Where Is This Relationship Going?


Well-Known Member
Historically, I’ve only heard the question “Where is this relationship going?” or the statement “I don’t know where this relationship is going” from women that can’t get a handle on what the guys in their lives are going to do in the future. I’ve never heard a guy say this about his girlfriend, and I wonder if there’s a reason for that….

Personally speaking, my relationships to women aren’t “going” anywhere at all. We like each other or we don’t. We hang out together or we don’t. We’re messing with each other or we’re not. That’s about the extent of “progress”. Unless she has some kind of drastic personality change which makes her so interesting that I want to spend time with her over and over, to the exclusion of other chicks, it is what it is. We’re having fun, expressing interest, sexuality, sensuality and mutual admiration, it starts when it starts.. it ends when it ends.. we pick it up again if we pick it up. C’est la vie.

I find it best to state these things up front. For me, it’s way easier to meet a new chick that’s interested than to extricate myself from a relationship with some disillusioned chick. This isn’t normally the pattern, though…
Unfortunately, a lot of gals don’t actually become authentically useful until they believe your relationship IS “going somewhere”. Until you give them a title, like girlfriend or fiancee, they want to front on what they REALLY want to do with you. Guys know this, because this is an ancient female tactic, so what they do is FAKE being in a relationship with chicks so they can get them to give it up proppah.

All of a sudden, your girl is akkin’ right. All of a sudden, she’s being all she can be. That’s all well and good, except for when it gets down the line and she starts wondering when the relationship’s going to escalate… because… she’s gonna be with you FOREVER, right? :D Y’all are getting married and having kids, right? :D Guys are perfectly willing to let gals believe this up until the point where they’re pressed for the information about “Where is this relationship going?”.

In most cases, “this relationship” isn’t “going” ANYWHERE. It IS what it IS. The guy is perfectly content with how things are between you and isn’t thinking about adding titles that don’t have any bearing whatsoever on his personal satisfaction with you. Of course, this leads to another revolution of the cycle, because women figure this out and start holding out on sex and other benefits until they get some kind of action from the guy. She wants an engagement ring. She wants a date for the wedding. She wants to be actually married to you, etc etc etc.

The saying is “Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?”. For gals, this means to hold out on the milk in order to get the guy to buy the cow. For guys, this means don’t bother buying the cow, because you can get the milk and keep your wallet and freedom intact. This is also why a lot of women get cheated on, because they think the guy wants THEM when the guy wants SEX or some other thing you’re not providing. As soon as he gets what he wants from the next chick, you’re through.

I’ve always found it interesting that women are often clueless as to the state of their relationships. It’s like they don’t have enough information about their men or enough authentic communication with them to understand what’s currently going on, and that’s affecting their ability to attempt to predict the future. Without communication, you’re a back-seat driver. Go along for the ride or dive out of the car. The reason you don’t know where your relationship’s going is that you have ZERO say or control over where it’s going, and that’s the way YOU’VE allowed it to be.

Women seem to have a hard time reeling this situation back in. They get to a point where their curiosity about progression outweighs their ability to enjoy the ride from the back seat. The problem is, they don’t REALLY want the answer to their question, hahaha :D If they ask and he says “I have no intention of marrying you or having kids with you”, all of a sudden, she has to make the decision to remain in this relationship (which was ALWAYS this way, she’s just finding out NOW), or to bail out right now, and take her chances back out on the dating scene, now that she’s definitely older and potentially less attractive than she was when she started dating her soon-to-be ex.

Since neither situation is preferable, women are literally SCARED TO ASK, and keep going in these relationships that are never going to be different than they are right now. This is as good as it gets. Take it or leave it. Stay or bounce. It’s all in the game. Welcome to the real world, Neo.

Women are also pressurized by the progress of their girlfriends’ relationships. When your girl’s homegirls start getting married and having kids, WATCH OUT!!! :D HERE IT COMES!!! :D “What are we doing?” “Where is this going?” “Are we just wasting time together?” “Has this all been for NOTHING?” blah blah blah blah blah…

A typical defensive tactic for guys in this situation is to put the blame on the gal for the “breakdown” of the relationship. It’s pretty crafty, actually, haha… When she starts asking about relationship progression, the guy acts like all of a sudden, she’s given him all these things to think about that he can’t handle. This means that he needs to think about these “deep” questions that she’s asked him, which means what????? :D That’s right…. “I need some space”. “I need time to think about what you said”. “I need to figure out what I really want”. “It’s not you… it’s me”. “I don’t know if I’m ready to commit”… If what he’s saying is true, he wasn’t thinking about having a future with you in the first place. Either way, what it means is that you’ve just been demoted from exclusive girlfriend to “friend”.

There’s nothing you can say about it either, because YOU’RE the one that asked him all these questions that he’s admitting he has no answer for at this point in time. YOU’RE the one that introduced mental turmoil. You’re saying you aren’t satisfied with how the relationship currently is or that you want some sort of statement from him indicating that things will ever be different, and he can’t (or won’t) provide that, so the relationship necessarily has to stall until he can “figure it out”. Meanwhile, “figuring it out” often involves dating other women to be “sure that you’re the one”… Yeah. Right. :D

So this is why women are afraid to ask about the status of their relationships. They don’t want it to backfire on them, where they inadvertently end things instead of moving them towards the next level. At the same time, they don’t want to continue indefinitely in a relationship that might not end up with them getting titles, marriages, kids…. So it’s really a ‘lesser of the evils’ situation.

Meanwhile, it’s pretty simple for guys. You either have no girls, one girl or several girls. You’re having a good time or you’re not, and you’ll have a good time tomorrow or you won’t.. with the same gal or a different one. You’re messing with a particular chick or you’re not. You’re friends with a particular chick or you’re not. It’s pretty obvious whether she wants to be in a relationship with you or just hang out with you, and I think “Where is this relationship going?” rarely crosses our minds….. if EVER.

Very well put. I went through a period where I dated ALOT of men. They were only first dates because I let THEM know straight out the gate what I wanted. A few were respectful and honest, to hell with the rest.

I don't date any longer...I found that no one (I run across) wants monogamy or honesty...
This results from women being fed a load of BULL. Through clear eyes read the fairy tales that many of us were read as children.

They are given the fairy tale of the surprise marriage proposal - if you don't know when/if you are going to be asked to marry then your relationship is not well enough developed to be entering any marriage.

Sometimes you may want to ask but only ask once. If you don't get an clear concise detailed answer then cut your losses. Don't beg a man to marry you - if you have to discuss it more than once then its begging - don't lower yourself. I'd prefer not having to ask at all but sometimes you need to know when to cut your losses.

My own rule - never let him sleep over at your house - he needs to go to his own house every night through rain or snow or freezing rain. He does not live with you - don't play house with him. Men, by their nature, will not change the status quo unless there is something in it for them. If it will not make their lives easier or happier they will not do it.
When I was single, I'd always get that out of the way on the first or second date. Time is the one thing you can never get back and I don't let people waste mine.
So basically, to sum it up; if one has to ask, the relationship is going nowhere?

Hmm...IMO most relationships are headed somewhere. Just not always where both parties want it to be going, or at a speed that both parties want it to be going at.

Asking the question itself should (in theory) be a simple thing to do. I say that because most people who are asking would be asking because they're looking for something specific and want to know if it's headed there. So why waste time if it's not?

Realistically, however, I know it can be more complicated than that.
The thing is, by the time you ask that question, you've probably devoted a lot of time and resources to the "relationship." Even then when you ask, a lot of guys will lie about it to keep you hanging on.
So basically, to sum it up; if one has to ask, the relationship is going nowhere?

I have to agree. Things are either clicking on a certain level or they are not. There are some ways in which things just are what they are.

This is jmho (developed also through some experience), but I have not really seen a man go from "eh" feelings to "I wanna marry you" feelings just because more time has progressed. Ladies, let me know if you have/haven't seen the same, but I've just noticed that whatever level a man is interested in a woman, it's there from the beginning. There have been men that have brought up marriage to me in the getting to know you stage. And there was another who was perpetually in that "unsure" stage...perpetually, no matter how long we knew one another. And then there are those that are just friends, and it is what it is--nothing more or less.

The potential of a relationship is pre-determined. I think that men sense much more keenly exactly what that potential is and take it for what it is, whereas women are waiting, hoping, that this is going to be "it." You can mess up a good thing, waste the potential. But you can't create more of it. (without changes in character, personality, circumstances, etc) So if he's not moving things forward, or showing/saying that he thinks this is "it," it probably isn't. Again, jmho. I could be wrong.
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1. The question should come before time is wasted. Getting into a relationship first and then asking the question is foolish. Ask very early. The kind of man who is "alienated" by this question early on is the type who had no intention of ever taking you seriously.

2. The question should be a statement, not a question. "I am not interested in fooling around with children; I expect a committed, monogamous relationship, and will bail, if I sense I am getting anything less." Then he can figure out how to react to that. If his reaction falls short, say goodbye.

3. I am unpredictable by nature, but ish like this article is why I haven't tried hard to be more reliable. I am devoted one week and then the next week I want space, and then I disappear for a bit, and then reappear for another bit, and then am back to devotion, and then decide we should just be friends. Then he woos me back, but I make it clear I have others and don't plan to give them up. By the time I decide to commit, the man is so grateful that he walks on eggshells. The rest of the relationship goes my way. Men can't have too much peace of mind. It makes them complacent and bored, then they misbehave like highly intelligent pets without outlets for their energy. They need to be dragged through the mud and put through emotional turmoil on a regular basis. This is why the most trifling, unreliable women (think Angelina Jolie) get multiple proposals, while the good girl is taking what she can get.
I don't think just asking the question means that the relationship isn't going anywhere. I would ONLY ask the question if I knew the answer and just wanted to let homeboy know that I was ready to start seriously contemplating marching down the aisle . . .
It's a little disconcerting that many of us are of the opinion that we won't give a guy certain benefits until we are in a relationship with him. Now we know that guys will enter a relationship with you just to receive those benefits, but basically that's all there is to it. He's not necessarily looking at you as marriage material or the possible mother of his kids. He's just doing what you require for him to go along for the ride. That throws a wrench into the relationship requirement.

I've never been in a relationship where a guy was not looking at marriage as the end goal, but I will keep this in mind going forward.
It's a little disconcerting that many of us are of the opinion that we won't give a guy certain benefits until we are in a relationship with him.

Hmmm...what's disconcerting about it?

If I was giving everything to every guy I dated that I would give to a guy I was in an exclusive relationship with, what would be the point of (or difference in being in) a committed monogamous relationship?
Well, I'm not giving any benefits to any guys. I'm just saying that it's disconcerting that a guy will get into a relationship with you, NOT because they see you as having the potential for being his wife but because that's the only way he will get certain benefits from you.
The thing is, a guy will only try so much to be in a relationship with you if he is not working towards the end goal - a committed long term permanent relationship ie marriage.
I thought of the situation that Shannon Brown's girlfriend is going through when I read this thread. I think if you have to keep asking where things are going, it's time to reevaluate the relationship and armed with the newfound reality, decide if it's a relationship you're okay staying in.

A few years ago, I met a wonderful man and we decided to start seeing each other. I let him know from the beginning that I'm not one to waste my time if I know things aren't progressing. I was at a point in my life where I was only interested in dating for marriage.

He said that he wasn't at that point in his life yet; however, he said he really cared about me, and just needed some time. What did I do? I still went ahead with the relationship because things were great, and I thought he'd eventually change his mind if I was the best girlfriend ever! I set off a plan to prove to him how great I was. I spent the next year cooking, loving, supporting and wasting my time and emotions on this man. Months passed by and there was no change. Did he lead me on? I'm sure some would say no, and others might think he did.

It took me about 1.5 years to realize that the relationship wasn't going anywhere. He kept saying that he just needed more time since he was so busy trying to advance at work. After doing a lot of soul searching and getting advice from family and friends, I decided to walk.

I could have easily stayed and waited patiently for things to change. A baby could have come into play. Years could have passed by with me playing house, giving him all these benefits. He wasn't complaining.

Here's the kicker. He started dating someone a few months after we broke up. It's been 1.5 years that they've been dating, and now they're about to get married.

It would have been stupid on my end to wait around for him because I obviously was his 'right now' girl. As much as he was talking about how much he was in love with me, he knew deep down that I wasn't the one for him. That didn't stop him from eating up my damn food and laying up in my damn bed. I felt so angry that I lost that time, but thats not too bad compared to what I gained in terms of lessons learned.
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In my experience, you know up front where the relationship is going because the man is very vocal about his intentions and he does all the right things. If he is interested in a future with you, he makes it quite clear. However, sometimes things just don't work out but it's due to other factors that arise.

On the other hand, when man is not interested he often starts out with silly games that encompass inconsistent phone calls, inconsistent planned outings, and a very obvious display of immaturity. The signs are usually there but sometimes as women we want something to work so badly that we stick around hoping for an improvement.
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In my experience, you know up front where the relationship is going because the man is very vocal about his intentions and he does all the right things. If he is interested in a future with you, he makes it quite clear. However, sometimes things just don't work out but it's due to other factors that arise.

On the other hand, when man is not interested he often starts out with silly games that encompass inconsistent phone calls, inconsistent planned outings, and a very obvious display of immaturity. The signs are usually there but sometimes as women we want something to work so badly that we stick around hoping for an improvement.
I think your points are true but obvious. Meaning if a guy does these things, then you KNOW his mind is not ready for a relationship unless you're deluding yourself. I think where most women fall prey to being victims of an emotional "drag on" so to speak is when the signs are not so clear and the guy...misleads them and/or they mislead themselves by reading into intentions that are not apparent. Basically if something is unclear...it's not a good sign. I think even good guys are capable of doing this to women. Because a guy who doesn't know where things are going is not going to commit to more, unless he feels like he has to. And who wants to force a guy by trying to convince him and/or dragging a relationship out until he feels he has to ask because enough time has dragged out. That's not the feeling I want when someone asks me to marry them.

I think Ediese made good points that I think we women ignore. Basically if a guy says he isn't ready, or he's not sure, but he looooves you...how long are you going to hang in there convincing him. And do you really want to convince him in the first place when another guy won't need any as he'll know that you are the one for him. I think some women live on the hope that a man will change.. But words like, and Ediese didn't mention this but they are examples: I love you but I'm not in love with you, or I'm not sure, or we'll see, or let's just take things as they go and eventually...., or blah blah really translate into you are NOT the one...in most cases. With the exception of those in college...but even then the signs are pretty clear.

What you're looking for marraige wise imo:A guy will say he wants to marry you, he'll start looking at rings, he'll say he would love it if the kids had you (pick a feature), he'll take you to meet his family, etc. You'll start talking about houses, where you want to live, looking through real estate together to gauge what you like. He'll actively look into things with you (so it's not all talk). He'll do things for you that shows he cares. His friends will say things like "why don't you get married already, I'm sick of hearing him talk about you!" This is different than I wanna marry you, we'll be married by blah, etc. It won't just be talk. You'll see him taking little actions. Like going into a store and pulling you in with him so he can get your ring size and/or you'll hear that he asked your parents your ring size, etc.

And even then, he could still be full of it, but you're on a better track than with the I'm not sure guy. Or any guy you have to ask "where is this going". My fiance's ex asked him where they're going...uhm nowhere. He broke up with her. Then we dated and are now engaged. I know all this because we were best friends before dating so I know about his personal life before. I already realized that if I have to ask, I already have an answer. I should already have a clue that this relationship is moving along in the manner I want or I should be filling up my dating calendar and saying goodbye.
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Some guys will fake a future with you. I know one guy that I've posted about pretended to like me soooo much. He wanted to have "the talk." Like one day, he asked, "What are we?" I was thinking, like what I don't even know you like that. Then one day I was talking about my car and saying I didn't like it but decided to be an adult and accept it. It could be my mom car in the future, and he was like, "We'll have a minivan by then." He showed me his home video of some kind of street party in Memphis and was like, "We should go to Memphis together." He told me how he went out and saw his ex-girlfriend who brought up the conversation that they were together for so long but he wouldn't propose. Then he said he didn't want her to feel like he was waiting for someone better to come along. Then he was like, "Then there's you." Granted, I just knew this fool from school and was not really dating him. I was trying to get to know him, because he pretended like he was so interested in me. The next thing I know, he's in a relationship with a fat Latin chick with 3 kids. I can't STAND him!
Haha...MissJ at first I thought that the original post was YOU talking! I had to re-read the beginning again and again to be sure. THen I saw "Bill" at the end. I didn't realize this was an article at first. LOL! :lol:


So basically, to sum it up; if one has to ask, the relationship is going nowhere?
Sad to say, but that's probably true. :look:

Honestly, all of the relationships that I've been in where the guy actively PURSUED me, and was into me more than I was into him, I NEVER had to ask "where is this relationship going?" "What ARE we?" :rolleyes:

I figure, either the guy is into you enough to want to date you seriously, or he's not. You'll pretty much know early on though. I think there will be signs. :yep:

Well, I'm not giving any benefits to any guys. I'm just saying that it's disconcerting that a guy will get into a relationship with you, NOT because they see you as having the potential for being his wife but because that's the only way he will get certain benefits from you.

:stop: Well....not so fast. Not always.

Of course we all know that most guys are VISUAL beings first and foremost, so when they approach you, the only thing they have to go on is physical attraction. It is only by getting to know a woman better that they realize that they actually like her as a PERSON as well. I think that the real genuine GOOD guys won't just get into a relationship with you just to get certain "benefits". If "benefits" were all they were interested in, they would bail on you and just go to the next chick who gives it up if that's all they were interested in. Now I know that some women don't agree with this, but I'm going to say it anyway: THIS is primarily why I think it's best for a woman to wait until she's married to the guy to give him full physical benefits. If you can't wait that long, then PLEASE wait at least a few months or until the two of you are definitely exclusively dating! This way you will know if he just wanted to "hit it and run", or if he's actually interested in a relationship with you. :yep: The longer he has to wait, the more and more he has to actually get to know YOU (the REAL you) before getting intimate w/you. Usually people treasure things more when they've had to wait or work hard for it. If it just comes so easily to him, then most men won't really treasure it. :ohwell:

A few years ago, I met a wonderful man and we decided to start seeing each other. I let him know from the beginning that I'm not one to waste my time if I know things aren't progressing. I was at a point in my life where I was only interested in dating for marriage.

He said that he wasn't at that point in his life yet; however, he said he really cared about me, and just needed some time. What did I do? I still went ahead with the relationship because things were great, and I thought he'd eventually change his mind if I was the best girlfriend ever! I set off a plan to prove to him how great I was. I spent the next year cooking, loving, supporting and wasting my time and emotions on this man. Months passed by and there was no change. Did he lead me on? I'm sure some would say no, and others might think he did.

It took me about 1.5 years to realize that the relationship wasn't going anywhere. He kept saying that he just needed more time since he was so busy trying to advance at work. After doing a lot of soul searching and getting advice from family and friends, I decided to walk.

I could have easily stayed and waited patiently for things to change. A baby could have come into play. Years could have passed by with me playing house, giving him all these benefits. He wasn't complaining.

Here's the kicker. He started dating someone a few months after we broke up. It's been 1.5 years that they've been dating, and now they're about to get married.

It would have been stupid on my end to wait around for him because I obviously was his 'right now' girl. As much as he was talking about how much he was in love with me, he knew deep down that I wasn't the one for him. That didn't stop him from eating up my damn food and laying up in my damn bed. I felt so angry that I lost that time, but thats not too bad compared to what I gained in terms of lessons learned.

:nono: So sorry that you wen through something like this. :(

I've learned my lessons in life as well. :yep: I think that if a man tells you that he's not "ready" , then it's best to believe him. Just cut your losses, tell the man that you think that it's probably better that you two go your seperate ways and allow him to take his time to be "ready", and then when he gets ready if he's still interested, and you're still available and interested, then he can come and hit you up then. But to be staying with him trying to "prove" to him what a great girl you are is a waste of time IMO. :nono2: I've learned my lesson with this.

I personally think that men get married when THEY feel that they are ready to get married. Not any sooner. I think they get married to whichever woman that they are dating at the moment when they are "ready". I've learned this as well.
Some guys will fake a future with you. I know one guy that I've posted about pretended to like me soooo much. He wanted to have "the talk." Like one day, he asked, "What are we?" I was thinking, like what I don't even know you like that. Then one day I was talking about my car and saying I didn't like it but decided to be an adult and accept it. It could be my mom car in the future, and he was like, "We'll have a minivan by then." He showed me his home video of some kind of street party in Memphis and was like, "We should go to Memphis together." He told me how he went out and saw his ex-girlfriend who brought up the conversation that they were together for so long but he wouldn't propose. Then he said he didn't want her to feel like he was waiting for someone better to come along. Then he was like, "Then there's you." Granted, I just knew this fool from school and was not really dating him. I was trying to get to know him, because he pretended like he was so interested in me. The next thing I know, he's in a relationship with a fat Latin chick with 3 kids. I can't STAND him!

I've been through this b4...I call these type of guys commitment g-ers...it really works with a lot of women....