When you need a man's perspective, who do you talk to?


Well-Known Member
When you need male perspective on an issue with your SO/DH, who do you talk to? Or do you not talk to anybody?
My Dad (well not EVERY issue) - we are close and he tells me like it is. Funny, cus often he will say i'm the one being a little harsh and i should give a guy a break!!!

Also i have very good male friend who will give me The Players perspective on things!
Believe it or not 2 of my ex's. I used to have a male friend (that i never dated or anything like that) I would talk to but he started catching feelings and was giving f'd up advice so I had to cut that off. :nono:
My dh, he's my best friend, so he's who I go to for most perspectives.

well that's the thing.....it's about him. So, im trying to think of someone else. My dad is :nono:.
Don't keep in touch with exes.
Don't have male friends.
No brothers or male cousins.
I have a couple of male friends that I vent with. But for the most part I don't talk to them for advice per say. I've had so many male friends throughout the years that I understand the male persuasion very well. As a matter of fact, alot of my female friends come to me for strategies to deal with the male mind. :lachen:
I take all my problems with DH straight to DH. He had to get used to me being so "straight up".

It's all for the greater good. I have an older brother and lots of male cousins, but I couldn't see talking "bad" to anyone about my husband, or putting him out there like that while we were going through our "growing pains".
well that's the thing.....it's about him. So, im trying to think of someone else. My dad is :nono:.
Don't keep in touch with exes.
Don't have male friends.
No brothers or male cousins.

I have the same problem. I don't have any male friends or brothers or male cousins. And I REFUSE to talk to my dad about my love life. :look:

Honestly, now that I think about it, I'm very likely to talk about it with my therapist. She's not a man, but she offers a more objective view of the situation than anyone else in my life.

I think it's a good substitute if you really don't have a man to talk to. I know I don't. :(
well that's the thing.....it's about him. So, im trying to think of someone else. My dad is :nono:.
Don't keep in touch with exes.
Don't have male friends.
No brothers or male cousins.

What is wrong with talking to your Dad about how guys should and shouldn't be behaving? Or did you mean YOUR Dad in particular?
I wouldn't talk to him about anything sexual - of course not. But when it comes to disagreements or seeing things from a man's point of view he is one of my best sources.
We all have different relationships with our parents. Mine are quite young and are still together after 32 years of marriage. They must be doing something right.

I'm not that religious but doesn't the bible say you should listen to your Mother and Father....mine give the BEST advice ever.
What is wrong with talking to your Dad about how guys should and shouldn't be behaving? Or did you mean YOUR Dad in particular?
I wouldn't talk to him about anything sexual - of course not. But when it comes to disagreements or seeing things from a man's point of view he is one of my best sources.
We all have different relationships with our parents. Mine are quite young and are still together after 32 years of marriage. They must be doing something right.

I'm not that religious but doesn't the bible say you should listen to your Mother and Father....mine give the BEST advice ever.

for one, they are divorced
for two, he would give me some random advice that'd probably be off on some other level :nono:

He's not your typical father. I used to be a daddy's girl but that was before all his years and years of substance abuse. He's recovered now, but we don't have that real father/daughter connection anymore
^ ^ ^ Foxy - i'm really sorry to hear this....especially as you once had a good relationship with him.

Do you have male co-workers you could talk to about general male-female stuff?

I know it sounds crazy but there is a website called www.Askmen.com They have a discussion board where both males and females ask questions about anything and everything.
I'm not that religious but doesn't the bible say you should listen to your Mother and Father....mine give the BEST advice ever.

some people's parents do not have their best interests at heart or are just not the best people to give advice, period. i couldn't go to my mother for advice; i love her and we're relatively close but she would give me crap advice in regards to men. she has shown me indirectly what not to do in relationships.

i barely talk to my dad. when we do it's only about school (that's all he ever asks about...not my health, not my general welfare...nada).

my older brother and i are close but this is just something we do not discuss.

i don't think i have any men to talk to in regards to an SO. i have male friends but i'm not that close with any of them.
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for one, they are divorced
for two, he would give me some random advice that'd probably be off on some other level :nono:

He's not your typical father. I used to be a daddy's girl but that was before all his years and years of substance abuse. He's recovered now, but we don't have that real father/daughter connection anymore

I don't mean to be rude, but the way you put that "some other level" part was just funny to me... just because I can picture some fathers doing that and you going :wth:?

I'm sorry that you lost that father/daughter connection though. :(

some people's parents do not have their best interests at heart or are just not the best people to give advice, period. i couldn't go to my mother for advice; i love her and we're relatively close but she would give me crap advice in regards to men. she has shown me indirectly what not to do in relationships.

i barely talk to my dad. when we do it's only about school (that's all he ever asks about...not my health, not my general welfare...nada).

my older brother and i are close but this is just something we do not discuss.

i don't think i have any men to talk to in regards to an SO. i have male friends but i'm not that close with any of them.

Yeah, I love my moms and she's mad cool, but her relationship advice is terrible... she wants me to give men too many chances and I hang onto deadwood longer than I need to... I just need to cut fools off sometimes (especially at the beginning -- I don't need to be going through drama with someone I JUST met).

I occassionally ask my little brother some things, but that can get too weird sometimes since he's my little brother (he's the dude in my siggy, btw)

So I call my best buddy in Arizona (a guy) when I need advice. We have the perfect platonic relationship.
well i dont really talk to my dad about issues from a male perspective. I guess we never really had that type of relationship. I mean he didnt sit down and tell me about the birds and the bees etc etc. he was there but at work alot. So it was more my mom played the part.

But as i got older and went to college i had some Frat brothers that i would maybe occassionly talk to but i would listen to the way they would talk about females and stuff like that so i kind of picked up some things.

I have a frat brother that i knew while we both were in school that i will sometimes talk to also.

But really i dont tell personal business to alot of people but my mom. And usually i just go with the way i feel about things. Because i feel that sometimes not saying everyone but if they arent attached(some men) then i dont trust their advice as easy.

Oh and i have a coworker that gives it to me straight up(we attended the same college and he is real cool).

But i understand what you mean Foxxy. Sometimes its good to hear it from a males point of view on what to do about different situations. Maybe that forum(askmen.com) maybe good.
If I need some advice about male issues I usually talk with my stepdad or my father. I also have an older brother and male friends to chat with. If there is a problem I am having with the person I am dating I will try to discuss those issues with him. It's best to do that so you can clear the air and you will feel better afterwards.