Where can I find henna in Dallas/Ft Worth?


Well-Known Member
I'm in Ft Worth now and I need to find a Indian grocer close to me now (Precint Line and 183) or close to where I'm staying behind the Galleria and are they open on Sundays?
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Taj Mahal is where I go for my oils and powders, but I haven't been able to find henna there. If you search for indin grocers on Google, you will find a listing of a lot of indian grocers in the area. Most of them are in Irving ner 183 and in Richardson.
Well, I found some henna (Karishma Herbal Henna) but they did not have the indigo. Had to ask someone in the store to help. Said he had never heard of indigo. Also bought Amla oil, Shikakai powder and Age Ayurveda shampoo and conditioner, If someone could tell me how to use these products I would appreciate it.