When It Comes To Products, How Old Is Too Old???


Well-Known Member
I was cleaning out my cabinet today, and I found a couple of products I had when I BC. I was wondering If I should toss them or I could still use them. I found Paul Mitchell Pomade and Feels Like Silk. The products are around 4-5 yrs old. I never used them whatcha think? Should I toss them or use them?:perplexed
I would toss them,and your daughters hair is beautiful and what i can see of her little face is beautiful.
Hey, K, I would toss them too. How do they smell and feel?

Off Topic: Where did you get the tile for your bathroom? :lick::lachen:


There is a local store dedicated to tiles, so that is where I found them. You likes?:grin:
The products smells fine, I was thinking about trying the Feels Like Silk on missthang, but I wont chance it. I'll pick up a new bottle.
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I've been wondering about the age of products. Do any of them have expiration dates on them?

I know that my Hot Six Oil scent has changed as it got older. But I don't see a date on any products. Interesting.
I have oils that I purchased from From nature with love that are soon to expire should I toss them or is that more of a recommendation:perplexed
I'm not an expert but personally, if there are no changes in color, texture, smell, or performance, I don't regard the age of a product as a problem. Natural products do tend to have a shorter shelf life but most conventional products, especially unopened ones, are fine for as long as there are no observable changes. It's not as though you're eating the stuff and it's so full of preservatives that (unopened) bacterial growth should be very minimal if there's any at all. I say give it a try!
There is a local store dedicated to tiles, so that is where I found them. You likes?:grin:
The products smells fine, I was thinking about trying the Feels Like Silk on missthang, but I wont chance it. I'll pick up a new bottle.

Yes, I really like them. I'll have to check the near me. Thanks.

Yeah, I would get a new one.

BTW, I'm trying the Infusium tonight...can't wait.
OT..........Your daughter is GORGEOUS:yep:

I would toss them. Its not worth it- risk getting a fungus infection or something else. 3 years would be the limit for me and thats pushing it.

I was cleaning out my cabinet today, and I found a couple of products I had when I BC. I was wondering If I should toss them or I could still use them. I found Paul Mitchell Pomade and Feels Like Silk. The products are around 4-5 yrs old. I never used them whatcha think? Should I toss them or use them?:perplexed