When is the answer just "no"?

Sweet C and Lucia....your posts speak my life. 24 years of choosing to be celibate. Now, although I did not choose the 24 years (it just happened that way), I still chose NOT to yield unto temptation which was ever before me.

Believe me, the men and the opportunities were ALWAYS before me. But I could not allow them into my life. I will never say that it was a smooth ride or a smooth transition. And I admit that it has even become a 'high'.

But someone more lives on the inside of me...'the same Spirit which raised Jesus from the dead...dwells in me.

I can say that I've lived Juanita Bynum's song, "I don't mind waiting...I don't mind waiting, I don't mind waiting on the Lord..."

We never lose when we trust God. We never lose... Oh Praise Him!
Shimmie said:
Sweet C and Lucia....your posts speak my life. 24 years of choosing to be celibate. Now, although I did not choose the 24 years (it just happened that way), I still chose NOT to yield unto temptation which was ever before me.

Believe me, the men and the opportunities were ALWAYS before me. But I could not allow them into my life. I will never say that it was a smooth ride or a smooth transition. And I admit that it has even become a 'high'.

But someone more lives on the inside of me...'the same Spirit which raised Jesus from the dead...dwells in me.

I can say that I've lived Juanita Bynum's song, "I don't mind waiting...I don't mind waiting, I don't mind waiting on the Lord..."

We never lose when we trust God. We never lose... Oh Praise Him!

I know what you mean, guys are just falling over any young pretty woman, esp. if you're in school or working and got it together. But I've been thinking this lately too that it doesn't matter how many guys ask, and come around, what really matters is what kind of guy is doing the asking.
Ask yourself this, do you really want to have someone anyone so you won't be lonely and just say you do and show your family and the world you do?
or do you want someone who will be right for you etc....?
do you really want that guy laying up in your house and bed better yet do you think you can live a happy and prospererous life 10,20,50 years down the road with him?
I truly don't believe that if you want to 1 day be a wife and mother that God would make that a definite NO. But God helps those who help themselves, you have to be prepared for him also, so you have to be in the right space mentally, physically, emotionally etc... so that you can attract that right person. As my mom always says nothing comes before its time.
I've been doing tons of research and bettering/healing myself, I've found the Laws of attraction, the secret, reading Harville Hendricks books etc...and meditaion and talking to older people about this so this wisdom is not mine, I'm just passing it on. hth
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Lucia said:
I know what you mean, guys are just falling over any young pretty woman, what really matters is what kind of guy is doing the asking.

Ask yourself this, do you really want to have someone anyone so you won't be lonely and just say you do and show your family and the world you do?
or do you want someone who will be right for you etc....?
do you really want that guy laying up in your house and bed better yet do you think you can live a happy and prospererous life 10,20,50 years down the road with him?

I truly don't believe that if you want to 1 day be a wife and mother that God would make that a definite NO. But God helps those who help themselves, you have to be prepared for him also, so you have to be in the right space mentally, physically, emotionally etc... so that you can attract that right person. As my mom always says nothing comes before its time.

I've been doing tons of research and bettering/healing myself,
Lucia, now see I knew I liked you for the followoing two reasons...

1. You have my favorite flower in your Avatar. I love this type of Orchid. I love to wear them in my hair and as a floral lei for Hula .

2. You called me a pretty young woman (my interpretation :lol:). Oh I still have it, the whole package...:lol: I look younger than my son... :yep:

I love everything you shared in your posts. And Lucia your comments on healing ourselves and being prepared. Girl....you are so right. My future husband will have so much to have and to hold, he won't know where to begin and it will never come to an end.

He has a wife who loves God and can pray the devil into a fright. I will keep his body healthy with all of the healthy living I've learned; body care in and out; he'll never be bald; :lol: then there's the other stuff... :yep: :lol: I'll teach him how to 'Hula'....and Shmmie...

Nuff said...

But truly Lucia, your message hit home and I can't thank God enough for you sharing the blog and the rest of your posts. You are so on point with posing the question of not wanting someone just not to be lonely or to be laying around.... I'm not wasting my Shimmies or spreading them around town. They're for my husband.

God bless you, pretty lady...;)
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Shimmie said:
Lucia, now see I knew I liked you for the followoing two reasons...

1. You have my favorite flower in your Avatar. I love this type of Orchid. I love to wear them in my hair and as a floral lei for Hula .

2. You called me a pretty young woman (my interpretation :lol:). Oh I still have it, the whole package...:lol: I look younger than my son... :yep:

I love everything you shared in your posts. And Lucia your comments on healing ourselves and being prepared. Girl....you are so right. My future husband will have so much to have and to hold, he won't know where to begin and it will never come to an end.

He has a wife who loves God and can pray the devil into a fright. I will keep his body healthy with all of the healthy living I've learned; body care in and out; he'll never be bald; :lol: then there's the other stuff... :yep: :lol: I'll teach him how to 'Hula'....and Shmmie...

Nuff said...

But truly Lucia, your message hit home and I can't thank God enough for you sharing the blog and the rest of your posts. You are so on point with posing the question of not wanting someone just not to be lonely or to be laying around.... I'm not wasting my Shimmies or spreading them around town. They're for my husband.

God bless you, pretty lady...;)

Thank you and be blessed 2:)