When it comes to dating, what are your deal breakers?

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Man Allandra...WHY did I just now come over to this forum to start a thread EXACTLY like this?! You must have read my mind!
  1. Cheating
  2. Lies
  3. Physical or mental abuse
  4. Not Maintaining Employment
  5. Poor Hygiene
    Little to no education
    questionable mental status
    too aggressive
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Currently in a relationship
Abusive in any way
Overly jealous
Overly possessive
No job
Not educated
No life purpose/goals/drive
No spiritual relationship with God
Not emotionally/physically available
Bad with finances
Shorter than me in low heels (5'9")
No sense of humor/cannot make me laugh
No conversation/communication skills
Not willing to work through issues (childish)
Not chivalrous
Not kind and loving
No chemistry/passion
Prior incarceration
Drug Use (Rx, street, marajuana, anything)
Alcohol abuse

I'm sure I'll think of more :look:
all the afore mentioned things plus:

1. Crooked lips when they talk (I tend to screw up my mouth when they talk like I'm gonna help them)

2. Bigger butt than me

3. Bigger breastages than me

4. Better hairdo than I have

5. Longer hair than me

6. If they look like they have on a hairy sweater when their shirt is off.

7. If they are too pretty

8. Dirty fingernails

9. Crusty lips with that white stuff in the corner... ICK

10. Doesn't keep up his end of the conversation

11. asks me the same crap over and over b/c he never remembers what I said

12. constantly say stupidness like "can I as you a question?" or be like "I have something important to tell/ask you" and u sitting there waiting and they don't say nothing like they're expecting you to beg them to tell u. no, not me; if you have something to tell me, say or I'll stop paying attention. I don't have time for games.
No can do if he:
-- lacks an advanced degree
-- comes from a broken home OR was raised by a single parent
-- will make less than $100,000 in his career OR is still a student
-- owns NO real estate
-- owns NO car
-- is a non-Christian (so sick of dating atheists)
I'm not in the dating circle, but deal breakers for marriage/courting...

disrespects his mother

gold teeth, pierced ears, braided hair, sagging pants

not of my faith

smoker, drinker, drug user

poor hygiene

financially unstable (doesn't have to be rich or wealthy)

uses profanity as a means of daily communication

Inability to head a household

has unnecessary conversation/relationships with females
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Drinks too much
Enjoys laughing at others' misfortune
40 year old wannabe actor - (who has never set foot inside a drama class)
Likes to belittle people
Looking for pity
Feels the need to tell you that women are always after him.
Has been divorced twice before age of 35.
Has hit an ex, and admits it.
Thinks he's perfect.
Quick temper
Needs to be centre of attention (I'm Englsh 'centre' is spelt correctly!)

Thats all for now
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