When Did You Realize That You Were In Love?


Well-Known Member
I realized it the other day when he was really sick and it just hurt my heart to see him miserable. I wanted to be there for him and take care of him.
When I contemplated letting him go because I did not want to put him through hell. I wasn't noble enough to do it though.
I don't know when I FIRST realized it.

But I can tell you that it was brought scarily home to me when I actually tried to envision giving him up (there are powerful outside forces trying to keep us apart) and it was like a knife stabbing me in the throat. I would tear up in public places, like on the bus.

When he's sick, too, as you found out.

Also, when he does or says something especially priceless. The other day, he said in a very serious tone of voice: "I do not know why-- maybe I smell too good--but when I leave the house, all of the bumblebees follow me."

:rofl: :kiss: