When You Find the One...Was It Really All Worth It?


New Member
To the ladies who finally have their one and only...

Was it all really worth it? Did it really make all the trial and error and pain of dating just disappear?

I'm just wondering because sometimes it kinda really sucks out here in the world of dating...so, hearing your warm hearted stories sure could cheer a sistah girl up :D
Good question. I often do think "Thank God I'm married" when I heard bad date stories from friends/family. Then again, I know of some pretty horrible husband stories too so I guess it depends on if "The One" is really the one for you.
For me it did, when you're with the one, all the other guys and the bad experiences makes it all worth while. You have to go through some bad ones before you can truly appreciate it when you are with the one you are going to share your life with.
Trust, I have been with some serious A$$h01es and if I had to go through it all again to be with my baby, I would.
I would say it's only really all worth it in the sense that all of this introspection teaches you about YOU. In that sense, it's definitely worth it. I handle my relationship now much different than any other relationship that I've had. But, primarily, it's because I grew from the funky experiences and LEARNED. I read. I prayed. I journaled. I paid attention. I withheld. I waited. I ran. I stopped. I learned about me. And, in that process, it makes you the best you that you can be. Which is a gift to your relationship. So, yes, It's worth it in that sense.

Relationships have problems. That's a natural course of life. But, when you can learn from the mistakes and learn what makes you you....then, you are on to something.