WHEN do you know that is is time to stop streching ???


New Member
hi there,
I don't know if this thread already exists and if so , im sorry !
My last relaxer was on the 31st of december and i m trying to resist until the 31st of june.
Problem my hair breaks a lot on the front due to combing (by the way i stopped combing my hair since i realised that it was the cause of the breakage).
Do you think that i should resist and go on taking great care of it or do you think it is better for me to relax ?????
I ve seen so much difference on my hair texture(soft and silky) since I m streching and taking care that i don't want to give up now!!!
But Ive seen a thread about a girl that regrets having streched and i don't really know what to do !!!
Could you tell me what i have to do or not to do ?
If you feel like the breakage is starting to get outta hand, I would relax. The longest I stretched was 12 weeks and that's as far as I go. The NG and making sure the line of demarcation is strong and moisturized just gets to be too bothersome for me. It's about trial and error and doing what works for you. I got more breakage the closer I got to 12 weeks so now I don't usually stretch past 9 -10 weeks.
The longest I have stretched was 6months. It was a very long 6 months for my hair. My 4B hair is very very thick so after 2 months I went into braids. When it was out of braids I kept it in comb free styles such as braid outs and twist outs. The less combing, the better – just separate with your fingers.
I would suggest that you go only as far as you can – your hair will let you know when to stop. At about 4 months into my stretch I knew it was time to stop but I wasn’t ready to relax so I put my air into braids, that extended my stretch another 6 months.

The art to stretching is comb free styles. I enjoy recreating an afro, love funky styles like curly Mohawks and cornrows are great to.
I will say this – I am going to stick to my normal 4 month stretch. The 6 month stretch caused too much breakage when I was washing or handling my hair.
Good luck.
Well...I just counted and I made it to twelve weeks post relaxer and didn't even really realize it! Until I saw your post and counted.

First let me say that it's great you're interested in the health and well being of your hair. Great job! I usually stretch from 9-12 weeks but keep in mind that I'm Texlaxed (which means I apply relaxer and conditioner for half the time of a normal relaxer application) I like to loosen my curl, not straighten it. But I can still help answer your question.

Generally, I stop stretching when my hair STARTS breaking, because it defeats the purpose of stretching if I'm getting MAJOR breakage. Now if I can control it (less manipulation, less frequent washing, less breakage) then I keep on stretching. This time, I stretched longer than I meant to because the hair products I've been using are really making life easy (Redken Smooth Down - then entire line :lick:).

You have stretched for a LONG time girl, I don't see how you can overlap so stop stretching when you're ready and get to relaxing (or better yet investigate TEXlaxing instead). I'm much happier and I've been relaxed, natural (for years) and texlaxed! :yawn:
I'm feeling like it's almost that time to relax again. And then I counted the weeks and it's only been... SIX. And I'm planning to stretch until, like, August. Thinking about the time and actually counting the weeks puts it in a counterproductive perspective for me :sad: So I'm just going to keep stretching until I can't finger part my roots anymore.
Once it starts breaking, even a LITTLE, its time to relax. I did a DC w/ coconut milk & lime a week and a half before my relaxer so I could, comb, detangle and access the situation. Then like the ladies suggested above, I did a few 'combless' styles like braiding it at night simply pinning it up in the am for work, for that whole last week and a half until I relaxed. Less worry and heartbreak.
my last perm was end of december also and today, like all of a sudden, no matter what kind of produce I use the hair won't cooperate. like it is protesting each and everything i do it is, which lets me know, THE STRETCH IS OVER.
I am right on your heels. I have not relaxed since 12/30/07 (15 weeks & 2 days post right now) but I decided to transition to natural. I have noticed that the longer I go without relaxing that I do have to change up my products.
hi there,
I don't know if this thread already exists and if so , im sorry !
My last relaxer was on the 31st of december and i m trying to resist until the 31st of june.
Problem my hair breaks a lot on the front due to combing (by the way i stopped combing my hair since i realised that it was the cause of the breakage).
Do you think that i should resist and go on taking great care of it or do you think it is better for me to relax ?????
I ve seen so much difference on my hair texture(soft and silky) since I m streching and taking care that i don't want to give up now!!!
But Ive seen a thread about a girl that regrets having streched and i don't really know what to do !!!
Could you tell me what i have to do or not to do ?

I relaxed a week before you did, so we are about on the same track. My longest stretch was 6 months and I am currently on my 2nd 6th month stretch. I learned from gradual stretching, first 12, 14, 16, and then I graduated to 6 mths. I was committed to stretching because I saw such an improvement in thickness and overall health. I did experience a few setbacks. But my few stretches have been really stress free, from trial and error.

What I have learned is that as time goes by, at least in my case, I have to change up my regimen a bit to accomodate the NG. For instance, weeks 1 thru about 10 or so, I rollerset. Then further along I have recently introduced flat ironing and washing less, to avoid manipulation.

Prepooing with coconut oil and some sort of condish under heat works wonders on NG too. Also, ever since using Capilo's Sole and Cinnamon rinse, my shedding curbed drastically. But it took me a long time to develop a regimen that is successful.

What styles are you doing? Maybe you need to try different styles as you get further along.
To answer your question. I would stop if I had breakage, because at that point, it is becoming counterproductive. Reassess your regi and start fresh with some changes.
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I know it's time when no matter what I do to my hair (co-washing daily, deep conditioning, etc) my hair doesn't really stop breaking.

The longest I've stretched (outside of wearing braids) was 17 weeks. My poor hair couldn't take it any more. I didn't want to undo all of my hard work.
Unfortunately, the last time I stretched, I lost alot of hair due to breakage. If you're going to stretch, you have to be in tune with your hair. The first signs of breakage, even the smallest amount, it's time to end the stretch.
i've been stretching for six months with no problems at all. but if my hair were to start breaking(like many ladies say happen) i would relax. stretching is good for your hair but you have to listen to what it wants and needs.
do treatments once a month and moisturize daily. when i co wash once a week and then shampoo and deep con once a week my hair feels so much better. my hair hates protein with a passion but loves moisture