When Are You Oil Rinsing?

When do you oil rinse?

  • Before Shampooing

    Votes: 13 18.8%
  • After Shampooing (before deep conditioning)

    Votes: 37 53.6%
  • After Deep Conditioning

    Votes: 8 11.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 11 15.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
I've recently ventured into oil rinsing. I did my oil rinse (with coconut oil) AFTER deep conditioning with moisture since the logic is, oil seals in moisture.

But in my oil rinsing research I find that everyone seems to oil rinse either before or after shampooing (but not normally after a moisturizing DC).

When are you oil rinsing?
I Alternate. Sometimes I do it Prior to Cowashing and before Deep Conditioning. And sometimes I do it After Deep Conditioning right before I use my Porosity Control Product(which Restricts the Cuticle and Seals in Moisture).

I don't really have a fast & hard rule.
As crazy as it sounds...oil rinsing works better for me after I wash and before I condition.

Ex. Shampoo. Oil. Rinse. Co wash/detangle....and if it's time, deep condition:yep:

My hair is left feeling soooo soft but healthy.
I only co-wash, so I do it right before I co-wash.

(I also use excessive amounts of oil while taking out twists/braids - scared of tangles :x )
I have done it only twice and it has been after shampoo before DC and each time the results were soft easy to detangle hair.
Right now Im experimenting with after my DC. I havent done it enough to say it is better. But also not doing it the standard way. I rinse out my DC and fill the sink with water and oil and then dip my hair. got the idea from my henna instructions. Will try it for a few weeks to see if I like it. It is not as oily as putting the oil directly on my hair, so it seems ok as a final step.
Wow. Such variety.

Have you tried the way in which Sarcea recommends? There is no right or wrong way it's what suits the individual. Personally I do it before conditioning although natural oils do allow some moisture to penetrate your hair strands. It just takes a little longer than without oil on your hair.
I love oil rinsing. I condition wash, oil rinse, and condition wash again. I'm so glad I found out about oil rinsing. I eliminated most of my single strand knots.
Oil rinsing is the best thing that ever happened to my natural dry 4b/ hair. I selected other because i oil rinse as my very LAST step. I deep condition on dry or pre-poo spritzed (aloe vera juice/castor/jojoba mix , coat w/evco) hair, then (diluted) shampoo my scalp only, then rinse all, then oil rinse. Its very streamlined but has worked for moisture.
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If I'm cowashing, I oil rinse before the cowash. If shampooing, I oil rinse after shampooing.

Either way, conditioner is always the last step. :yep: I tried it as a final rinse and my hair didn't like that at all, and I don't wanna do it before shampoo because that would scrub away all of those luscious oil nutrients. :lick:
ive never oil rinsed, but since reading the responses i def plan to try it when i cowash this week :yep:

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Oil rinsing is the best thing that ever happened to my natural dry 4b/ hair. I selected other because i oil rinse as my very LAST step. I deep condition on dry or pre-poo spritzed (aloe vera juice/castor/jojoba mix , coat w/evco) hair, then (diluted) shampoo my scalp only, then rinse all, then oil rinse. Its very streamlined but has worked for moisture.

Co-signing. This is what I do as well.
The last time I did it, it was my last step after DC. Then I rollerset my hair. My set was very moisturized. If I was wearing my hair straight down, I would probably do it before the shampoo so my hair wouldn't be so oily.
I chose after shampoo before DC
I Clarify-Oil Rinse-DC
Never felt it neccesary after a moisturizing shampoo and the only way I would oil rinse after a cowash or DC is for a wash and go. Never done it though.
I am currently doing it after a shampoo or co-wash and before my dc. I haven't noticed any change yet though in the moisture level of my hair, but then again I've currently only done it twice..
Instead of an oil rinse I did a hot oil treatment on dry hair under a dryer for 10 mins then rinsed my hair. I then did a DC for 20 under a dryer. My hair felt better and cleaner than when I did an ordinary oil wash. The reason was because I didn't wet my hair! I think my hair benefited from avoiding Hygral Fatique!
Instead of an oil rinse I did a hot oil treatment on dry hair under a dryer for 10 mins then rinsed my hair. I then did a DC for 20 under a dryer. My hair felt better and cleaner than when I did an ordinary oil wash. The reason was because I didn't wet my hair! I think my hair benefited from avoiding Hygral Fatique!

Really? Its the exact oppostite for me. If I do it on dry hair, my hair ends up feeling dry, crispy, and coated. If I do an oil rinse on wet hair my hair feels moist and clean.