When Do You No Longer Need Hair Help?


New Member
Many of us on this board have learned much about how to care for our hair and retain the fruits thereof - from a range of sources, including but not limited to our own personal experiences that are shared, tips from successful members on this board, participation and research from other boards, books, professional knowledge, trial & error and much more.

A question I have is, at what point do you feel you no longer need a glut of support to continue the trek on which you have begun? Once you figure out what works best for your hair and how to optimize its length-accruing abilities, do you really feel a need or impulse to come to this board - or other hair boards - for tips?

As someone who somewhat recently became texturized, I came here primarily because I knew the tone and mood of the board was different. I once belonged to a board for naturals where the lines were clearly drawn and if you pondered or appreciated anything other than a bevy of naps on anyone's head, you were a traitor.

In coming here, I found lots of information; I was mainly taken aback that so many women with texturizers and relaxers had achieved beautiful, healthy heads of hair. That really helped me get over the hump and make the final call on texturizing my hair.

Now I come here mainly because of the camraderie of the place in general. I really don't frequent the hair board much anymore unless someone has a really impressive album or if I am having a hair quandry.

What about everyone else?
options said:
Many of us on this board have learned much about how to care for our hair and retain the fruits thereof - from a range of sources, including but not limited to our own personal experiences that are shared, tips from successful members on this board, participation and research from other boards, books, professional knowledge, trial & error and much more.

A question I have is, at what point do you feel you no longer need a glut of support to continue the trek on which you have begun? Once you figure out what works best for your hair and how to optimize its length-accruing abilities, do you really feel a need or impulse to come to this board - or other hair boards - for tips?

As someone who somewhat recently became texturized, I came here primarily because I knew the tone and mood of the board was different. I once belonged to a board for naturals where the lines were clearly drawn and if you pondered or appreciated anything other than a bevy of naps on anyone's head, you were a traitor.

In coming here, I found lots of information; I was mainly taken aback that so many women with texturizers and relaxers had achieved beautiful, healthy heads of hair. That really helped me get over the hump and make the final call on texturizing my hair.

Now I come here mainly because of the camraderie of the place in general. I really don't frequent the hair board much anymore unless someone has a really impressive album or if I am having a hair quandry.

What about everyone else?
I will continue to come here because I like it here (even though I've figured out what my hair likes). Even if I weren't a Moderator, I would still come here in a second.
I would also like to add that even though I have figured out most of what works for me, I derive some joy out of being able to use that knowledge to help others.
I think that most of the people who are here have a healthy base of products that work for them and just hang around for information about new products, to help others, and b/c they like it here.
I agree with Karezone.

As long as I'm alive, I will be learning new things and I enjoy the learning process. I also enjoy helping others.

During this past January, for example, I learned several new techniques that I have incorporated into my regimen to make caring for my hair easier and saves time. This is valuable information one doesn't just get anywhere. :)
karezone said:
I think that most of the people who are here have a healthy base of products that work for them and just hang around for information about new products, to help others, and b/c they like it here.
Hey Girl, :wave: Good to see you around. You summed it up right in your post here. :)
Allandra said:
I will continue to come here because I like it here (even though I've figured out what my hair likes). Even if I weren't a Moderator, I would still come here in a second.

I agree Allandra. I finally know exactly what my hair needs. But coming here to help others and to fellowship with everyone is something that I will continue to do.
I think needing help with hair is a continual on-going process. There are so many options out there as far as styling, products, regimes, etc. that you can use for your hair. Maybe once someone finds what works for them or if they are gaining knowledge about caring for hair, they may not need as much help as they did before. ;)
I have pretty much figured out what my hair likes, but I still come here to learn new techniques that may work for me, to see reviews of new products, and to see how much everyone's hair is growing. I love to see progress and as far as hair goes I think Im always learning more about it the more I come here!