When should Aphogee Treatment be Used??


New Member
I want to apply Aphogee for damaged hair to my hair, however I am also due for a relaxer. Is it better to use Aphogee (the hard one) :

A.) Before I relax (Maybe a week or so before)
B.) Right after I wash out the relaxer from my hair
c.) My next wash after I've relaxed

Which one is more beneficial/ is better? :perplexed
Either a or c, I would not do it the same day as the relaxer because you might experience severe dryness and I believe there is a thread where Sisterslick says that Aphogee does not recommend using the treatment on the same day as a relaxer because it will irritate/burn the scalp.
blackmaven said:
I use Aphogee 1 week afer relaxer then every 6 weeks.

ditto. i recently substituted nexuxx emergencee as my 6-week protein. i may back to my original schedule....i dunno yet.