When sitting under the hair dryer, what goes through your mind?


Well-Known Member
"SUCK IT!!!!":evilbanana:
that's what goes through my mind. I want my hair to suck every bit of moisture and be very well hydrated. I litterally picture my hair strands soaking in the moisture and that makes me feel good and excited for results. I sitting under the dryer right now and I tell ya, a lap top does come in handy.
Im under the dryer now, and I'm jus wondering how long its going to take my hair to dry.
When I'm sitting under the dryer.....I'm thinking.....Is my hair dry....... I'm ready to get up... Maybe I need to get a Pibbs. :grin:
Tell me more about the Pibbs! OT: I think, can this volume (on the tv) go up any higher? I hope my neighbors aren't home or can't hear all this noise.
I think all this heat is killing me and dyam when is this going to dry i cant take it
then i start to twist and turn every whicha way under that sucker
especially in the summer i have to be going to a serious outting for me to make it to the salon then
My first thought is always:

:rolleyes: Oh, the cost of beauty. sigh

Then, I start thinking about everything I have to do, bills, etc. Lucky for me I don't have to sit under the dryer too often since I'm natural and I only straighten a few times a year.
I think geez its hot under here.....is it 30min yet?.....*sigh* I wish I could steam with out the steam..... I feel clammy(its already humid where I live)...... If I had a Pibbs I would be sooo much more confortable and my hair would dry faster....*Halee J sits and pretends she has MBL hair set on large grey rollers under a Pibbs* :lol:
I want a pibbs so badly! maybe I should get that for myself as a Christmas gift.

I always make sure I eat something before I get under the dryer. The heat makes me dizzy and nauseous.
I always think of how much I look like the blue lady from fifth element, just a golden version of her. Whenever DH sees me with it on I do her dance from the movie :look:

"SUCK IT!!!!":evilbanana:
that's what goes through my mind. I want my hair to suck every bit of moisture and be very well hydrated. I litterally picture my hair strands soaking in the moisture and that makes me feel good and excited for results. I sitting under the dryer right now and I tell ya, a lap top does come in handy.
How long am I gonna be under here.
I've had my Pibbs for about a month now---makes it easier but I still keep watching the clock wondering how much time is left.
My girls call it "Herman Pibbs", why I don't know. They complain when it's time to sit with Herman.
I've had my Pibbs for about a month now---makes it easier but I still keep watching the clock wondering how much time is left.
My girls call it "Herman Pibbs", why I don't know. They complain when it's time to sit with Herman.

I think about that a lot. I know when I have daughters they're gonna have to sit under the dryer if they want gorgeous hair.