When you reach your goals..


New Member
When you reach your goals will you still use LHCF?
I'm guessing most of you will!
When I first joined I was like 'I'll subscribe for one year and then continue growing my hair on my own'. Now I'm thinking I'll keep subscribing until I've reached all my goals of even longer.
What about you?
When (if ever) will you stop subscribing?
No i dont see myself ever stopping. If I'm bored with the hair thing, there is always the entertainment section or off topic.
This is true. I was scanning the off topics section this weekend and I found myself laughing so hard...I woke my entire house up!!!

I am here forever!!!
I doubt I'll ever stop. :lol: I wish they offered a lifetime sub like one of the other sites I'm on does - that way, I wouldn't have to worry about my change being strange in the future.
No, i would not give up LHCF once i reach my goal. Because i can offer help to newcomers to this site and you could never stop learning about proper hair care.

Plus, i enjoy reading other threads on this site.
I think we're all in this together, so I want to stay even when I reach my goal. That way I can help newbies, like so many have helped me.
LHCF has become about so much more than just hair for me. I'll probably be around for a good long time.
I've been a member for years. At first I lurked, then I only posted on the haircare forum, and now I enjoy all the different forums. I think I'll always be on here, if only for the entertainment and good atmosphere. I think it's worth the yearly membership fee.
I probably will stop subscribing within a year or two of reaching my goal, but that don't mean I will stop reading threads here
I can talk hair all day, all night. Can't imagine I'd stop posting once I get to my hair goal. I love reading product reviews, reading stories, looking at the progress pictures, etc... To me my hair is a hobby.
When you reach your goals will you still use LHCF?
I'm guessing most of you will!
When I first joined I was like 'I'll subscribe for one year and then continue growing my hair on my own'. Now I'm thinking I'll keep subscribing until I've reached all my goals of even longer.
What about you?
When (if ever) will you stop subscribing?

I don't see myself unsubscribing anytime soon. I just don't post as often as I use to. My goal is WL:blush::grin:
For now i see myself staying til i reach my ultimate goal and a little bit after. I wanna stick around and help the newbies if i can, i also wanna be someones inspiration. I want them to see that if i did it, they can too.
I reached my goal and I am still here. To me it is more about hair now because I enjoy the other forums. So I am staying until they ban me. Q
I'll still be around after my goals are reached.:grin: Hair care has become a way of life for me. I'd like to have the opportunity to help others in attaining their goals.