When you have to cut/trim


Well-Known Member
When you absolutely need to trim some split ends off AND you want it done professionally. What methods and techniques do you incorporate to ensure that they do not scalp you.

I was thinking of trimming a little bit off of each section when she rollersets. But I would not be able to see the back
And her dry trims going section by section almost guarantee an inch will be gone when a quarter inch is what I need.

Any advice? Should I just risk it and dust my own ends? I have splits so I may not catch all in the back.
I like to have my trims done professionally because I've never been 100% guaranteed with the results of my own. I usually don't give the hairdressers any fuss, even if they are cutting a lot because most of them were right when it came to my messed up ends.

Anyhoo, you can explain to her over and over how much you want cut off, and when the time comes for her to do it, ask her how much she's gonna trim and face your chair towards the mirror.
If it's just a quarter inch you need and that's all you need and you'll be devestated if anymore comes off, then you should do it yourself.

Even if you do EVERYTHING right, you still take your chances when entrusting your hair to someone you don't know. The best precaution you can take is KNOWING the stylist and having a relationship with them that allows you to be very clear about what you want (so that you have no "first time" stylist jitters), and more importantly to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she (or he) will honor your request.
Oh - and letting her trim a little off each roller will eventually end up in uneven hair depending on how your hair grows. You're better off just having her comb it all down straight so you can see what she's doing and you get an even trim. That way you can also hold a mirror and see what she's doing while she does it.
I started giving the exact length that I was willing to part with. If I was told I needed a trim, I would instruct that no more than 1/8th of an inch was taken (or whatever I thought was needed). In the past I would just agree w/the request and then I would leave pissed, b/c an inch would be gone! You have to be pretty forceful about it and keep reminding them of the amount you approved. I just decided to be obnoxious about it, wiggling around, checking the mirror the whole time, etc. So they knew I was NOT

Though my method worked, I bought a pair of sheers. I hunt for splits periodically and when I notice that a trim is needed I go for it. I let the mister do the back and he's very conservative when it comes to trimming my hair.
When I'm ready to wear it down again and let go of an inch, I'll let a 'professional' do the job.
I get my hair trimmed when dry. For me, it's easier to see exacly where i have the splits/problem so that we can adequately cut/trim the right amount.
I've told a stylist to give me a hand mirror while I watched her cut my hair. This ensures that only what U want will b cut esp. since they know u r watching them. I show them how much i want, she shows me b4 she cuts, and voila, nice cut and no problems.

I'm just gonna watch her like a hawk...even take my measuring tape to ensure she doesn't go hacking off more than I want and to show her that I DON'T PLAY when it comes to my hair.

So dry cut. Use a mirror. Be firm!
Anymore advice?
Well I got one of my famous dust trims today from my favorite stylist only to be told today that she would be moving at the end of JULY

She was the absolute best at DUST TRIMS. I would got to her with my hair freshly roller set, wrapped and relaxer retouched (relaxer no more than 3 weeks old). She would trim 1/8 of an inch all around and face me towards the mirror so I could see what she was doing the whole time.

She referred me to some one just as good in the salon. She said to instruct her to trim only 1/8inch because that was all I ever needed when I came in.
Tell them you want less trimmed than you really do. For example, if you want an inch trimmed, tell them half an inch. If you want half an inch, tell them 1/4 an inch. Also, take your hands and show them exactly how much you mean b/c your inch could be a lot smaller than their inch. I've had good results when they say to me "show me how much you want taken off."
Chaya said:
Well I got one of my famous dust trims today from my favorite stylist only to be told today that she would be moving at the end of JULY

She was the absolute best at DUST TRIMS. I would got to her with my hair freshly roller set, wrapped and relaxer retouched (relaxer no more than 3 weeks old). She would trim 1/8 of an inch all around and face me towards the mirror so I could see what she was doing the whole time.

She referred me to some one just as good in the salon. She said to instruct her to trim only 1/8inch because that was all I ever needed when I came in.

[/ QUOTE ]

Chaya, don't all the best ones leave.
Oh this makes me nervous. AA hair, and people who have trim phobia should be trimmed when hair is DRY and parted in the usual way. (don't part it in the midddle if that's not how it's worn)THEN. DO NOT let the stylist section it to trim. Don't let her part in half and pin the top section up while she trims the bottom, then tries to trim the top to be as short as she hacked the bottom. NO. Comb it all down in back, and then trim it all the way around WHILE you hold the mirror and WATCH. If she doesn't want you to watch, take that as a sign from GOD, and tell her "I'm going to have to wait on this right now." DO NOT trim it if you can't watch. You'll cry later.