When I reach my goal am I going to have a change of heart??


New Member
I can't help but notice a lot of people with thick, shiny beautiful LONG hair...and I'm here drooling over it, complimenting it etc; because I give props where props are due...BUT... then I see them later on with a new thread/siggy about their drastic change :ohwell: they chopped it off for no apparent reason...permanently dyed it...fried it...shaved half their head...:ohwell:...If they like it, hey, I love it. But I'm wondering: is the itch for a drastic change common for people who have reached their goal? or am I just exaggerating :look:
I think so, same thing happened to my mum. She's now talking about cutting it short in layers and all that, I just listen and tell her to do whatever because next thing you know I stick my mouth in and cause a reverse reaction. :look: For me though as I get closer to my goal — not by much but significant enough — I'm finding I want to do all kinds of things; cut layers, cut side bangs, straight bangs, let my hair grow out at all one length, and even change my final goal to the unofficial 'elbow' length.

LOL yeeeah, I think I've had my brain too focused on hair lately, I need a detox or something. :lol:
The only reason I am growing out my hair is because of my own curiosity. I just want to see how far I can go when I really put some effort into my hair care. Once I get bored which trust me I will, I probably just shave it all off. Change for the sake of change.
The only reason I am growing out my hair is because of my own curiosity. I just want to see how far I can go when I really put some effort into my hair care. Once I get bored which trust me I will, I probably just shave it all off. Change for the sake of change.

See, this scares the bajeebus out of me. I literally will have spent 4 years of my life towards this goal of WL....just to emilminate it in seconds? oh the horror :(

But I kinda see what you mean...like just because I spent a lot of money on a very cute pair of heels, doesn't mean I should cling on to the style forever...change is good...

i dont know about you but when i get to WL+ I am NOT chopping. too much blood,sweat and tears went into my journey.
See, this scares the bajeebus out of me. I literally will have spent 4 years of my life towards this goal of WL....just to emilminate it in seconds? oh the horror :(

But I kinda see what you mean...like just because I spent a lot of money on a very cute pair of heels, doesn't mean I should cling on to the style forever...change is good...


I know, it really is scary but think of it this way, if you decide to grow out your hair again you'll know EXACTLY what to do. I think you should have at least 85% of your haircare down by the time this all might occur. The other leftover % is if you have a sudden change in your hair like what happens when you're pregnant or something. Oh and I mean 'you' in a general sense.

EDIT: To cosign with the above poster, you can always throw on a wig for a change without doing anything drastic.
I don't think I'm going to chop mine off just for the sake of change lol. I'm quick to slap on a short wig with killer highlights. :lol:

Truthfully, I've wondered about that too. I'd like to know if it was because they got bored with it or if it just became too much to handle (time consuming, etc.)
Oh and to add, sometimes a tough breakup or drama can result in people doing all kinds of stuff to their hair. I'm not a psychiatrist but I know I've done it as self-sabotage or to feel like I'm in control.
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I'm a kinda boring, wear-one-hair-style-to-the-wheels-fall-off gal anyways. So when I get to my goal, I think I will be happy with something I can braid up or bun up and go my way. Then when I wanna wow 'em, I can let it out like Rapunzel. *daydreams for a moment* So, uhm, no, neither colors nor scissors are going to be in my touchdown celebration.

However, I totally support, respect and am happy for people who do what they enjoy with their hair, whatever that might be.
i think this would happen to me if i was one of those people who NEVER enjoyed my hair until i got to my length goal. it's like, if i was bunning all day erryday and then got to WL, i'd be like, what am i supposed to do with all this hair?

but i enjoy my hair at every length so i won't have this problem. i think. :look:
I already KNOW I am going to cut layers and color it! I have never dyed my hair! I guess that will be the day I go back to the salon! lol
I'm a kinda boring, wear-one-hair-style-to-the-wheels-fall-off gal anyways. So when I get to my goal, I think I will be happy with something I can braid up or bun up and go my way. Then when I wanna wow 'em, I can let it out like Rapunzel. *daydreams for a moment* So, uhm, no, neither colors nor scissors are going to be in my touchdown celebration.

However, I totally support, respect and am happy for people who do what they enjoy with their hair, whatever that might be.

good response :drunk: ITA!!
i think this would happen to me if i was one of those people who NEVER enjoyed my hair until i got to my length goal. it's like, if i was bunning all day erryday and then got to WL, i'd be like, what am i supposed to do with all this hair?

but i enjoy my hair at every length so i won't have this problem. i think. :look:

Hm this makes sense. but at the same time....if they hid their hair wouldn't they be surprised when they reached WL and absolutely adore their length? where as someone whos BEEN seeing their length might get bored of it more quickly
It takes me 3 minutes to cut it all off, and 3 years to grow MBL hair. No thank you ma'am. :nono: I'll be getting a weave until the urge to cut passes!!
I'd probably want to try out bangs or highlights, which will probably mean setback city for me. Dye eats right through the strands of my hair so hopefully I won't be all stupid and mess up my hard work.
I already know that my hair can grow very long. So now that i've gone natural, I think i'm gonna stay with it for a while. Going natural was my change of heart, when it comes to hair.
I'd probably want to try out bangs or highlights, which will probably mean setback city for me. Dye eats right through the strands of my hair so hopefully I won't be all stupid and mess up my hard work.

I suppose highlights are better than all-over color
See, this scares the bajeebus out of me. I literally will have spent 4 years of my life towards this goal of WL....just to emilminate it in seconds? oh the horror :(

What happens when you get to your goal is the sudden realization that if you got there once, you can get there again. And the next time, it will take less time to get to goal because you have your regimen down and have already figured out what does and doesn't work for your hair.
Once I reach my hair length goal if I feel like I need a change I will buy a wig. :yep: The only time scissors is coming anywhere near my hair is when I need my ends clipped!! :naughty:

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When I get to WL, I'll rock it untouched for about a year or so, but I've recently decided that after that I'm gonna color it some fabulous, eye-catching color. God help me lol.

You only live once right?
Honestly, I think I will have a change of heart before I reach my goal.

Been there! I join this site in 2008... I am on my second transition and I still havent reached APL... I cant decide if I wanna be natural relaxed or texlaxed... that why I joined the hide your hair challenge and braiding challenge...I need to leave my hair alone for a while! :look:
I already fight urges to color and I'm not to my goal yet:(
I already had a short cut old Rihanna change of heart two years ago, hated it after about 4 months.... so I think thats out of my system.
But the color beez caaaaaallling me.........
I feel like you OP. I couldn't imagine waiting this long to become mbl then deciding to cut (I don't think that will happen anyway though because I've never liked short hair.) The most I would do when reaching my lenght are highlights or bangs. I also think I will appreciate my hair more when its longer because it's been in ps for the most part.
when/if i get to bsb/mbl i think i wanna color my bangs...when/if i get to wl i'm gonna probably get some layers, and if wl is too much to manage then i'd probably chop back to bsb or mbl and just maintain that length.
Maybe you will, maybe you won't. Now we know how to grow our hair out healthily, that's the freedom we have. I'm not sure how I'll feel either, but if you or I want change that bad then it will happen.

Its a lot of work, but it is hair- it will grow back with the right care (if you ever change your mind on a haircut).
What happens when you get to your goal is the sudden realization that if you got there once, you can get there again. And the next time, it will take less time to get to goal because you have your regimen down and have already figured out what does and doesn't work for your hair.
This is so true. It took me over 2 years to reach SL before my BC, because I was trying everything under the sun, every product and technique, etc. Since my BC I'm almost back to SL and it's only been a year. Why? Cuz I know what the freak I'm doin. :)

Nothing wrong with change. Just be sure you won't regret it.
Boredom, you have been seeing the same ol' same ol' for the past few years, for ones like me - gets old. Or you feel satisfied in your quest. Long hair is no longer a challenge for you, so you can move on....