When Does Your Hair Grow Best?


Well-Known Member
My hair grows like crazy when I have a consistent workout regimen. I cannot explain it. It does not matter how it is styled: straight, curly blowout, braidout, buns, etc. It will groooooowww. I should not admit this but it grows even when I miss my washes. In the winter, I mostly wear dominican blowouts and normally have my hair washed bi-weekly. I think weekly domincan blowouts would be too much.
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I retain alot when I am PSing like a mad woman :look: it brings joy to see all the growth but I do miss my hair..
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I retain the best when it's straightened, and I just wrap or pincurl it to maintain and using minimal, if any product. The key for retaining to me is doing the least to me hair on a daily basis and just washing and styling once every 10 days to 2 weeks. Textured styling is asking for breakage for me. Can't do it.

ETA: I seem to grow at a consistent pace throughout the year.
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Constant working out + Summer + Castor Oil = growth so fast I can feel it.

Maybe I should take up track & field and move to Mexico for a lil' bit. :look:
I think my growth is pretty consistent year round. I can't think of anything that accelerates my growth. Maybe if I stick to a work out plan I could actually test whether or not that would do anything.
In the summer when all I do is WnG's, and wear my hair curly. Frequent co-cleansing + weekly MT DC = great growth.
During extreme protective styling. I took out my 97 day old cornrows this past weekend and now I see that I'm almost bra strap, I have just above about apl before. I had1.5'' and 2'' growth in some places. I was also working out so that may have helped with the 2'' spots. Now that my hair is I want to wear it without the wig for a bit, like maybe a month so I have to figure out some simple protective styles. Oh and it looks like my edges are coming in.
During this time of the year. All the moisture and humidity...my hair loves it.

I plan on wearing my hair straight off and on when it gets cold tho.

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When I go to Miami I get faster growth. I guess it's the humidity there. I would go there and come back and people would tell me my hair grew. I need to go live there for a year and then come back lol.
It grows best when I'm using sulfur oil. exercising, and taking vitamins.

I retain when I'm staying away from stylists, from styles that require a lot of manipulation, and staying away from curly styles. No wash n go's for me. :(
When I workout and eat TONS of protein. I used to eat ridiculous amounts of protein at once until I read that your body can only process about 30g at a time, which made me wonder...
When you exceed 30g, what happens to the extra? Is it unabsored and immediately flushed out or is it stored- as fat or otherwise? Hair and nails are a waste product of our bodies' processes, and protein based so maybe the extra was coming out my roots. Lol, idk but I'd like to do more research on the subject.
Well I just need to stop cutting it. I don't do protective styles because I feel ugly with them. I do sleep on silk pillow cases though. When I used to flat iron often, regardless of weather my hair was always around bsl. I trimmed my ends often because they would be fried from the heat. I'm planning on ditching my typical winter flat iron style this year so I don't have to trim as often. My last trim was around the first week of june and I already grew two inches since then.
I agree w leaving it alone on a daily basis.taking vitamins, working out, moisturizing etc.
then deep conditioning when i wash which isn't often,,, maybe once every 4 weeks
conditioner rinse once in between to stop the itchies.