When did you let go of your first love?


New Member
Teenage boyfriend for a year, broke up because we were teenagers lol..we went our separate ways but we always wind up right back with each other, talking of why we broke up, how we still care for each other and the like..this has been an ongoing cycle since 2006..I have tried to say goodbye to him and our relationship all the time but I always end up texting or fackbooking..

I know I still love him and he still loves me but after all this time..is it worth it?
To be honest... You guys are all that you had ever really known and so going back and forth is understandable. There is a familiarity there. But if you guys always break up and get back together and break up again then you guys might just make better friends. Even though you guys still love each other that's not all that it takes to make a relationship work. Maybe at another time in your life, but obviously not right now... I hope this helps.
Teenage boyfriend for a year, broke up because we were teenagers lol..we went our separate ways but we always wind up right back with each other, talking of why we broke up, how we still care for each other and the like..this has been an ongoing cycle since 2006..I have tried to say goodbye to him and our relationship all the time but I always end up texting or fackbooking..

I know I still love him and he still loves me but after all this time..is it worth it?

Make an 80/20 list. Make sure it's love and not co-dependence/comfort.
tru, very tru actually
From then to now we've both had other SO and currently we are both in great relationships
yes, you did help thanks
So i made my 80/20 list...very bored at work lol and my current SO is leading by a landslide...i think its time to let some things go...thanks ladies!!
Well, I'm glad you came to your conclusion. Sometimes its comforting to reminisce. But, then just remember to reminisce on why you aren't together anymore and that should help... :)
yea your right yet again lol, i saw him as my "security blanket" so whenever i felt lonely or things werent right with my SO i would run to him, so in a sense i was using him...wow
I will always care for my 1st love and I'm almost 37. I long ago let go of the idea that he was the man for me. I realized this when I got a better idea of the woman that I was and the man that I deserve. I'm not going to lie, it took quite a few years.

I care for him more as a part of nostalgia and my history than the one that got away.