how can you only comb TWICE A WEEK ??????

Thanks girls but it is so incredible for me...for example how do you do to make even a bun (a correct bun) without a comb or a brush when you're 20 weeks post relaxer ??
well i'll try this week and i will tell you
i did a bun challenge for a year and i pretty much only used comb and/or brush on wash days. After the wash and rollerset I put my hair into a smooth bun. For the rest of the week, its pretty easy to just take the bun down, moisturize and resmooth with my fingers. this is done at night so after tying with a scarf and leaving overnight, its lays nice and smooth in the morning.
i guess im a comber right now im about 8 weeks post and i can go up to 3 days but up to about 6 weeks i can go about 5 days. i wish i could go for longer im sure id be further along towards my goal but i love my comb.
I comb like ever other day. First I finger comb and then use a wide tooth comb and com it out very gently. I have to comb ever other day becasue it reduce the knots and dreding on wash day:grin:

Absolutely. I did well with no combing, being bunned for more than a year but now my hair is like a hair mesh near my roots if I do not gently comb every three days or so {French perm stabilizer and ORS olive oil helps}. My last "knottydread, long strands in my hand" episode was too depressing to have it happen again!:nono:
I finger comb my hair daily and only use a comb to detangle my hair once a week on wash day. Before I found this board If someone had have told me this I would have thought they were crazy, but now I know better. I put my hair up in a high ponytail at night after oiling it, silk scarf it, bonnet it and then in the am after my shower I let it down, finger comb and go. Works great for me. The less manipulation for my hair the better and my hair suprisingly does not tangle.

During the summer, I condition wash it and bun it everyday.. no combing except on wash days.

ditto bold.:grin:
As others have stated, I comb on wash day. I co-wash every other day when my hair is out and I finger comb on those days.
The other days, my hair doesn't see the comb. Just fluff and go. :yep:
I just received my deman brush yesterday so I will add that to the reggie, on wash days only of course
If you are stretching i would definitely suggest that you not comb daily. Especially not twice a day. You're only doing more damage than good. I would suggest you comb only on wash day then style your hair in a style that does not require a lot of manipulation until your next wash day.
Like others stated low manipulation is key esp if you have natural hair or lots of new growth. I take down my puff at night for a scalp massage and to moisturize then put it back up without the use of a comb.