What's your results from eating eggs/cysteine, or "drinking your way to waist length"

Re: What's your results from eating eggs/cysteine, or "drinking your way to waist len

I read that you shouldn't drink the whole raw egg everyday but that you should alternate, white on one day and yolk on the next, as having the two together can cause a biotin defficiency over time. I also read that for those scared of salmonella you should 'cook' the egg for 5-8 seconds to reduce that risk. After reading this i think im gonna try this! I really need an energy boost. Am gonna add Flaxseed to it too
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Re: What's your results from eating eggs/cysteine, or "drinking your way to waist len

I substitute the egg for whey protein. I use all the other ingredients though.
ETA: I drink it before and after the gym. My hair grows. I don't truly measure since I am transitioning.