Question Where did my thanks go?

When restored it will be for everyone. It is something that I have to test again and again because if I get it wrong, all thanks will be deleted and I don't want that to happen.
yea I don't have all mines either, i hope they don't think cause i am rarely here that i didn't notice, I know he was working on it, but is he done or still working on it?
me either!!...and all of my saved search links no longer work either...that makes me mad because it took me a while to find those and now I don't remember the search titles I used :mad:
Thanks: Answer in this post :

Links/bookmarks: Check the link itself. Most likely it will be like this:

change it to:

so effectively you remove the "forums/" part out of it and they will work. Alternatively you can use the search engine which is far more accurate than before.
hmm I guess it's not a big deal cause my thing reads like this

and I still don't have all my thanks.
I lost mine too. The only thanks I have are the ones from within the past week. I have been gone over a year so I thought everyone else had just built theirs back
no, some people got their back cause they have double digit thousands and I know it didn't get built back up that quick. I'm under the impression that no one cares, so oh well. it's not that serious at the end of the day I guess. We don't get any special privileges or rep from thanks anyways.