When a guy really loves you


Well-Known Member
will they still make comments about or oggle at every pretty woman that passes by?

I'm not in a relationship..but all my relationships have been the same. I don't think I've ever been with a guy that truly loved me. So I'm just wondering if its different.

My last boyfriend was a total flirt and he went out of his way to talk to every pretty girl in sight even when I was with him. For example, we were in autozone one day waiting in line and some girl in front of us was holding some kind of tool and he asked her about it and then the conversation went from tools to something else.

Another time we were standing in line at Universal Soul Circus (I know) and there was a girl in line near us. He's a very friendly person so I guess he was trying to entertain the people in line while we were waiting. The girl laughed at one of the jokes he made....and that was reason enough for him to strike up a conversation with her and before you know it, he is giving her his business card. The girl came alone cause she was new in town and didn't have anyone to go with. She didn't sit that far from us when we actually went in the tent and he kept waiving at her during the show saying, "hey look there's our friend".

Usually when he was talking to these women, I would try to chime in but I was just so uncomfortable most of the time that I would just stand there and smile. When actually I was pissed off.

Later on in the day he brought up the girl again, saying he couldn't believe she was single cause she was so pretty.

These things happened on a daily basis when I was with him and it just tore me down. I know Im not the best looking girl..but it just made me feel like I was butt A$$ ugly.

I know you can't expect a guy to stop being attracted to other women but........is this normal behavior. This is all what I've experienced in all my relationships.
Its not about love, its about manners.
there is nothing wrong with talking or flirting with other women, what is wrong is that he does it when he knows that it makes you uncomfortable.
Did you tell him that you didnt like it?
Keep doing u op. It's no way cool for a man to flirt with other chicks when yall are on a date. I don't think you have to express to a man don't flirt , with others when we are on a date. That's crazy as heck. What man thinks its cool to flirt and comment on other girls when he out with u.???????He has issues that have nothing to do with you.

Don't express nothing. Glad you kept it moving. They were not worthy.

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You already know that these men didnt love you. Consider yourself lucky that these people are no longer a part of your life.
Those men didn't even LIKE you. They were totally disrespectful, and i'm sure they KNEW it, but just didn't care. And I bet, if that girl would've called him, he would've cheated on you!

Men don't flirt with women when they are with me. Don't let guys get away with this kind of mess. Because if you do, they'll do something WORSE to see if they can get away with that too.
The man I've been seeing doesn't flirt with women when we are out. However there are times when we are driving and he looks out the window at a woman walking by. I have addressed him. He didn't realize he was doing it then, and I can now tell that he is more aware. He hasn't completely stopped but I'm waiting to see if he does, because I don't like it.
Most men with a pulse love to look a beautiful woman. Even then, most respectable guys with an SO will not blatantly look and comment on other women and in front of his SO to boot. (not to say you will never catch a dude trying to take a sneak peek thinking you wont notice)

But it is the utmost disrespect for a man to go out of his way to approach other women, talk to them, leave you out of the conversation and then follow it up with "I can't believe she is still single."

Either he is super naive or he thinks nothing of his behavior. No, love or not it is not in any way acceptable. Try to be more assertive and discuss this matter with him. If he is not willing to treat you like you deserve, K.I.M.
It sucks to be with a man that doesn't naturally respect you. Its a hard pill to shallow.

Stand up for yourself the first time...men will treat you how you let them. Its not your fault they did it but it doesn't seem like you stood up for yourself at all.

Men like that either want to test your security level or want to show you they are somewhat still desirable by other women. Its all disrespectful because your emotions should not be played with like that.

Next time..with another man...let it be known from the get go, "If you do something disrespectful with other women I don't like, I will leave you where you stand or when we part ways you won't be hearing from me." THEN DO IT.

or for sake of example...

Do it to him. Find the hottest thing in the vicinity, strike up a random convo about his shoes; muscles; car; choice of juice; whatever, laugh, toss hair, the whole nine, then later say, "Wow, he was sooo funny." Slight smile as you stare into space than go on about your business. He will NOT like it and he will see first hand how uncomfortable.
Zap, these men are being rude, disrespectful and out right meanspirited. Plain and simple. A respectuful, disciplined man controls both his emotions and reactions to sexual attractions. He can flirt and oggle other women on his own time, not yours. I wonder what would have happened if you started blatantly flirting with an attractive guy? Hmm something tells me you would have had to catch a bus home. No self respecting man will tolerate his woman behaving in that manner.

You really have to have some fire in your belly when dating these men nowadays, or they will walk all over you. Some of these men are testing you to see your reaction and if you take it they will continue doing it. Many men want a woman who will put them in their place. Never ignore the red flags, in fact run when you see them.
Let's see disrespect, immaturity, and pure a$$hole-ness? That is NOT love. The man who loves you will be able to appreciate beautiful women without you even realizing it.
For instance DH KNOWS I have no problem with him looking at other women, but he won't say anything unless I'm like "DAYUM LOOK AT HUH!" :lol: Otherwise he never mentions another woman when I'm around.
First off, a man who loves you will think YOU are the sexiest, most beautiful woman in the world (no matter what anyone else, even you, may think) and treat you accordingly. They won't be worried about what they could be missing because they already got the prize: YOU.

Will they occasionally try to sneak a peak at a woman in a revealing outfit? Yes. But the point is they aren't being blatant about it. They aren't chatting up a random chick bc she wont matter to him.

So next time a dude disrespects you like that, cut the date short and drop him like a bad habit. A man who loves you will build you up, not tear you down.

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