Where am I lengthwise? (pics)


Well-Known Member
Measuring is confusing... Could someone tell me where I am lengthwise? Shoulder? APL? My hair has some curl/wave to it because I had it twisted up to sleep in. It's uncombed....

My hair's pretty fine and cut into layers. I'm trying to undo the damage that occured a few weeks ago in the crown area(In my other post I lost a handful of relaxed hair while wet due to alcohol. LITERALLY a hand full.) I've been wearing buns. My breakage has been minimal as is shedding so I think I'm doing something right.... finally lol.



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Thanks! I used a two socks and a pair of panty hose to make the donut! It's saved my ends. They look a little rough but I think it's the fineness coming into play.
DSylla said:
i think you're between shouldler and armpit length.

ILMG, I have a feeling if your arms were at rest, your hair probably sits right along your shoulderblades, so not quite armpit but you're on the way!:)
I agree w/DSylla. ( I think if your hair was combed and your arms were a litlle more rested it makes it easier to see. Either way that bun looks nice.
DSylla said:
i think you're between shouldler and armpit length.