Where can I get a good wig cheap? Would like to try out a hair cut...


Well-Known Member

I am currently at APL. Over the summer I had a lot of breakage, I still haven't been able to pin point the cause but I have reduced it by at least 90%. I really want to cut my hair into a bob (a little longer than jaw bone length) due to the breakage.

My current hair dresser is not good with cuts, she is great for a relaxer and hair care but cuts are not her thing. Anywhoo, my gf's stylist did a good job with her cuts over the years and I want her to cut my hair. I will go for a wash and set before the cut to try her out. I was thinking about getting a wig and letting her cut it to my bob specifications so that I can get a feel before I have to live with the cut.

Now where can I get a good wig for a good price? Also, can you point me to any sites with hairstyles? I have a round face. I have googled and keep hitting wack sites!

Thanks ladies!