When in an Exclusive Relationship...


Well-Known Member
...is it OK for your SO to insist/demand that you not go meet with persons of the opposite sex, particularly if you are both fully aware that the person is interested in something more than just a lunch/dinner/"lets catch up" meet?
Yep and it's also ok if he leaves me for going if I insist on it because going is just an accident waiting to happen and if I go I wanted it to happen
I don't think my FH would DEMAND...let me rephrase that I KNOW my fiance would know better than demand anything of me (telling me what I NEED to do is not something you do to me. It would be better if he asked or requested). Demand seems an intense word for me. BUT I would out of courtesy to him, NOT go to lunch/dinner with someone who was interested in more anyways. Basically he wouldn't have to ask much less tell (ha!) me anything.
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I was gonna say No it's not ok until you went on about the other person having different intentions...why would he/she willingly want to go towards a situation like that
Forget the SO.

Single mentality doesn't work well in relationships. :nono2: Why would YOU want to go anywhere one-on-one with a person of the opposite sex who's intentions you're unsure of, if you're in a relationship??
I thought that was the point of an exclusive relationships, that you don't do things like that?
A little background info:

The SO and I had a break and in an attempt to move on with my life I decided to entertain the offer to meet up with a long lost friend who I am aware always had an interest in me. Those plans to meet up fell through but was rescheduled. In an around the same time the SO and I rekindled. I mentioned the plan to meet up with this particular gentleman and the SO was not having it. He was in no way controlling, however, he did warn me that there will be a problem if I were to go against his wishes.

I guess he is fearful, but I am trying to relay to him that it will be nothing more than a lunch or dinner meet as I know my boundaries. SO responded with a simple "I know men and I don't want you meeting him." I do not want to disrespect SO in anyway, however, I do feel bad about having to break those ties with the friend whom I have known for over a decade over my SO's wishes (or insecurities?).
Out of respect for your man you really should not go and your friend should understand that. If you all are just going as friends ask him if its ok if your so comes to dinner to meet him. See what he says to that.
A little background info:

The SO and I had a break and in an attempt to move on with my life I decided to entertain the offer to meet up with a long lost friend who I am aware always had an interest in me. Those plans to meet up fell through but was rescheduled. In an around the same time the SO and I rekindled. I mentioned the plan to meet up with this particular gentleman and the SO was not having it. He was in no way controlling, however, he did warn me that there will be a problem if I were to go against his wishes.

If you two were still on a break, it'd be fine but since you decided to rekindle with your bf (lol you should have done that after the meet up), you're gonna have to let it go. Just cos it'll be innocent on your side, doesnt mean it will be on his.
I agree with the other ladies. I would not go out with someone who I know is interested in me nor would I expect or tolerate my SO going out with a woman who is interested in him. I have male friends who want to hang with me all the time but they always invite my SO although they don't know him, just to show that they are innocent. If you KNOW this guy is interested in you, why would you want to "catch up" with him on what seems like a date? To give him a chance to put you in an awkward position? Your SO is right. He is a man and he knows how men think. I also don't think he's being insecure. Just because you think it's an innocent gathering doesn't mean the other guy does.
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A little background info:

The SO and I had a break and in an attempt to move on with my life I decided to entertain the offer to meet up with a long lost friend who I am aware always had an interest in me. Those plans to meet up fell through but was rescheduled. In an around the same time the SO and I rekindled. I mentioned the plan to meet up with this particular gentleman and the SO was not having it. He was in no way controlling, however, he did warn me that there will be a problem if I were to go against his wishes.

I guess he is fearful, but I am trying to relay to him that it will be nothing more than a lunch or dinner meet as I know my boundaries. SO responded with a simple "I know men and I don't want you meeting him." I do not want to disrespect SO in anyway, however, I do feel bad about having to break those ties with the friend whom I have known for over a decade over my SO's wishes (or insecurities?).
No one's asking you to break ties - what you should be doing is trying to figure out who to create new ones that involve your SO.

Is your friend worth potentially losing the trust of your SO?
A little background info:

The SO and I had a break and in an attempt to move on with my life I decided to entertain the offer to meet up with a long lost friend who I am aware always had an interest in me. Those plans to meet up fell through but was rescheduled. In an around the same time the SO and I rekindled. I mentioned the plan to meet up with this particular gentleman and the SO was not having it. He was in no way controlling, however, he did warn me that there will be a problem if I were to go against his wishes.

I guess he is fearful, but I am trying to relay to him that it will be nothing more than a lunch or dinner meet as I know my boundaries. SO responded with a simple "I know men and I don't want you meeting him." I do not want to disrespect SO in anyway, however, I do feel bad about having to break those ties with the friend whom I have known for over a decade over my SO's wishes (or insecurities?).
Sounds like you are just flexin to let the SO know that he can't tell you want to do and you two just got back together so he should chill, right? Not a good idea, it seems like you are still thinking about you only and not your SO. Why did you get back with him knowing full well you were interested in dude. If you weren't so interested in dude, you wouldn't even want to be bothered. Respectfully, GTFOOHWTBS you are talking.