When People Spread Divorce Rumors on Misinformation


New Member
:nono::nono::nono: One day, it will happen to them.

It took me awhile to heal from all the marital upheaval but I'm good. It's quiet, cool, peaceful over here. I thank G-d. Some people think you're a religious zealot (for those who don't have much knowledge, that is your "nutcase") simply for knowing what you know and following it. It is my truth. I go to church, I pray daily. I lead a simple, uncomplicated, private life and that's that. Spreading lies about people is evil, purely. It just plain is. Maybe it's misinformation they had, but I hate it when somebody says, "oh, he left her, blah, blah, blah." NO, he did not. I walked away and surprised him from my lawyer. Why, though? Women want to see another lacking somehow. This is akin to, "she ain't gotta man." Maybe she sent him away? :look:

So, he's dead now, he's at peace, 6 years after the separation/civil divorce. Why do people still lie and try and cause upheaval to the peace of others? Busybodies? I dunno, when you are most involved in your own life, I guess you don't have time to mess in another's. Whenever I'm open about my life, there is always a purpose - to help another who might be in the same situation. It takes time to heal and divorce is not a simple process for anyone. But facts are facts. Well, the shoe can be on the other foot, I hope they know. Women busybodies trying to imply that a husband dumped someone is just wasteful to their own lives.

My heart is so big, I'll still help those who need it and ask for it. I have that much love for them. But I don't appreciate the lies, bitterness, anger and hopelessness they have which they attempt to project upon me. People should know facts before they spread rumors based upon lies, esp. that typically anti-female one - "oh, girl, he left her." Well, no, he didn't. You don't keep begging for reuniting in those cases.

For all the divorcees out there, whether you made the move or he did, hold your heads up! If you are religious, don't sweat the unjust name-calling. They are showing all their inner demons and haterz...you know they are going to hate. You are on the road to complete healing and resolve. Hold your heads up. You have earned this peace.

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Sometimes misinformation is spread on purpose, so any clarification or attempts to clear the air are futile. Just ignore and enjoy those who support you.
You are right. And sometimes those who "support you" are those who intentionally spread rumors behind your back. SMH. You truly have one advocate who is 100% for your best interest and that person is in the spirit realm lol. This was just venting...what has been healed is still healed.
This happens in a lot of situations. Initially, I thought it was just people being nosy in but the more it happens the more I feel like it's people trying to control the person they are talking about. They want more details or an explanation. Don't give in. Let them spread their rumors.

If you didn't tell them the details, that must mean it's none of their damn business.
I wish the best for you OP. Don't let people get to you. I'm a Divorcee too and I don't care what people feel or think. I can't pay my bills with their opinions. Plus, it's difficult at times when people ask your civil status, mostly, I say I'm single because it's non your business. I was married for a very short time and I filed for divorce. Sometimes you have to do what's best for you.

It sure is, isn't it? My life is actually grand. I can't say much for angry, bitter, evil, lonely and jealous women, though. G-d help them all.


Yeah, thank you mami. People don't realize that dark evil spewed online mixes with any few you know in your personal life who are just as busybody and black inside their hearts...it's all the same. Folks will try and tear you down but you know what, I'm lucky because family, his and mine, absolutely support and love me. It's all these extraneous nobodies who try and pull you down. It was a vent, though. And I tell people that I tell my story to help others. There are so many who don't have anybody to help them and they don't know what to do.
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This happens in a lot of situations. Initially, I thought it was just people being nosy in but the more it happens the more I feel like it's people trying to control the person they are talking about. They want more details or an explanation. Don't give in. Let them spread their rumors.

If you didn't tell them the details, that must mean it's none of their damn business.

Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Yes, I told some details, which is funny, because they don't have enough to gossip, actually, anybody who reads my story has enough to know that they are not alone if they find themselves in such a situation. It was a teaching moment, even if a vent at times. I purposefully shared it because I am not a female misogynist. I actually wish to see people grow. And the misinfo is what I despise because these women who like to hate other women seem to stand by that mantra of "who got dumped" even if it's not true. Me thinks it is their way to restrict and control, as mentioned. :nono: Women's inhumanity to women.
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I know women like this and I stay the heck away from them! I just can't understand why they're so invested in the business of others and just love to tear people down. I figure that their own life is miserable, therefore they want everyone else to be miserable as well. One lady admitted that after her marriage broke up, she couldn't stand to see other people happy. She's since worked on herself and is very happy with her new life, hince the admission. I can understand it being difficult to watch people being happy when you yourself are struggling, but not to the point of purposely trying to sabotage and tear others down. That's evil, IMO.

Anyway, thanks for opening up. I find it refreshing when we can finally open up a bit on this board. Some people are vicious, so that makes it hard to do, but it's refreshing when someone can, even just a little. :heart2: