When did you first notice results from healthy hair practices?

When did you first notice results?

  • My hair responded immediately/within 1 week

    Votes: 23 16.5%
  • After the first month.

    Votes: 48 34.5%
  • From 3 months to a year.

    Votes: 68 48.9%
  • I've been here over a year, and my hair is the same.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I can't believe it! My hair is finally soft, moist and shiny again. I just joined last month, but lurked for a couple months before then and have been dc'ing and roller setting every week with the same results: dry, frizzy hair. Well I don't know if it's my new Lava Tech soft bonnet hairdryer or the fact that I didn't dc this week and just used the JOICO Kpak poo and con. But my hair is where I thought it should be after 3 months of hard work. Could it be that because my hair is fine it does better with fewer, lighter products; or is it just time for it to do a turnaround. So when did you first notice results from healthy hair practices? By the way, can someone tell me how to post a poll?

ETA: I figured it out
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I noticed changes after the first time I dc'd. My hair was softer and more manageable.

But, I would say it took several months before I could really call my hair healthy. The biggest difference is that my hair used to just be a fluff ball with no definition whatsoever. And now that my hair is really moisturized I have coils that I never in my life had before.

I think that little things change immediately, but you don't get the full effect until after a few months of consistent good hair care practices.
after each relaxer.. i just saw the length! then i chopped b/c i want length and thickness... but yeah, id say 3-4 months into it.
I think my hair began doing better the first week, but I really took notice when I looked at my length check pic I took one month after my beginning pic. I couldn't believe the difference and how my hair was so moisturized!
I agree with the others. In one month my bangs were long than they had EVER been in life. I was like daaaaaang!
I was kind of taking care of my hair from February, but I wasn't consistent at all, so I didn't notice anything good.

I got consistent in late July, and I began to notice really healthy hair by mid-September.
Right now, my hair is probably the best it's been since my mom stopped taking care of it 8 years ago. :yep:
My mother gave me a tip when I was a teen that I do everytime I wash my hair. Comb the conditioner thru my hair thoroughly, conditioner on 1st and then comb. I always have DC'd since I 1st started washing my hair, but this tip made all the diff. I cut down on the breaking/shedding hugely. So I got an immediate effect.
For me it happened almost immediately! Breakage stopped after I did my first pre-poo and began co-washing. My new growth was also more manangable. I can't wait to see how my hair is by next year.
I've never paid attention to my hair, because I've always relied on all of my stylists.

Years ago I stumbled across my primary staples, and I decided to give them a try for one year consistently. I told my stylist if he didn’t see improvements after 12 months, I would stop ordering them. Within the 12 months, he never made any negative statements . . . so I kept bringing them in. During the seventh month, he said: “Oh I see a difference.” Then during the eighth month, he said: “Yes, now I’m really seeing improvement.” We were more concerned about the health of my hair than growth, because growth wasn’t the problem.

As a result, I’m still using them. However, years later my stylist recommended my secondary staples such as shampoo, conditioner, and detangler--which I alternate. They are excellent choices, especially during these tough economic times.
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My coworkers noticed a difference in my hair after 2 weeks of DCing. I look for improvement with every relaxer
I noticed results within the first week. My hair was shedding bad, I looked at a members fotki, which is how I found this site. Anyway she had tried cowashing to stop shedding, so I tried it as well and it worked, within the first week my hair had stopped shedding all together, I was hooked and I joined the site.
Since i started my hair has thanked me tremendously. I was registered in Sept and subscribed on the 9th Oct.

My hair is softer, shinier and there is less breakage. I moisturize and seal almost every night and co wash and DC more often.

Man i luvvv this site
I am at 8 months and I really think I've only made about an inch or so worth of progress! That's kind of disheartening... but it IS progress.

I can't be disappointed because my hair has thickened up considerably, I have so much more knowledge now. In January I was using the curling iron everyday and losing lots of these little half inch strands of hair EVERYDAY.

So results I have noticed:
1. No real breakage anymore.
2. Less shedding.
3. Whatever type my hair is (4 something?) I do NOT need relaxers. My hair is manageable without them. My last relaxer was April 25th.
4. Just a real appreciation for my hair. I LOVE my hair.

I am wondering if that jump from neck length to just passed shoulder length is the hardest one? I mean there's a lot of clothes/rubbing action there. A bun or pony tail is either impossible or the ponytail holder hits right at your ends.

Anyone else experience that? The journey from neck length to just passed the shoulders is the longest/hardest?

I've been around a while! This is my first post though! Howdy everyone!
I noticed within the first week. DCing on dry hair. And the biggest one for me was moisturizing and sealing! No more little hairs on the sink and no more "trimming" every 2 months.
I transitioned first and I noticed a difference in my hair once I started to become a DIY'er. After I big chopped I was being stubborn to the advice, but once I finally started to co-wash and use less shampoo I saw a difference after a month.
I saw the first difference after just a week because my hair had breaking all over the place. One protein treatment solved all that. One month later I noticed an incredible difference in my hairs moisture levels due to the co-washing and absence of shampoo and then Ayurvedic oils and powders . Now my hair will stay moisturised for a long time if for some reason I don't co-wash for a while which was something that was impossible for my extra frizzy, extra dry and breaking hair prior to LHCF
I saw the diff after 1 month. When I came to this site I learned about moisturizing and sealing and my hair is taking off in the health department. For the first time in my adult life I have confidence that I CAN grow my hair as long as I want. Such a good feeling!
I noticed an immediate difference in my hair after my first protein treatment. There was noticable progress after the first month.
When I was relaxed it was when I started doing my own touch ups. And when I started to transition I would say about three or so months after my weave setback.
I'd say about a month after. I was amazed at how just a little care could make such a drastic turnaround.
It took me about three months to see improved health. My hair is so shiny and moisturized and rarely breaks. I will continue to wash twice a weak, brush and moisturize my strands, eat healthy, and keep my hair twisted.
It took a month for me to see what helped my hair ---reason being was I was getting everything I saw on the board that helped the other ladies....I took time to learn my hair type and what methods worked with the other ladies with my texture. A good protein treatment and sealing in moisture left me with finger kissable hair!
Other folks started knowing the difference when I was 6 mos. post my relaxer (thicker hair). :)
The first time when I could get my hand around my ponytail and still had hair sticking out the end. But even more so when i stretched for 12 weeks without trying really hard to do so, my new growth was so manageable that I am considering transitioning.
I would say immediately after I started DCing twice a week and moisturizing twice a day. My hair was shiny soft moiturized and manageable.
For me it was within one week. I've been consistently taking better care of my hair for the past week and a half and my hair is doing a lot better. I've gotten so much great advice from lhcf. I can't wait to see where I'll be a year from now (my goal is APL). Right now I'm a little above SL. To be honest this is the most frustrating length for me because it seems like my hair is at a standstill even though it really isn't. Consistency is gonna be the ultimate factor in whether or not I reach my goal. *crosses fingers*
It took me 2 years from my healthy hair practices for my ends to stop splitting/breaking from heat damage...after cutting away at the damage and weekly deep treating, the breakage stopped and I started to retain length! Those 2 years were rough going...very discouraging.