When a chick calls you from your man's phone...


So I'm trying to wash my hands on this situation because I think it's quite ridiculous but here it goes:

My bff calls me Sunday night crying. A young woman called her from her boo's phone (I'm referring to him as her boo bus it's not official yet. He wants to wait till they hit 6 months before doing so but they are in love after 3 months). Girl claims she's been screwing him off and on for 1.5 years (unprotected as is my bff). Girl also claims that he's been driving her car and playing daddy to her kid. So he said she basically got his phone because he was arrested for a suspended license and the police called her to get her car and his stuff-girl claims he called her and asked her to come get the stuff along with the keys to his apartment.

They go back and forth. I was listening on three way. Girl wasn't rude she just wanted to know how long they been screwing because she felt her health was at risk. My friend didn't answer she basically said the phone is in your possession, figure it out. So once he is released he of course played it off because he told my bff from the beginning that he does claim a kid that isn't his and that the mother of the child would like to be with him. So he basically said this was her way of sabotaging their situation because once she went though the phone she obviously saw who he was dealing with heavily.

So she tells me not to judge her for forgiving him and that it all makes sense and that the girl was trying to break up their non relationship. And she's really going hard trying to convince me except I wasn't really hearing it. I was pretty much just like it's your life. Use protection and stop playing girlfriend to someone that isn't claiming you. She and I are very close so she told him that I wasn't feeling him anymore. I told her that I have my own man that is my concern and that I'm pretty much indifferent. So now things are weird.

She's trying to make me feel bad for not accepting what he said, she said I was going too hard because I basically said I don't trust it but it's your life. And every time she tried to keep it going I just said things like "ok" or "good luck". She said she would give my bf the benefit of the doubt if the roles were reversed. Right. I don't feel like my opinion on it really matters. It's annoying me because I don't want to keep talking about it. Like just use your brain and cut the ish. Ugh. is it possible to be a good friend but stay mute on your friends love lives?

I think I gave the best advice possible since she isn't leaving clearly. Use protection and stop playing girlfriend. Why must she keep pushing this issue?
If she's not going to leave him then don't offer anymore advice. Just know she'll be back crying in your ear soon enough.
Damn this is ratchet. How is Bff and Boo Boo in love but not official? I thought that part came first. I mean what else is there to say? He's obviously with that other woman if she's the first contact when being arrested. He sure sounds like a winner. How old if Bff, she sounds childish as hell?
she wants you to condone her behavior. kinda hard to feel good about something when someone you trust/love is actively disapproving.
Because she knows it's stupid. I wonder if she's expecting you to talk her out of her bad decision. Like you would just rail at her and she could break up with him and blame you for it. And now you aren't playing into it.Either way, all this talk is just her trying to justify it to herself.
One more thing :look:, are men this scarce that you have to poke a dude playing stepdaddy to another man's baby that is also screwing someone else all while saying he likes you but won't claim you? I can't deal.
I have a friend like this and about once every few months I get a text w her crying about the same bum *** dude she was never even with. He got her prego, then married another woman...almost eight years later hes divorcing the wife and is livin w another woman. All the while she's been going back and forth like a child w the wife, still screwing the man knowing he w his wife and Lord knows who else. Im just like well what you want me to say. Idgaf no more. She's stupid lol. And these are adults hes like 42 and she 32. Smh.
:sad: I usually stay out of friends love lives unless physical or mental harm is in play because women are testy about the dudes they love as you can see. Imo she's too far gone if she was going without protection with someone's she's known or gone out with for 3 months.
Try to keep stressing protection to her. I guess.
She want you to be ok with it...then when she turns up pregnant by Valentine's, she can come to you for some more support instead of an "I told you so".
i'm not reading past the first paragraph. too many da.mn violations of the common sense code.

Right?! I stopped reading, commented, and had to come back to finish :lol:

Do most people go raw for people who don't claim them? It's only been 3 months ... or was it six months? Is she on birth control?

OP, she's looking to be mad at anyone but HIM, period. Regardless what you say, she's gonna keep pestering you. I'd keep avoiding the subject ... and probably her.
Damn this is ratchet. How is Bff and Boo Boo in love but not official? I thought that part came first. I mean what else is there to say? He's obviously with that other woman if she's the first contact when being arrested. He sure sounds like a winner. How old if Bff, she sounds childish as hell?

30! Old enough to know better. I said something sarcastic before; something like "so y'all are in love but need 6 months to figure out if it's right?". I told her to relax and stop rushing. He told her it was his cousins car. Smh.

she wants you to condone her behavior. kinda hard to feel good about something when someone you trust/love is actively disapproving.

And I'm trying to remain neutral because it's not the first time I've disapproved of someone she likes. I'm usually right too. I can sense that she isn't trying to hear it with this one cus she's convinced he's different.

Because she knows it's stupid. I wonder if she's expecting you to talk her out of her bad decision. Like you would just rail at her and she could break up with him and blame you for it. And now you aren't playing into it.Either way, all this talk is just her trying to justify it to herself.

Nope, not this time. Make your own decisions.

One more thing :look:, are men this scarce that you have to poke a dude playing stepdaddy to another man's baby that is also screwing someone else all while saying he likes you but won't claim you? I can't deal.

I told her that as easily as she bagged him she can surely bag better. They aren't that scarce. The one guy I strongly suggested that she date she claimed he was bougie and more my type which is why I liked him for her. He was a man with his ish together. He wasn't bougie, just proper, lol. Or maybe he was bougie, he still wasn't a bad person. She also rushed things and once she saw he was stalling on making it official she stayed around instead of leaving.

:sad: I usually stay out of friends love lives unless physical or mental harm is in play because women are testy about the dudes they love as you can see. Imo she's too far gone if she was going without protection with someone's she's known or gone out with for 3 months.
Try to keep stressing protection to her. I guess.

The no protection thing caught me way off guard. It's only been 3 months and it appears they've been going at it like this from the beginning. It's like nothing that makes sense is getting though to her.
Right?! I stopped reading, commented, and had to come back to finish :lol:

Do most people go raw for people who don't claim them? It's only been 3 months ... or was it six months? Is she on birth control?

OP, she's looking to be mad at anyone but HIM, period. Regardless what you say, she's gonna keep pestering you. I'd keep avoiding the subject ... and probably her.

I think the girl that called her is officially that bad guy/homewrecker. I can't. My bff is acting dickmatized. It's sad.

She's on bc and no it's only been 3 months. They are waiting to be official at 6 months to prove they have lasting power. I'm sure those are his words because she acts like he's her man.

I can't avoid her, her kid is my god child and I have to be over there this week and weekend.
Honestly my friend would have some hurt feelings if they keep asking me about this foolishness. 3 months is not a huge investment, she would be wise to cut her losses.

What is it that she is forgiving him for? What did he admit to besides driving the car?
I don't know why/how some of y'all have the friends that you do. I can't think of one friend who is going through even HALF the stuff mentioned in the first paragraph much less the rest of this story. Wow.
She wants you to be empathic or to validate her feelings, neither of which you are obligated to do, but honestly, it's why people have friends (to talk about life).

She probably is aware of how messed up her situation is. The convincing though sounds annoying. Maybe if you tell her a story about a made up "friend" with a similar situation as hers she'll see how ridiculous it sounds. I think the key to talking about relationships with friends is talking about the situation, and not talking about the character of the friend or their mate. Doing so raises walls and defenses, they may feel humiliated or judged. Talking about the situation, however, let's them know that you believe they are smart and capable of changing their situation.
Honestly my friend would have some hurt feelings if they keep asking me about this foolishness. 3 months is not a huge investment, she would be wise to cut her losses.

What is it that she is forgiving him for? What did he admit to besides driving the car?

For being sloppy I'm assuming. He's basically saying that nothing is going on but he feels bad that she had to get that type of call in the first place. I stopped asking questions because she would acknowledge that she asked the question but wouldn't say how he responded so that was when I was like ok nevermind live your life.

I wanted to say that he can do what he wants since he's single but I don't think that would've went over well.
I don't know why/how some of y'all have the friends that you do. I can't think of one friend who is going through even HALF the stuff mentioned in the first paragraph much less the rest of this story. Wow.

You know, she's actually really fun to be around and a very giving person. It's like since she turned 30 she feels she has to find love right now because she wants to be married. I think he's the first guy in a long time that made her feel like it was possible.
she's 30????????!!!!!!!!!!!!! and with a child?

I went back and read and, yeah, she sounds mighty ratchet. I'd continue to do exactly what you're doing.
She wants you to be empathic or to validate her feelings, neither of which you are obligated to do, but honestly, it's why people have friends (to talk about life).

She probably is aware of how messed up her situation is. The convincing though sounds annoying. Maybe if you tell her a story about a made up "friend" with a similar situation as hers she'll see how ridiculous it sounds. I think the key to talking about relationships with friends is talking about the situation, and not talking about the character of the friend or their mate. Doing so raises walls and defenses, they may feel humiliated or judged. Talking about the situation, however, let's them know that you believe they are smart and capable of changing their situation.

That's a good point. I've been trying to not bash him but when she called me crying about the girl I certainly said some not so nice things about him. And when she asked me what she was doing wrong I did say that she rushes to prove that she's worthy and that she didn't need to do all that. Once she forgave him I did say I didn't trust him but it's her situationship. I said that on purpose. I'll try not to even refer to him at all.
she's 30????????!!!!!!!!!!!!! and with a child?

I went back and read and, yeah, she sounds mighty ratchet. I'd continue to do exactly what you're doing.

If she didn't have a daughter I probably would say even less. I got very vexed because she went to the precinct to find out why he got arrested. Almost midnight and she left to go see about his foolishness after speaking to that girl. I can't remember everything I said but I def wasn't praising her or him.
smdhhhhh this whole thing is a hot mess--OP you are a good friend because my homegirl would've known better than to come at me with that craziness..your friend is ridiculous and i hope she uses a condom!

i never want to believe stuff like this is really going on with ppl i always wanna believe its an isolated situation but da hell is going on with ppl..nah man
then she want you to forgive him and give him the best boyfriend award...hell nah

smdhhhhh this whole thing is a hot mess--OP you are a good friend because my homegirl would've known better than to come at me with that craziness..your friend is ridiculous and i hope she uses a condom!

i never want to believe stuff like this is really going on with ppl i always wanna believe its an isolated situation but da hell is going on with ppl..nah man
then she want you to forgive him and give him the best boyfriend award...hell nah


Except that man ain't her man! I'm disappointed honestly. I feel like he started saying things about how he can see himself marrying her and now she's in love.
It's so funny how sometimes we see what we want to see. One of our other bff's said I've always had a lot of faith in her but she wasn't surprised by this at all.
Yeah .... this is a lost cause. She's too old to be that naive. She'll wake up when she's good and ready.