the LONGEST.
The right back section on my head grows considerably fast (or my left side breaks entirely to much :perplexed). My hair always seems to grow at a noticeable slant. Its gotten better since my cut in FEB though :yep:.
If the back of my head could do what the crown does. Sheesh. My crown is 12-14 inches while the back is 6-9 smh. I have braids in and the crown has gained bout an inch where as the back gained like a centimeter lol
Hmm, I would have to say my crown and the back(not really including my nape). When my hair started growing back, I really noticed that the back half of my hair came in faster. My sides and edges tends to grow faster when I have extensions, which I try not to wear too often since my edges are back.
I feel the same as AtlantaJJ. My nape grows a lot faster than the rest of my hair because it falls somewhere in the 3c/4a category as well. I would have to keep cutting it so the rest of my hair would catch up and I think that is why I always end up with a V-Growth at the back no matter how much I trim it.
My crown grows super fast compared to the sides and back of my hair. The hair in my crown area is also a bit looser in texture that the sides and back of my hair.
For me, it's the sides of my hair that grow the fastest and I am constantly cutting them so they match with the rest of my hair, it's annoying.
my nape outgrows every other section of my head
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The back seems to grow the fastest, I'm just bad at retaining back there. It's also the thickest. I'm 26 weeks post relaxer and the pieces in the front are very long but I noticed there's not as much new growth as in the back.
This thread got me to thinking. I have to make a decision about the way I cut my hair moving forward. Right now the nape is longer than my crown. I would like for my hair to be all one length one day, which I think help my fine natural hair look thicker. That means I would have to delay my goal of reaching APL.

Something for me to consider.
I'm not sure which part grows faster but the back of my hair in the middle doesn't seem to grow at all. All of my hair is right above APL but that middle back portion is probably only a few inches long. I'm at wits end about it.
My back grows the fastest. That is why I always look like I have layers :perplexed

I noticed the same thing!!!

I suspect the same thing in my case the middle and the back. My edges and sides are slow!!! I started to analyze what I do to my hair. I'm also suspecting that I always moisturize my ends...or so I thought but when i think back of the movement I think..the back end of my hair is more moisturized than the side and the edge. So now Im super careful about my sides and edges. I now have a seperate container for my sides and edges. Just to force me to keep closer track of my sides and edges daily moisturizer application.
The back of my hair grows the fastest while the very front of my hair where my bangs are grows at a super super slow rate. :nono: Ive been trying to grow these bangs out and it's taking forever.
The center lower back area..That's my V angle..The V is at Classic length..The rest isn't...lol
The middle front & centre. They are almost twice as long as the rest of my hair. If my back was as long as the middle front I would be BSL at least!
The middle back grows the fastest. It is the strongest and most course part of my hair. It seems that the relaxer does not take well and that may be he reason why it grows so fast because the relaxer does not breakdown the protein bonds. Not sure but it is strong, course, and longer than the other sections of my hair.
I WISH my crown grew fast. It grows at a snail's pace. My nape and bangs fly out my head. But these areas are less prone to breakage because they are more like a 3c/4a. The crown is a really tight coily 4b/c and breaks when you breathe on it. :perplexed