what's your man's middle name? why is he ashamed of it?

Ezell... He has refused to tell me and I can see why. We've been talking for over a year and he's YET to admit that's his middle name, but I googled him and found out that way! I used to always ask him what did the E. stand for and he'd give me some off the wall answer like "Extacy" or some ish....so I googled him.
Waverly made me think of Joy Luck Club. That was one of the character's name.

Kuo (or Guo) Loong. He never said one way or the other if he likes it or not. It's actually his first name but he uses his English name in front of it.
Temurivich, this is the formal version of Temuri. He's not ashamed of it, in fact, he's very proud. It's tradition in his family that the first son of each generation receives his grandfather's first name as his first name, and his father's first name as his middle name. So our first son's name will be Temuri.
Hubby has a nice first name. Middle name is all fugged up. It's Ivar Hodges. I hate it and he did not get a name sake with it either. :lol:
My DH middle name is Garnett and its a train station named Garnett here in the A
I'm Haitian and most Haitian people don't a middle name. I'm very Americanized and I will most likely marry an American man... So, my kids are tottes going to have middle names. On the bright side, my last name becomes my middle name. DAMN! my middle name will be Brutus then... WOW!!!
he likes his middle name, that is the name that everybody calls him
I don't have a man, but I used to date this guy whose name was: Frederick Douglass ______________. He used to get teased for it in school, so he didn't want to tell me his middle name. :lachen:
DesIsles (pronounced Dez-Illzs)

He doesn't use it But it is a family name so he keeps it.

My mother actually changed her middle name she hatd it so much (can't say I blame her)

His middle name is Christopher. That'll be the only thing that you'll be able to tell our initials apart with after we're married.