Where can I buy Mizani Relaxer?


New Member
I want to relax my hair. After all of the great advice I have received on this site. However, I am unable to find the Mizani Relaxer. Does anyone know of a vendor that sells the Mizani Relaxer? Please provide contact information.

Thank you
I would also like to know where to buy Mizani. I have been searching for a while. I asked at several salons and was told that I wouldn't be able to purchase since it is sold to licensed professionals only. I finally found Mizani in a BSS in Bronx, New York but I was reluctant to buy it because of how it was packaged. (I'm new to all of this - recently had my first relaxer in eight years.) But the packaging seemed kind of different, rather strange and I didn't want to take any chances. Most of the relaxers I've seen come in boxes with instructions and maybe shampoo. This particular Mizani consisted of the relaxer (in a "one application" size jar) with a 2 oz. container of shampoo sloppily taped to each jar. Affirm was also packaged the same. So, I'm still searching and I'll let you know if I find it.
I have also heard that you can purchase mizani relaxers in
bss in Manhattan and Bronx NY I was not aware that it was
packaged different.
Nebula, that might have been the activator and not shampoo. Mizani and Affirm makes both lye and no-lye relaxers and the no-lyes have the bottle taped to the side. The lye version is just a regular old tub.