Where Are The Praisers?!


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
Love this SA/Zim/Congo style of praise called "Hakuna Zvinorema" (Nothing is Impossible)...yes, Lord!

Post your fave praise/dance songs!

2 Sam 6:14
And David is dancing with all strength before Jehovah, and David is girded with a linen ephod..
Ecc. 3:4

A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
Psalms 150:1-6

Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! Praise him with sounding cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals! ...

Psalms 146:2
I will praise the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.

Lyrics to Song ( (Sung in Shona, and a verse in Zulu):

Refrain: Hakuna zvinorema (Nothing is impossible) x4

KunaBaba hakuna, kunaMwari hakuna (With my Father/God)
kunaDaddy hakuna, KunaMdhara hakuna (With my Dad/Lord)
kunaDaddy hakuna, kunaBaba hakuna (With my Dad/Father)
Nyengetera wo, Nyengetera wo (Simply pray/ask) x2

Vanomirima Jehova (Those that wait upon the Lord)
Vachapihwa simba tsva (Shall renew their strength) x2
Vachamhanyamhanya vasinganeti (They will run and not tire)
Vachaphihwa simba tva (They shall renew their strength) x2

Ndouya ikoko, ikoko Baba (I come before You, Before you Father)
Ndouya-ikoko (Ikoko) (I come before you) x3
Ikoko baba (Before You Father) x2
Kwamuri baba, ikoko Baba (To Your Presence, Before You Father)
Ndouya-ikoko (Ikoko) (I come before you) x3
Ikoko baba (Before You Father) x2

Simudzira maoko kunaJesu (Raise your hands for Jesus), eeeh eeeh x2
Uchidai so (Like this), eeeh eeeh x2

Hosanna hosanna, Tichanoimba hosanna (We shall sing Hosannah) x2
Tichitenderera pachigaro chamambo (As we surround the throne of God)
Tichanoimba hosanna (We shall sing Hosannah)

-Sung in Zulu
Sohlabelel’uhosanna (We shall sing Hosannah)
Sijekeleze, sizungeze isihlalo sobukhosi (As we surround the throne of God)
Sohlabelel’uHosanna (We shall sing Hosannah)
ETA to add song lyrics

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This is another one of my favorite songs and I pray you all enjoy it as much I do.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Looks like you got it... :yep:
This is how I do it:
  • Copy the entire URL of the YouTube vid
  • In Post Reply, hover over the second icon botton to the right of the Smiley button to select the media icon
  • When the Media window pops up, Paste URL and click on EMBED

Not sure why iframe widths are showing ?? but I can see your vids!

How do I add a video please? I don't know how to do it. Thanks in advance.
Looks like you got it... :yep:
This is how I do it:
  • Copy the entire URL of the YouTube vid
  • In Post Reply, hover over the second icon botton to the right of the Smiley button to select the media icon
  • When the Media window pops up, Paste URL and click on EMBED

Not sure why iframe widths are showing ?? but I can see your vids!

Thanks a million @Laela
Yes, he's a decent musician/singer, ain't he? lol. Glad you enjoyed it.

Have a blessed Sunday!
Oh wow, that was nice @Laela. I didn't even know that Pastor J Franklin was also a musician. WOW! I loved that.

I just put this one on my facebook page.
^^.. and I realize yesterday was Monday... lol

Praise song today... Let it Rain, esp this rendition! .. :yep:
