When I get to APL, my ends split. Why??? :-(


New Member
Hey ladies,

I wear my hair in cornrows under a wig 99% of the time, only taking them down to wash and rebraid. I made it to APL after about 6 months of doing this, but I haven't made any progress in over a year. I don't know why, but it seems like my ends keep splitting when I reach APL.

1. I got a cut in 6/07 and now I've got splits and knots again.
2. I cowash a few times a week.
3. I use Boundless Tresses 2x a day, but haven't gotten much growth from it.
4. I use Apoghee products to wash and condition.

I'm so frustrated. I am thinking about relaxing my hair. Any ideas about why my hair is splitting like this?
:hiya:I use a wig as my protective style as well. I looked at what your regimen states below and it seems like you've got all the bases covered. How often are you washing and rebraiding? Are you moisturizing and sealing your ends? (I noticed that even though I had on a wig and wasn't manipulating it hardly at all, if I don't moisturize and seal my ends every other day, my hair would start breaking)
Also, make sure you are only applying the BT to your scalp only. In my experience, sulfur based products can be very drying.

:crossfingers: HTH!:)
What do you think you are doing now since you are apl that you were not doing before you acheived it?