WOW!! How awful! I hate to hear of things like this anywhere but especially in a place that should be designated for God's business. I am praying for everyone involved. Now, you have already gotten wonderful advice from lots of the women here. I would just like to add a few comments. Let us all remember the parable of the Tares in Matt. 13:24-30"vs30... let the wheat grow with the tares" until the designated time. Or as one wise woman said, "Not everything that plants its butt in a pew is a Christian." Seriously, if we go sit in a garage will that make us cars? If I put on TO's jersey can I go withdraw money from his accounts? There are times also when after a church has done all in agape love they can do to correct wrongs in the church where a member may need to be excommunicated (See 1 Cor 5 and 1 Cor 6:12-20). You know the left foot of fellowship?! ;) I hope the pastor's family gets it together. I hope your friend's husband realizes what he has done and takes the needed steps to make things right, and I hope if they will decide to work on their marriage they can move on and have a biblical marriage from here on out.
Where's the leadership? Every church has problems but I mean COME ON! What God do they serve? Have they no fear for Him? Their wrath is coming believe me, and I don't want to be there when it happens.

I'm not saying the church should fix their marriage, what I'm saying is they must own the wrong doing and correct it. The wrong doing, is telling the man that's he's done nothing wrong, and how he can't leave the church, rather than telling him to work things out with his WIFE. It's all about how it looks. This is what disgusts me. Yes I'm taking it personal because it could have been me, and is this how they would treat me? Telling me I'm possessed??? How is that even logical?

I understand why you're frustrated. It sounds like this church has some deep-rooted issues in its leadership that make me wonder about the health of the congregation overall. Is real teaching and discipleship actually going on there?

I've been in a lot of churches, and they all have issues, but I've never been in one that was so openly disobedient to God's ways. That said, it's not surprising that this man did what he did and plans to continue in the same. I think that your friend should take this opportunity to find a church that will help her to grow in Christ, where the leaders are trustworthy. It sounds like this church is only going to cause her more pain.
Victory is the Lord's...

Let me tell you a story (a real one). I was about 13 and there was a certain young woman in my church that I looked up to. She was a known virgin, a high school senior who taught us younger ones in Bible school.. One Sunday morning during testimony, she suprised everyone and went up to the pulpit and starting crying hysterically, asking the church to forgive her for deceiving them. WhAT! I was floored... she went on about sneaking off from school with a guy at school, another senior, to have sex in her mother's house! Her mom was one of the prominent women in church..her little girls could do no wrong. She had this thing going for quite a while. And, I later found out some of the folks in the church already knew. That was my lesson on imperfection. I saw her differently, but oddly enough, I also had a lot of respect for her after that day becuause she said the Holy Spirit led her to confess. She was no longer "perfect" she was a human being who happened to love God.

We all strive to be like Jesus, but while in this earthly body, we'll always wrestle with our flesh and will make mistakes. What makes us more Christ-like is the ability to forgive. It's harder to forgive when we perceive people as "perfect." I've had some hard lessons on forgiveness, too! And in the end, I was so glad I forgave. It was a burden lifted off my shoulders and I became a better person for it.

I am truly sorry your friend is dealing with this, seemingly on her own. Hopefully, she and her husband can get counseling. Your friend can't have a healthy marriage if he sees himself as not doing anything wrong. The sanctity of their marriage just doesn't seem to be there. :nono: He'll have to meet her halfway for them to start the recovery process. If they are able to work on their marriage, the victory is the Lord's indeed. :yep: Then, they can look back at this and realize all along that they were making a great testimony for God. I pray that's the end result!

Yeah, so ummmm, :look:...when's your book coming out again?
Oh, right... LOL...

I'm a former journalist. I try to tone it down sometimes, though. :lachen:

God Bless you!! :rosebud:
Perhaps the wife went to the Pastor because he was her Pastor. They are to counsel and guide. It just so happens that his daughter was the cause of the wife's grief. No one is perfect, but it is also true that not everyone who claims or professes to be saved or a Christian is. It's very easy to pretend to be a Christian. Much harder to be one.
Victory is the Lord's...

We all strive to be like Jesus, but while in this earthly body, we'll always wrestle with our flesh and will make mistakes. What makes us more Christ-like is the ability to forgive. It's harder to forgive when we perceive people as "perfect." I've had some hard lessons on forgiveness, too! And in the end, I was so glad I forgave. It was a burden lifted off my shoulders and I became a better person for it.

I love this